hippiefest- the tour (2 Viewers)


Sep 17, 2006
a couple of weeks ago went with my wife and some friend to this outdoor concert in brooklyn, featuring the turtles, great, the zombies, unbelievable, amongst others. nobody told me that country joe mcdonald was going to be there. viet nam vets and country joe are like oil and water. anyway he finishes his famous anti-war, anti-troops, anti-america song to thunderous applause and cheers (guess everyone at the concert were super liberals). i was doing a slow burn through out the song. anyway the croud quiets down, i stand up and yell "f*** y** joe ,your're a plece of s***. could have heard a pin drop......
a couple of weeks ago went with my wife and some friend to this outdoor concert in brooklyn, featuring the turtles, great, the zombies, unbelievable, amongst others. nobody told me that country joe mcdonald was going to be there. viet nam vets and country joe are like oil and water. anyway he finishes his famous anti-war, anti-troops, anti-america song to thunderous applause and cheers (guess everyone at the concert were super liberals). i was doing a slow burn through out the song. anyway the croud quiets down, i stand up and yell "f*** y** joe ,your're a plece of s***. could have heard a pin drop......

Being NY, the crowd probably thought you were cheering Country Joe on....:eek::)
I guess all I would say to that is, you showed no class, the performer was doing a song people wanted to hear. I don't no if you know this or not, but the Viet Nam War, was not popular. I hope you enjoyed the rest of the show. Mike:)
I guess all I would say to that is, you showed no class, the performer was doing a song people wanted to hear. I don't no if you know this or not, but the Viet Nam War, was not popular. I hope you enjoyed the rest of the show. Mike:)

as a nam combat vet who saw much "horrors of war" and had friends die in my arms dont tell me i showed no class... joe and his irk was safe at home singing this crap... and believe me the war may have been unpopular but unlike today, we troops had no support at home... could go on and one but why waste my time with someone who has a closed mind.......
First of all, I don't have a CLOSED MIND, if you think what you did was right, oh well. I like that song, I'm not affraid to say that, as far as that War went, the Vets comming home were treated like dirt, but that's not my fault. Thanks for your service, I was to young, though I would have served, it was how I was brought up. I guess you wanted everyone to agree with you, oh well.:(
Pugio, Thanks for your service.
My dad was in the military at the time, though he was not sent to Vietnam, and tells me that some jerks spit on him when he wore his Navy Uniform. Growing up as a proud Navy brat, my family was friends with many, many Vietnam vets, and most of my dad's patients served in Vietnam. I am therefore extremely anti-hippie, and extremely anti-Jane Fonda and the like--those folks make me literally sick to my stomach, and I have nothing but sympathy for the vets who got back from serving their country just to be ridiculed by a group of naive and oblivious college students, who had never sacrificed anything for anybody, and who would never have a clue about hardship.
That's my opinion, and I am sorry if it offended any one, but that's the way I see it. And just because a war is unpopular, doesn't mean a thing. All that says is that the majority of the populace doesn't know a thing about international relations or history. The Civil War was incredibly unpopular in the North, at first, with papers calling Lincoln to just quit. (In fact, the contender for the white house at the time, McClellan, ran on a platform of perhaps terminating the war, as I recall). Is somebody going to say now that it was therefore not just? That seems to be the general logic of society: If it is not popular, it is not just.
I'd like to lower the rhetoric. The war was and is controversial. There's no question it divided the nation. Let's leave it at that. Was what Andy did was the right thing to do? I haven't been in his shoes so I'm not going to say no or yes. I'll just say it's just something I wouldn't have done.
Good point. Sorry about that last post of mine...as Jazzeum said, it is an emotional and controversial topic.
What, we're not allowed to hippy bash? I, for one, hate hippies (which I think is really short for hipocrites).
Good point. Sorry about that last post of mine...as Jazzeum said, it is an emotional and controversial topic.

Don't want to be controversial, but the present situation in the Middle East is incredibly unpopular in the UK. However, in general, there is a groundswell of support for our troops. I may be wrong, but I get the impression its the same in the USA. "Support our boys no matter what" seems to be the majority viewpoint - and that's the way it should be in both our countries IMO.
I was very young during the late 1960's but I distinctly remember reading reports about the disgusting way that returning vets were treated by the hippy fringe. Thank goodness things seem to be different now and returning troops are treated as the hero's they are.
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Veterans have it tough - on one hand the odd radical left-wing hippie bashes them for just doing their job and honourably serving their country - on the other hand right-wing governments use them as a propoganda tool to justify the war: when a politician says "Support our troops" they actually mean "Support our war, shut up and don't ask uncomfortable questions". It seems the people who have the most opinions about veterans are those who aren't actually on the front lines putting their life on the line everyday.
"Support our boys no matter what"

That pretty much sums up the opinion here, thank god. I think whether people support the war or not, they generally support the troops. Those yellow magnet ribbons are common features on cars here. I am glad for the veteran's sake that this is the opinion, now. Certainly a good thing.
(The only irony is that certain politicians who made a name for themselves by bashing the military and vets directly during the Vietnam era, have done an abrupt about face and now score political points by saying nice things about our troops, but that is how politicians generally work, I suppose).

(By the way, to explain the sudden change in my avatar thing from the good-old Lone Star Flag, this is a 2008 dodge challenger, a beautiful work of art! I am praying that my parents get it for me if I can get the college scholarship I am shooting for. Is it remotely likely that I will even be given a car? Absolutely NOT. But I can dream, can't I?)
your a highschooler too? you should have said so! Richard,scott and I all are in our teens.(I'm getting one of my classmates to join the forum, his screen name is gonna be stonewall jackson!:D)
Thank god--I was afraid that I was the only one. I am surprised that so many of us collect these guys.
I started collecting these things when my parents believed I wouldn't try to chew on them, so that's about '97. When did you start?
2004 for me. I'm 15 years old ninth grade. My real name is Michael Lee Bledsoe Here is a chance for all of us to identify ourselves
I trust everyone on this board, but still, I would rather not disclose too much.
I will say that I am (finally, thank god) a senior; I am 17. My firstname is Carlos. No disrespect, but I'd rather not give more.
By the way, Gen. Lee, I don't think I actually know anyone else my age who knows who Decatur is. It is kind of sad--he was once a superstar, and unlike the current superstars, he actually earned his fame. Of course, in AP US History, they don't even mention his name once...:mad:
I trust everyone on this board, but still, I would rather not disclose too much.
I will say that I am (finally, thank god) a senior; I am 17. My firstname is Carlos. No disrespect, but I'd rather not give more.

Just a suggestion. If you guys want to correspond with each other safely, why not use PM's.

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