Lawrence mate,
Not a true competition. No Aussies in the running.^&grin^&grin I am also with you on wanting pictures. Come on Clive.:smile2:
Cheers Howard
Clive is probably out looking for camels whilst on holiday.{sm3} I too look forward to the photos.
Glad I can show that I am equally as weak willed as others when it comes to this hobby. :tongue::wink2:
And the reason our intrepid Kevin has failed miserably to post anything......
The poor lad was hard at work all day. Apparently he has one of those 'special' cameras that you prop up somewhere and it takes pictures all by itself. :wink2:
Excellent Clive, I like those shiny pieces best ^&grin {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}
Wraith - you should not mock the afflicted
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They may have friends in low places
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Forgot you took that one. 'Ansom fellas though. Who's photoshopped me hair out?
Simon, are you sure someone "photoshopped" your hair out? Sure looks about the same as when I saw you in London in June. You must have been using some fast working hair growing gel since then:tongue:
What a great weekend! Thanks for posting all this pix. I remember it was hard work unpacking, setting up and putting back away all those vehicles.
Some very very very nerve shredding moments when Simon and I thought it would be a good idea to pick up several thousand pounds worth of tanks on a flimsy piece of wood!
Hard work and country air and three pints later I'd fallen asleep in a chair!
What a lightweight!
Wait until I get the photos up of us juggling with your tanks after you'd fallen asleep......:tongue:
AS long as your not juggling with that bridge!