Highland Light Infantry Band (2 Viewers)

I've been progressing with my Drum Major for the band - and thought I would show you how he was coming along. Below are a couple of pics showing both of his sides.

The figure started life as a normal bandsman torsoe that I have used so far. He would have carried a broadsword, however - so this had to be added. A normal sword in a scabbard was modified to form a basket hilt with a small blob of milliput then the body drilled to accept a peg for it to be attached. An arm from another figure was modified to suit the marching figure - the whole lot being dry fitted to make sure it would all fit - together - then partly painted and left to dry.

Meanwhile - the other arm holding a mace was modified to fit the figure (slot in the shoulder changed to accept the arm), then this was also part painted and left to dry. At this point I painted the trews of the figure - and varnished the torsoe once dry. THEN when the varnish was dry - I fitted sword and arm and mace arm - and the wings at the same time.

I have now reached the stage of waiting for EVERYTHING to become set and perfectly dry - when I can complete the painting of the figure. I took the unusual step of varnishing a part-completed figure, because of all of the fiddley handling of it whilst fitting all of the extra parts - could have damaged the paintwork whilst assembling. He currently looks like this. jb


It's going to be one heck of an impressive band when finished JB. Really good to look at.

I agree with you about adding small variations on individual figures. Hair colour, eyes, complexion as well as variations in the uniform all help create points of interest for owner and admirer alike. The more you look the more you see :)
It's going to be one heck of an impressive band when finished JB. Really good to look at.

I agree with you about adding small variations on individual figures. Hair colour, eyes, complexion as well as variations in the uniform all help create points of interest for owner and admirer alike. The more you look the more you see :)

That's the general idea Malcolm, glad you're getting the drift of what I'm trying to do. Yes, moustaches, hair and even eyebrows can give faces a bit more interest. Here's another three under construction - which, I hope, also show some of the other small variations that the painter/constructor can put in.


The front centre piece is my Drum Major, and I hope you can now see how he is nearing completion now - just the base to finish off ( undercoat showing for now). As he will be out in front - on his own - he will stand out from the rest, who will blend in to form the band.

Next to him is an interesting musician, playing an unusual instrument, not often seen - a Bass Cornet. This instrument was made in Boston USA around 1860's and often seen in ACW bands. However, the instrument COULD have been used by any band, anywhere after that date, ( Note: NOT saying it was!) - so I have chosen to include it here. This shows that the TS painter can have a bit of fun in sometimes choosing unusual instruments - which you don't often find with mainstream makers of TS Bands. It isn't likely that it WAS in any HLI band - BUT - it COULD have been - so I've included one - because I can!.^&grin

My last new figure is a cymbalist - and here you can modify his arm position any way you like. I'll be having two - so my second one will look a little different to this one, by modifying his arm positions - when I get around to him.

What I do, when I'm planning a band - is to sit down and think about what arms/instruments are around as castings - and how I could incorporate them into my bands. I found some ACW ones at Dorset Soldiers - and realised that I might use maybe one or two in my latest band - and so the Bass Cornetist idea was born. All good fun - which you don't get if you are just buying ready-mades. Just make sure the thing was invented at the time your band would have been playing - and you can include one or two for the fun of doing it!

The nice thing for me - is to watch the band just grow and grow. I'll be having thirty musicians in this Military Band - and over 60 when the other band (Pipe drum and bugle band) is added. Then - when the Colour Party and Escort are added - the whole thing will be over 80 pieces. Now THAT'S when things will look interesting! In fact - a bit like this one - which is a similar sized one of the Gordons - which I made a while ago. jb

The Drum Major is responsible for discipline in the band - so now he's about - he can get a grip of any slackers for a bit of practice.:Djb

Coming along a treat JB! Will look most impressive un-masse....^&cool

Cheers Jeff. Yes - that's when they will begin to look nicer - when they sart to gain a masse. I have another four developing nicely - and have started off the two side-drummers I'm going to have in the Military section of the band. There was really only one in the photo - but - as I said before, that's where the maker of a castings version of a TS band comes into his own. You can choose which instruments you want to put in - as well as how many you want to have. I think that its nice to see what a superb spectacle these original old bands must have been - rather than be restricted to the usual dozen or so that you can normally buy from the usual makers. I s'pose the nearest you get to seeing that nowadays - is at a big Military Tattoo - or maybe Trooping the Colour. Now THAT'S a BAND!

I have also realised that I made a small error when ordering my original castings. I didn't look closely enough at my old B&W photo - and now notice that the Bass Drummer is wearing a full Leopard-skin apron - and NOT the full plaid ( as the rest of the band are). So.....I have been in touch with Giles - and ordered a different casting to convert for the Bass Drummer. I'll be dropping in to Dorset in a month or so - and will pick him up with another order then. As I'll then have a spare torsoe - I might just pick up another four - and add another rank of five to my band!

All the best for now - jb
It's always good to get to a point when you can start playing with a band. Now I'm up to 13 - I can start arranging them in various ranks. This is what they look like in 3 ranks of four abreast! I've put my Bass Cornetist and Cymbalist in the front rank (just for now) - as they are the latest additions.

Just noticed from my pic, that I missed out the buttons on some cuffs. Maybe I burned the midnight oil too far tonight - will adjust them in the morning. Nite all - Happy Valentine day - jb

The band is looking great jb, your Drum Major is a pip and appears to have dressed up the ranks nicely.


Hi Buster - always surprises me how a Drum Major out front seems to make a Band look finished. A long way to go yet with this one though - but it does show some promise. I'm pleased with how they are going - so far - and no major problems yet ( apart from the Bass Drummer having a leopardskin - which I didn't notice at first. I'm not on any time schedule though - so he will have to wait until I get a different casting. I can always get on with the Pipe Drum and Buglers - if I reach the point where the rest of the band is finished by then. Glad you like them, so far. jb
Hi Buster - always surprises me how a Drum Major out front seems to make a Band look finished. A long way to go yet with this one though - but it does show some promise. I'm pleased with how they are going - so far - and no major problems yet ( apart from the Bass Drummer having a leopardskin - which I didn't notice at first. I'm not on any time schedule though - so he will have to wait until I get a different casting. I can always get on with the Pipe Drum and Buglers - if I reach the point where the rest of the band is finished by then. Glad you like them, so far. jb

You should be pleased johnny b, very impressive talent you have with the paint brush. Looking forward to the Pipers, Drummers and Buglers ..... to me, always the highlight of every band set. :smile2:

Actually, when you get to the pipers - they get quite "samey" to paint - as they are all exactly the same (except for the Pipe Major). At least with the Military Band - you get a variety of instruments. I'm having eight pipers - who will be leading the two bands eventually. The buglers will be the same - ten of those - and all the same - except for a few stripes that I'll dish out to a favoured few. I should have two more instrumentalists finished by tomorrow for the Military band - so keep an eye out for them.

You wouldn't have a colour pic of a HLI side-drum in your stash - would you? I'm working from this one - and there isn't a lot of detail on the drum visible. Nice pic though - will be useful when I get to the Drum band. jb

As predicted - a couple more musician bandsmen have become available to join their colleagues at practice under the watchful eye of the Drum Major. We have a blank file in the centre - due to some slight guesswork being involved with some detail on the side-drums I'm making up to join the Military Band element of the project. Thanks to Trooper's invaluable advice - I at least know that the three Coular Standard device is in the centre front of the drum. With fifteen figures now being completed - I'm almost half-way with this particular element, which is getting quite enjoyable now.

The two newest recruits are front rank and left of pics. - and are playing French Horn and Sax respectively. See front and top down views below - so far. jb


So what do you reckon then JB?.....finished band by Easter - going some that but you are doing a very fine job on these as usual. :wink2:^&cool^&cool

Hi Jeff - I don't do deadlines - as I have quite a busy life nowadays. I have too many relatives in nice parts of the World, needing a visit - and too many gardens to look after - and painting is for fun and relaxation. The moment you set a deadline - it ceases to be fun - and is A JOB. They will get finished - when the last one is done ( and then I may just add some more!):D

Glad you like 'em so far though - but exactly when they get finished is anyone's guess. This year???? Well.............. maybe. jb:D
Cheers John - Thank you.^&grin

I wanted to show you the two drummers who will be part of the HLI Military Band. They are dressed very much as the others (and unlike my earlier pic - which showed the Drummer without the full plaid - who is part of the Drum, Pipe & Bugle Band). There was usually much rivalry between the two bands - and not always a friendly one.

Note that the torsoe has been painted the same as all of the other musicians - but I have made a drum shoulder belt from a roll of milliput - and painted it white. Note also with this casting, that the arms/drum come as a single piece - to be connected at the shoulders and pinned from the rear of the drum to the body of the same figure as used for the rest of the band.

The figure to the right has been assembled in this fashion - and wings added and undercoated. When paint is all dry - I will touch in arms and cuff details - and paint wings - as the others. Most of the detail has been added to the front of my drum - though I can also add more - or even overpaint later - if I find a better guide to copy! Note that the background colour of the drum is buff - which was the original facing colour of the old 71st Rgt. tunic - which the HLI was to return to later in its history. jb

I have now added another of the musicians, playing a side drum, to the Military Band - thus restoring three ranks of five - so that they now look like this.

It may be noted that this musician is not referred to as a Drummer - as may become evident once I get to making up the Pipe, Drum & Bugle Band - who will be dressed quite differently. jb

I'm having a bit of playtime with them so far. This is what they look like marching from the side - showing the flowing McKenzie Tartan plaid at the rear.
They fit my little photo-booth (shoe box!^&grin) better in five ranks of three. This is only half of the eventual band - so I'd better sart looking for a bigger box!

I thought I would combine the addition of my second side-drummmer (rear rank) - with a view from the other side of my growing band. 16 players allows me to make up a square of 4X4 musicians led by their Drum Major. jb
I think you're gonna need a bigger shoebox pretty soon jb. :p Band's looking great and I'm enjoying watching it progress.


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