HACKSAW RIDGE, Stanley Kubrick (2 Viewers)

Watched it a few weeks ago, an excellent film from Mel Gibson. I expected to see some graphic scenes based on earlier comments, and it certainly had plenty of blood and guts, more so than SPR imo. I've noticed that some people think otherwise, makes me wonder how much the film varied depending upon censorship in the different states and countries.
Saw this today and liked it. Although I wouldn't rank it among my favorite war films, it was certainly well done and worth watching. -- Al
I saw the movie. I liked the buildup to the war scenes. I was not too sure about the war scenes. Soldiers bunched up together like that makes for great target shooting. Some of the action scenes looked unrealistic. The bravery of the man is however, not in doubt.

Rgds Victor
Finally saw this with much anticipation about 3 weeks ago. Agree with Victor regarding the closely packed troops. Not likely from the many books I have read.

Two things bugged me. One, why can't actors in "boot camp" have military style haircuts? I know this is a Hollywood production but come on. Second, does anyone wonder why the Jap(anese) wouldn't cut the rope ladder when they were on the precipice? I got the feeling there was only one nco and one officer in the entire company. Band of Brothers did a much better job, but then it was a mini series.

It was okay, the combat scenes were a little hard to believe and the pre-battle trng part was very loosely based on reality. Still it was nice to see a true hero recognized. He had a tough life. Chris
I saw this movie about 3-weeks ago too. I didn't care for it. I wish they made a more accurate, close to reality version. After all, rescuing 70-fellow soldiers is no small feat. Try dragging or carrying someone. The movie made it look easy.
I have a friend who wouldn't let the medic board the helicopter (Vietnam) because he refused to carry a sidearm. He felt, the medic was a liability to the squad/platoon if he couldn't defend himself and his fellow soldiers. The shouting match ended when the LT told them to knock it off. Yet, after this story, my combat friend said he respected medics because of their daring to save lives.
I never was anywhere close to another troop on a patrol ,,sweep or other situation if it could be helped ,let alone shoulder to shoulder,,,,,,,,,medics especially drafted ,,who didn't choose the field were the best
I saw this last night and while the movie is very good, what is incredible is Doss' story. It took perseverance to stick to his beliefs, more than than most of us have. In my opinion that took real guts, more than I have, that's for sure. His saving 75 men was also incredible. His CO was right when he said he had misjudged him and that he hoped he could make it up. There is more than one kind of bravery and this man exhibited it. It's simply an amazing story.
I saw this last night and while the movie is very good, what is incredible is Doss' story. It took perseverance to stick to his beliefs, more than than most of us have. In my opinion that took real guts, more than I have, that's for sure. His saving 75 men was also incredible. His CO was right when he said he had misjudged him and that he hoped he could make it up. There is more than one kind of bravery and this man exhibited it. It's simply an amazing story.

Brad, none of the trng camp harassment took place. It was made up for the movie. Doss was of course a true battlefield hero. Chris

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