Help me decide chaps! (2 Viewers)

I hear you H,its a very nice set indeed.Its on my list.


Just a quick return to this thread Rob.
AK-027 and a couple of SOHK items are all that's on my list for end of December. Missus Heid still hasen't entirely forgiven me for going daft in Hong Kong and buying up half the K&C shop.
Oh yeah, and some more Crusaders, and, and.......
Well, I can sit here and dream, can't I?.....Seeing as I think she's presently gone out for a quick test-flight on her new broomstick...!!!

Just a quick return to this thread Rob.
AK-027 and a couple of SOHK items are all that's on my list for end of December. Missus Heid still hasen't entirely forgiven me for going daft in Hong Kong and buying up half the K&C shop.
Oh yeah, and some more Crusaders, and, and.......
Well, I can sit here and dream, can't I?.....Seeing as I think she's presently gone out for a quick test-flight on her new broomstick...!!!


:D Good job your good lady doesn't read this mate!;)
:D Good job your good lady doesn't read this mate!;)

She does in fact read through this.
Her English is improving all the time and she's understanding the ever so slight sarcasm a lot easier these days.....ulp....!! Besides, she hands it out just as much.
I do however agree with the "Good Lady" description.....She must be, to put up with me.

Rob,with the exchange rate at the moment,why do you buy from the United kingdom,$2 for every £1,(sorry i vote with my wallet) i know its not the same as buying from a show,but i usually have a good luck at the show and decide what i want,then order off the good old internet.:)Also with the exchange rate being so good i don't usual have to pick and choose which pieces i want,i just order the lot,and pray customs leave well alone:;)
Example EA24
LRDG 30cwt Chevrolet (Camouflaged) price in UK=£109.95
LRDG 30cwt Chevrolet (Camouflaged) price in USA=$127.00 AND Using a currency converter total=£61.40 thats nearly a £50 saving:eek:, i know theres the postal costs,but even they look tempting at todays rate.When the rate takes a dive i order from UK.You must have more money than sense,if you have please throw some my way:D
Rob,with the exchange rate at the moment,why do you buy from the United kingdom,$2 for every £1,(sorry i vote with my wallet) i know its not the same as buying from a show,but i usually have a good luck at the show and decide what i want,then order off the good old internet.:)Also with the exchange rate being so good i don't usual have to pick and choose which pieces i want,i just order the lot,and pray customs leave well alone:;)
Example EA24
LRDG 30cwt Chevrolet (Camouflaged) price in UK=£109.95
LRDG 30cwt Chevrolet (Camouflaged) price in USA=$127.00 AND Using a currency converter total=£61.40 thats nearly a £50 saving:eek:, i know theres the postal costs,but even they look tempting at todays rate.When the rate takes a dive i order from UK.You must have more money than sense,if you have please throw some my way:D

Personally i've found that whenever I order from the US it get stung by customs. Factoring in high cost of postage as well which also gets taxed by customs and it always seems to end up so nearly the same as i'd pay from K&C UK that it's hardly worth the effort.
You must have beter luck than me with customs :)
Well sometimes customs do stop items i get from the states and generally have been quite lucky,although i been stung once or twice:eek:I forget how much you can import to the Uk,most of my items have been round about $50,so about £25,i always ask the seller to make sure they label it as toys(WELL THATS WHAT, K+C ARE:D) and as a gift if possible,not all the people i have dealt with will do this,that is their choice and i am happy with what they decide.Ive got a young son,10months old and some items are addressed to him,its going to be one heartless official that deprives my son of his toy SAS jeep.Technically it is gift ,and if the items are 2nd hand,i think the import tax,vat are less,but don't quote on it,all very complicated,i know i have paid different amounts of tax each time,as if they just make it up?The situations not helped by the Royal mail/parcel force handling charges which have gone from £8,to £14,just for handing your money over:confused:I know i maybe slightly bending the truth and i pray forgiveness;)
Personally i've found that whenever I order from the US it get stung by customs. Factoring in high cost of postage as well which also gets taxed by customs and it always seems to end up so nearly the same as i'd pay from K&C UK that it's hardly worth the effort.
You must have beter luck than me with customs :)

That's what was happening to me when I was ordering from The States and importing into Dubai. The customs duty and postal charges I was paying would have brought a tear to a glass eye...!!!

I get stung by customs everytime i order from abroad.Last week i got the excellant Figarti V1 and customs stung me for thirty quid!.As James said its not worth the hassle when it works out almost the same.I also like to support K&C UK and spending as much as i do i get a good discount and they really do provide an excellant service.When Tony reads this he may give us a proper comparison of rates and charges(i think he's done that before actually).Also there is no way i could go to the show and not buy stuff!!.Its an alladins cave in there for an eight year old trapped in the body of a forty three year old!!:D

So have been listing,rumernating,cogitating (are those real words do you think?)on what i should buy.And my first very tentative list is this.(this is not legally binding,previous performance is no indicator of future performance,the list can get bigger or smaller!:D)

Arnhem Jeep
Arnhem single figs (x5)
Desert Stug
Jeep ambulance
M3 Bulge armoured car
Russian soldier being cut down by Cardigan
Russian gun and dead figure

Two items vying to get on the list are SAS Jeep and the Bulge set entitled ' Returning patrol'.This list is an attempt to satisfy both my urge to buy the new stuff and keep up with the older sets.I humbly place it before my treefrog friends for your verdict!:)

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I get stung by customs everytime i order from abroad.Last week i got the excellant Figarti V1 and customs stung me for thirty quid!.As James said its not worth the hassle when it works out almost the same.I also like to support K&C UK and spending as much as i do i get a good discount and they really do provide an excellant service.When Tony reads this he may give us a proper comparison of rates and charges(i think he's done that before actually).Also there is no way i could go to the show and not buy stuff!!.Its an alladins cave in there for an eight year old trapped in the body of a forty three year old!!:D

So have been listing,rumernating,cogitating (are those real words do you think?)on what i should buy.And my first very tentative list is this.(this is not legally binding,previous performance is no indicator of future performance,the list can get bigger or smaller!:D)

Arnhem Jeep
Arnhem single figs (x5)
Desert Stug
Jeep ambulance
M3 Bulge armoured car
Russian soldier being cut down by Cardigan
Russian gun and dead figure

Two items vying to get on the list are SAS Jeep and the Bulge set entitled ' Returning patrol'.This list is an attempt to satisfy both my urge to buy the new stuff and keep up with the older sets.I humbly place it before my treefrog friends for your verdict!:)



A good list. I also hope to get Cardigan and the Russian as well as the 17th Bugler. Hope there's enough to go round :D


A good list. I also hope to get Cardigan and the Russian as well as the 17th Bugler. Hope there's enough to go round :D


Hey Jeff,

That Bugler looks cool doesn't he.I decided i'd get my Crimean wave in two hits this time,so i can also get some WW2 Stuff.I bet Tony and Mike will have loads of the Charge sets with them,its so popular.

Hey Jeff,

That Bugler looks cool doesn't he.I decided i'd get my Crimean wave in two hits this time,so i can also get some WW2 Stuff.I bet Tony and Mike will have loads of the Charge sets with them,its so popular.


It appears that this is one of the most exciting ranges to come out in the last few years. I am awaiting the arrival of the Charging Corporal (along with a set of SOHK for the wife) to go with the Lancer and the Cannon set. Hopefully be here in the morning :D

I totally agree Jeff.Its the only none WW2 K&C range i collect,quality is superb and its been great to be collecting it from the beggining.

Thank you Rob.I have had my eye on the ambulance since it was released but somehow something else always takes priority.Suddenly we are spoilt for choice Jeep wise,i would like them all but got to get them in order.


Hi Rob,

I agree with Vandilay's comments re the Ambulance Jeep, it's also one of my favourites. Also, it was released well before any of the other items on your want list, so will probably be retired sooner. Don't miss out on this one!!!

Hi Rob,

I agree with Vandilay's comments re the Ambulance Jeep, it's also one of my favourites. Also, it was released well before any of the other items on your want list, so will probably be retired sooner. Don't miss out on this one!!!


Hi Adrian,

You are right mate.Even though i'm getting the Tiger,Arnhem etc i musn't miss this Jeep.Its so difficult keeping up with all the cool stuff Andy releases,but its fun!:)

Ok guys here it is.After weeks of tearing the little hair i have left from its roots,pouring over the lists, and late nights hunched over my desk light with a mad cackling laugh emmitting from behind my office door ....i've finished!:eek:

Here is what i intend to purchase in London.Its a mix of the old and new...

Lord Cardigan,The Russian being slashed,and the Gun with dead Russian.The Arnhem Recce Jeep,four individual Arnhem figures to make a patrol.Desert Stug,Jeep ambulance,Bulge Scout car.Returning Patrol from the Bulge series.

In reserve i have SAS Jeep,and although i don't collect Naps i may not be happy until i have 'Seizing the Colours'.

So guys what do you think...have i managed to bridge the old and new do you think?

Well done mate. Sounds like a well rounded purchase, covering all the bases.
Ok guys here it is.After weeks of tearing the little hair i have left from its roots,pouring over the lists, and late nights hunched over my desk light with a mad cackling laugh emmitting from behind my office door ....i've finished!:eek:

Here is what i intend to purchase in London.Its a mix of the old and new...

Lord Cardigan,The Russian being slashed,and the Gun with dead Russian.The Arnhem Recce Jeep,four individual Arnhem figures to make a patrol.Desert Stug,Jeep ambulance,Bulge Scout car.Returning Patrol from the Bulge series.

In reserve i have SAS Jeep,and although i don't collect Naps i may not be happy until i have 'Seizing the Colours'.

So guys what do you think...have i managed to bridge the old and new do you think?


Don't be daft.....!!!! There's no way that's all you're gonna buy at this years show.....!!!!
Thank you Jim:).Harry,i think it will be enough this time as i want some cash left to buy xmas pressies for the lady in my life who makes me smile.Got to stop watching 'Strictly come dancing',getting soft!!:eek:


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