Greek Soldiers (3 Viewers)

More Mycenaeans! I picked up three more Mycenaean Greeks off of ebay. Beneath the base of each it reads "St. George Cross."
St. George Cross Mycenaean Warrior #2 pic 1.jpgSt. George Cross Mycenaean Warrior #2 pic 2.jpgSt. George Cross Mycenaean Warrior pic 2.jpg
There is a third one that I will upload later.
I love it when threads such as this greek related one take off and become well progressed...keep on!
Three sets by Henry Heyer of Creative Designs came in today's mail. The first are Cretans, which are completely new to my collection.
Henry Heyer Cretan Guards.JPGHenry Heyer Evzones with national flag drummer & bugler.jpgHenry Heyer Greek Evzones in khaki.jpg
Lately, I have been trying to expand my collection of ancient Greeks.
I have been gathering Frontline's ancient Greeks.
Fronltine Alexander the Great.jpgFronltine Spartan Warrior.jpgFrontline Altaya Figures Ancient Athenian Greek Hoplite.jpgFrontline Mycenaean Warrior.jpgFrontline Thracian Peltast.jpg
Re: Greek Soldiers:

Hi Mike....The Pestana figures are neat. He does beautiful work. I bought some figures from a person who turned out to be his daughter. He is alive and well and still does his thing, which includes ships for 54mm soldiers.
Re: Greek Soldiers:

Hi Mike....The Pestana figures are neat. He does beautiful work. I bought some figures from a person who turned out to be his daughter. He is alive and well and still does his thing, which includes ships for 54mm soldiers.

You will get to see Pestana's work first hand. Two of his Evzones arrived damaged. You should see them next week.

Have you checked out my profile? You can press on "MikeNick" to get to it. There you should find my albums.
My friend Joe DeMarco of Avon Toy Soldiers made these Greek WW1 infantry wearing the Adrian helmet. Nice!
Avon Toy Soldiers WWI GREEKS with Adrian Helmets pic 2.jpgAvon Toy Soldiers WWI GREEKS with Adrian Helmets.jpg
St. George Cross ADMIRAL PAVLOS KUNDURIOTIS.jpgSt. George Cross King Konstantinos A.jpgSt. George Cross Kolokotronis.jpgSt. George Cross 70mm Evzone with red vest.jpg The above figures arrived while I was up North: Admiral Kunduriotis, King Konstantine I, Kolokotronis, and a large Greek Evzone. All very nice.
Fortunately, I picked up this limited edition set of WW1 Greek Infantry by Tommy Atkins.
Tommy Atkins Greek WW1 Infantry pic 3.jpgTommy Atkins Greek WW1 Infantry pic 2.jpg
I picked up this set of Dorset Evzones presenting arms. Their pose brings depth to my collection.
Dorset Evzones at attention with one officer pic 2.jpgDorset Evzones at attention with one officer.jpg
This set of Greeks 1860 arrived from Dorset.
Dorset 1860 greeks.jpg
I also picked up what appears to be Mignot Evzones but not in the typical uniform color. I think also that the rifles must have been sawed off. Nonetheless, I have never seen them in the present Mignot catalog and the seller advertised them as being produced prior to 1950.
CBG Mignot Two Greek Evzones in olive drab made before 1950.jpg
Lastly, I picked up another set of CBG Mignot Greek Infantry WW1. They are advancing with an officer in the lead. The present Mignot does not list this set. Older catalogs do. I wonder though about the officer since the bedroll going over his shoulder seems Russian in design.
CBG Mignot Greek Infantry WW1 pic 2.jpgCBG Mignot Greek Infantry WW1.jpg
C.B.G. Mignot seems to have produced some WWI Greek Infantry that no longer appears in the famous red book of their collection. Notice the red stripe down the side of the pants. I have never seen this before.
CBG Mignot Greek Infantry WW1 Charging drummer, flagbearer, bugler, rifleman.jpg
Recently, these figures arrived from Dorset: Greek Patriots 1821.
Dorset Greek Patriots 1821.jpg
Refreshing to see the variety of soldiers you are managing to find - in pursuit of your theme Mike. All so different - and yet all nicely depicted. Well done - keep looking.:D:cool: jb
I just received this figure in the mail. It is of an Evzone and the base reads "DC France", not "CBG" so it can not be a Mignot. The manufacturer was Domage et Cie.
Unknown Manufacturer hollowcast Evzone drummer.jpg
MikeNick, I have been following your collection and I am impressed with the focus yet wide variety you have been able to accumulate. I was wondering if you have the Honour Bound Greek mercenaries from their Shores of Tripoli series? There are 3 Greeks and they are quite colorful and animated. -- Al

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