Historical figure I'd like to meet..... (1 Viewer)

I'd take Jesus to the shopping mall on "Black Friday" (the day after Thanksgiving for the non US folks) and ask him if this was what he had in mind.

I certainly know what you are trying to say here though I do not ever believe Jesus Christ EVER asked the world to come together to celebrate his birth. All the pomp and circumstance surrounding black friday and the period of time leading up to December 25th are not mentioned anywhere at all in the Bible. The message of Christ was for people to love one another and seek salvation. Admittedly, we as Christians, do seem to have lost our way at times with that aim but it is still very much the core of what I pray to God for and what I celebrate with my family on the 25th.

Regarding Black Friday, I host an annual " Turkey Bowl" football game for my friends. The wives do not attend- we pretty much know where they are :p I also run in a charity 5K on "black Saturday" to benefit charities representing two teens that I knew that were killed in a car accident. Everything I do over that weekend, especially that weekend, is geared towards promoting fellowship and fostering goodwill. It does make me sad though to see the retail frenzy over that weekend as I feel there are so many people out there who scar His name during the year but conviently convert at the holiday time. Just as myself and my Christian brothers and sisters are scorned for believing through the year, I find it wildly ironic that those who cast stones against us are leading the charge to celebrate the season.

Very unusal time to say the least...........
Just what are the purposes of God. Why did God will this scourge and was it then his purpose to remove the scourge by a terrible civil war?

In addition, it does seem odd that both sides prayed to the same God, asking for different and mutually exclusive solutions. One could be answered but another could not be and God granted neither fullly. As noted, God has His own purposes and sometimes we can never know what they are but it would be revelatory to find out.

Similarly, why did God visit the world with World War II and bring in so much pain and death. Surely there must have been a purpose.

I am not a religious person but surely there must be a purpose, a reason why certain things happen, certain things are granted and some are not.

Good morning Brad-

I find this post interesting and woe to me for starting a debate with an attorney {sm4} I believe all religions in the world accept the fact of a balance struck in good and evil. Good has some strong and powerfull allies as does evil. I see the acts of God when I watch a beautiful sunrise in the morning, sunset in the evening with my wife or holding my children when they were first born. Yet, evil is out there and we must remain vigilant. Satan does start war, does spawn monsters like Hitler and the nazis. Perhaps rather than looking to talk to God, talk to Satan for an explanation of evil intentions...................

One of the best role models I had as a young man laid it out to me pretty simply: " Chris, suppose living a Christian life is all nonsense and when you die, you simply die? What was the harm in living your life in accords with the Bible (feel free to insert any religious book here, we were simply two Christians talking at the time.)? Then again, say it all is true, and you face judgement day not living in accordance with His word?" It all made a lot of sense to me.

The other sobering lesson I got in life that I do not have all the answers was college^&grin Reviewing my transcripts from Penn State, well, I certainly didn't have a 100% 4.0 GPA which clearly evidenced to me I do not know everything so why on earth would I ever want to live my life doubting the word of God and risking an afterlife of ****ation??? :rolleyes2:
".......The "Epicurean paradox" is a version of the problem of evil. It is a trilemma argument (God is omnipotent, God is good, but Evil exists); or more commonly seen as this quote:

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”.."

Some very good points by your friend and you. Live your life righteously or in the way that you believe is right and just the chance there is a God, you have a clean slate.

We definitely don't have all the answers. One path usually leads to a door, which then takes you down another path to another door and so forth.
I am more inclined to Trooper and Waynes way of thinking (Ripper and Marilyn) so will satisfy my curiosity and sell the book and movie rights after my conversations with Amelia Earhart and Jimmy Hoffa. Any others that might have the answer to mysteries (Captain of the Marie Celeste and Mayor of Atlantis type).
Wow!!!! took me right back to the debates about evil and god in my philosophy classes. Axiological V concrete formulations Abstract V Concrete formulations and all the rest. Heavy but enjoyable stuff but, easier on the eye is Marilyn!!!

".......The "Epicurean paradox" is a version of the problem of evil. It is a trilemma argument (God is omnipotent, God is good, but Evil exists); or more commonly seen as this quote:

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”.."
Unbelievable irony coming from person who talks about faith as part of his job...but...

While the talk of religion has remained quite civil on this thread, anytime religious issues arise on a forum people's passions tend to be aroused. We're always one post away from a major brawl. I ask that you shift the religious conversation to PMs.

Thank you.
From what I can see, no one has said anything that is offensive or controversial in the way of religious topics ^&confuse
My classmates tend to think of me as the person who is always quick to defend (or attack) a certain historical, political, religious, or moral position, and firm unchanging in my support of it{sm0}{sm4}. I think it must go with the 'history blood' (in all seriousness). They also tell me I always have to bring Napoleon into a conversation, which, come to think of it, might not be so far from the truth. I mean as Napoleon said, "Truth alone wounds."

Here are some cool quotes relating:

To know the truth of history is to realize its ultimate myth and its inevitable ambiguity.
-Roy P. Basler

Any fool can make history, but it takes a genius to write it.
-Oscar Wilde

Clio, the muse of history, is as thoroughly infected with lies as a street whore with syphilis.

Imagination plays too important a role in the writing of history, and what is imagination but the projection of the author's personality.
-Pieter Geyl

The deepest, the only theme of human history, compared to which all others are of subordinate importance, is the conflict of skepticism with faith.

God alone knows the future, but only an historian can alter the .past.
-Ambrose Bierce

The historian must not try to know what is truth, if he values his honesty; for if he cares for his truths, he is certain to falsify his facts.
-Henry Adams

The researches of many eminent antiquarians have already thrown much darkness on the subject; and it is possible, if they continue their labors, that we shall soon know nothing at all.
-Artemus Ward

History is not history unless it is the truth.
-Abraham Lincoln in a letter to W.H. Herndon, 1856

History is, indeed, an argument without end.:wink2:
-A.M. Schlesinger, Jr.

History is a myth that men agree to believe.
Alright fellas:

If you could sit down and talk to one (or a couple) historical figures at a neutral sight to simply talk about their campaigns, decisions, etc, who would it be and why? Certainly I think meeting our deceased relatives would be fantastic but this is aimed more at famous (or infamous if you wish), persons and is not meant to be a sitdown so I can punch you in the grill for being so incompetent <<cough, Louis, cough, cough :tongue:>. Also, for this particular question, assume you can both speak the same language.

I'd like an afternoon with either Ike Eisenhower or George Washington.

Id like a night with Sophia Loren,circa 1962..
I would like to honestly speak with Jesus. As far as Relgion goes, there is only One GOD, every Religion prays to him in different ways. That's what the story of the Tower of Babel is all about. All the different Nations were started, because nobody could understand each others speach, all the people went there seperate ways and started praying to stone gods sun moon all the different gods they created. We all have good and evil in us, life is full of roads with forks, each person finds God his own way. We choose our paths, God does not start the Wars, man does. He gives us every chance to change our paths. All the bad things in this world would stop, if men ever got together. Jesus put it plain and simple, Do on to others as ye would have them do on to you. That is The Golden Rule, and Love the Lord God with all your being. If everyone in this World followed that simple rule, we would always find a way to work things out.:)
About time.
Ms. Bardot and Ms. Deneuve as well. I like the characters that Sophia Loren portrays. She can be a queen or someone you could eat spaghetti in your underwear with.

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