Happy Birthday, Louis Badolato! (1 Viewer)

Many Happy Returns of the Day mate,
Hope you have a good one.
Happy Birthday Tin Man (copying the Warrior) :smile2:^&cool

Any Heco today?


Happy birthday Louis! As we say in Brazil, I wish you "good health and lots of love", which are the greatest gifts a man may have!
Happy Birthday Louis, hope you had a great day yesterday and no side effects today!

Thanks again, my friends!:smile2: Terry and Brad, no Heco, but my lovely wife bought me a nice ticket package to take Alec and Ashley to a bunch of Yankee games this summer, including two against the Red Sox, and took me out for a nice steak dinner, so I had a great day!:wink2:
Dear Louis,

Here's wishing my fellow capricorn a belated Happy 45th Birthday!
bit late but congratulations louis and there are many good years in good health
Richard .
Thanks again, my friends!:smile2: Terry and Brad, no Heco, but my lovely wife bought me a nice ticket package to take Alec and Ashley to a bunch of Yankee games this summer, including two against the Red Sox, and took me out for a nice steak dinner, so I had a great day!:wink2:

That's awesome Louis! What a great day you must have had! Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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