Honour Bound Future Projects-sneak preview (2 Viewers)

Ana Donzino

First Sergeant
Apr 25, 2005
Hi guys,

I thought you'd like to see some pictures of the next releases. The Winter Panther is not the definitive one; we'll make some improvements in it: most of it's metal parts will be made in brass from now on, with super detailed machine gun and hatches, which will remain hollow and with the motor visible inside.


Take care,

The new stuff looks great! Keep it coming. I can't wait to see the completed field kitchen.
Honour Bound said:
most of it's metal parts will be made in brass from now on, with super detailed machine gun and hatches, which will remain hollow and with the motor visible inside.
I for one will be very interested to see how much detail can be added to the tanks using brass accessories instead of the typical white metal. Brass should allow them to be even more accurate. This will be another step up in quality for HB! I can't wait to see it.

That looks beyond great. The figures look nice as well. Release date?
Peter Reuss said:
I for one will be very interested to see how much detail can be added to the tanks using brass accessories instead of the typical white metal. Brass should allow them to be even more accurate. This will be another step up in quality for HB! I can't wait to see it.


Are you taking orders? If so, please reserve one for me. Thanks.
Doug - we are working on the stock of the SS set; they'll probably be available in 1 month.

The winter panther looks great. I also like the crew figures in their winter gear.

The wehrmacht infantry look like SS to me. Certainly they are wearing SS camo but maybe that will change. It would be great to see one of the 1/30 companies just release a set of wehrmacht soldiers all wearing the reversible splinter pattern gear. It was the most common of all the german camoflage outfits.
Wow! Those sets look great! Thanks for sharing!
Semper Fi!
Those are great sets! I have the 3 Panthers already so I know these are going to awesome also. Can't wait.
Ana, The new winter panther looks absolutely fantastic, I've had one on order from George G. since I first saw photos on your web sitr nearly a month ago and can't wait to get one, I only hope the price increase isn't too severe. Speaking of price increase, the last time I visited the HB web site I noticed that the price of Barkmann panthers had jumped to $125, I hope that Honour Bound intends to "honour" their original price of $105 quoted to those of us who ordered the tanks over three months ago and have yet to recieve them. I am a big supporter of your products and have high hopes for HB's future, your products have fantastic detail, quality and workmanship in them, please don't price me out of the Honour Bound fan club before it really gets started.:)

Fred - Don't worry, you'll have the old price. We have still about 100 more Panthers pre-orders to deliver, at the same price. New prices are for future orders.

We are estimating the Winter Panther cost, but I don't have the brass exact values yet. I think it will be about $140.

Thank you very very much for your support.

Peter Reuss said:
I for one will be very interested to see how much detail can be added to the tanks using brass accessories instead of the typical white metal. Brass should allow them to be even more accurate.

Way back when there wasn't much aftermarket stuff for tank models there was a line of brass machineguns by Cal-Scale (a noted manufacturer of model RR detail parts). These were real beauties! Brass seems to take detail better than some white metal.

By the way, I noticed a "crew for US Sherman" halfway down the page. Is this a secret hint? If HB needs Sherman advice or sources, I can certainly help out.


Will this be an unlimited run and what do you expect delivery time to be (hard to predict, I know)?
Thanks, Gary, I accept your offer. I'll let you know if we need some help.


Brad - This won't be a limited run. Expected delivery time...who knows :D
Really, it will be at your favorite store in 6/8 weeks.

Take care,

Honour Bound said:
Fred - Don't worry, you'll have the old price. We have still about 100 more Panthers pre-orders to deliver, at the same price. New prices are for future orders.

We are estimating the Winter Panther cost, but I don't have the brass exact values yet. I think it will be about $140.

Thank you very very much for your support.


Thanks Ana

I hope you didn't think my post too critical, but with prices of EVERYTHING going up, including K&C, and lots of new releases to chose from some of us are facing some really difficult collecting decisions. As I've stated many times on this forum I think your products are outstanding and I see great potential for your future success and I look forward to more wonderful vehicles and figures from HB down the road.:)

Is there any information that you can share with us on the approximate production numbers for the HB vehicles? There has been a lot of discussion about KC and other companies and whether they over or under produce. Just curious how HB will compare. If that is a trade secret no need to respond. Thanks again.

HB vehicles won't be limited series, nor numbered. The molds need to be re-made constantly because of their damage, approximately every 50 pices. When the amount of orders for one vehicle doesn't justify its re-mold it will be taken out of production.

We've never numbered nor limited our Beau Geste sets, and we did pretty well with the same molding policy. The sets have never lost their value because they were overproduced, nor cost more than they should because they were only a few. We've always kept our customers happy this way, so there seems to be no reason for doing something different with our Honour Bound line.

No trade secrets ;)

In respect of the figures produced to go with the winter Panther, is it only my impression or are they more "à la King & Country" than the ones previously produced to go with the first 3 Panthers that you released?


If you mean the painting, is the same.
If you mean the sculptor, this is a different one.
If you mean the scale, they are very much alike the others. We pay extra attention to the accurate 1:30 scale for tanks and figures.

I have to say I'm not too pleased with the 30% price increase of the new Panthers. They are already a little bit more than K&C even though they are very impressive I will become a bit choosy instead of buying them all. Is there a way to reduce the weight so maybe it can save you and us money? The new ones will have to be way better than the current ones for the price increase.

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