Goodbye to Mandi at Treefrog Treasures (1 Viewer)

Shannon Reuss

Forum Administrator
Staff member
Apr 22, 2005
Many of you have gotten to know Mandi Davis over the years here at Treefrog Treasures as she delivered top-notch customer service by phone and email and took such excellent care of our customers. We are sad to inform you that her husband recently took a new job and she will be leaving us shortly as they move out of the area at the end of this month.

We are sorry to see her go and wanted to give you a chance to give her your goodbyes and good wishes as she embarks on this new chapter of her life.

She has been a great asset to Treefrog Treasures and to me personally.

Thank you Mandi and good luck!

Hi Mandi,

I want to wish you and your husband the very best as you begin your new adventure. I have always been highly appreciative of your warmth, good humor, and friendship during the time I have been honored to know you. I will greatly miss your presence at Treefrog.

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
Mandi, best of luck to you and your husband. You have always been a pleasure to speak to. Treefrog's loss is also our loss.
God Bless,
I'm very sorry to see Mandi go as we've become good friends over the years.

Now, who am I going to talk to about Shannon :D
Best of wishes to you and your husband as you embark on your new adventure. I haven't had the pleasure of dealing with you but any member of the Treefrog team has to be great :D :D :D

Good Luck for the Future

Wishing the best to Mandi and her husband on their leaving the area. I will miss Mandi at the shows with her smile and endless moving through the hotel with boxes and camera to take pictures of the activity. Thank you for the fine customer service. John
Best of luck to you and your husband. Has been a pleasure speaking to you over the phone.

Best wishes,

Titus K
Mandi, Thank you so much for all of your kind and caring help over the years. You frequently went above and beyond to be sure that I received the best attention possible. I always felt appreciated and well cared for. I will miss dealing with you and I'm sure everyone else will too, including all of your friends at the Treefrog store. Bets wished to you and your husband.

Yours truly,

George Rhodes
AKA; bearybones
Mandi, Thank you so much for all of your kind and caring help over the years. You frequently went above and beyond to be sure that I received the best attention possible. I always felt appreciated and well cared for. I will miss dealing with you and I'm sure everyone else will too, including all of your friends at the Treefrog store. Bets wished to you and your husband.

Yours truly,

George Rhodes
AKA; bearybones

I second all of that. Best wishes and you will indeed be missed.
All the best Mandi,thanks for your assistance and good luck in the future.

I too have only good things to say about Mandi, and wish her the very best in her new location.:)
Mandi, Best wishes to you and your husband as you embark upon this new chapter of your life together. You will be sorely missed in the collecting community. I have worked with many outstanding individuals in this hobby, and I always found your service and support to be an exemplary cut above, to say the least. Your reliability, friendliness, responsiveness, knowledge, genuine caring, and all things customer service in general will indeed be tough to replace. I'm sad to see you go but even happier for you and your husband's endeavor which is sure to be fruitful.

All the best,

This is sad news indeed for all of us Treefroggers who have been served so well by Mandi. It's like being told there is no Santa Claus. She will be greatly missed and I wish her and her family the best in their future endeavors.

Hi Mandi,
let me join in to wish you and your husband all the best for your move and the future.
Your service at Treefrog was always excellent and your absence will be missed.
It was a great pleasure meeting you in person at last year's Chicago Show.
Thanks for everything and Good Luck!
Mandi, I wish you and your family all the best. I will miss you dearly. Chicago will not be the same without you.

All the Best, Andreas
Well im not gonna be nice.........:eek: how selfish your husband is taking a new job and dragging you away from the poeple that need you,i have only communicated through emails and you have been a great mate and ive enjoyed your sense of HUMOUR sometimes lacking in this TS world....:D,take care on your journeys and tell this fella of yours he better not show his face around any TS shows...........................:mad:
Nah dinkum mate have a great time you and your bloke,only joshing,take care you have helped me spend ALOT of money....................:)

(Hope Shannon dosen,t delete this one to............:p )
Hi Mandi,

Here's wishing you and your family the very best for the future.

Thanks for the excellent service at the Treefrog Treasures shop.

Take Care, Raymond.:)

Hi Mandi,

Wishing you and yours the very best in your new location. Really sorry to see you leave TF and thanks for putting up with a zillion questions from acros the Pond.

All the best,

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