Honour Bound Future Projects-sneak preview (1 Viewer)

These tanks are awesome!:cool:

Can't wait for the winter panther and all the others as well. :D New wing on the house at the planning stage!:mad:
I noticed the Winter Panther is now up on your website. How soon before they hit the dealers Looks good
The new pics of the Winter Panther look great. The figures have improved substantially and the tank itself is a knockout. This could be the best vehicle produced this year.
Here are the images they are drooling over ...



The machine gun in these images is the one that will be made in brass - so it will be even better than you see here!
Honour Bound said:
Thank you, Michael.

John, nothing is excluded from our plans. Definitely not this year, and don't know about next year yet.



Since I already have the 3 original first release Panthers, I do not intend to buy another Panther in winter colors but interested on the brass machine gun...can this be available as a separate item? I am also looking forward in anticipation the Bergepanther and the disabled Panther; any updates on these?

Buenos días N-P,

I'm not sure about the machine gun, I'll have to ask the boyz, but I don't think they want to sell it separately.

About the dates, you all know that we are not very good with them :D But we've changed the schedule a little, since the new brass parts have come to stay. The next next releases are the Winter Panther and the 2 sets of figures, SS and Wehrmacht. Then, just a few weeks later, the German field kitchen, in 2 versions (with or without the horses, with a complementary set with cow, pig and other animals that the boys are planning).

After that, the Bergepanther. The long feather will be brass too, so the sculpting of the original had to be modified (due to the brass process, the wax copies and all that stuff). I estimate its release by the end of August (said estimate, right? ;) ) Then, I think that the disabled panther will be ready for the Chicago show. But this will depend basically on the 'boyz'.

This year there will be a bunch of us coming to Chicago, counting Beau Geste and Honour Bound staff. Around 8 of us :eek: Gabriel will be among them, so you'll be able to ask him and Daniel about their plans in person. But I must warn you: they get excited about new suggestions and vehicle versions very easily, and you might convince them to make whatever you want :rolleyes:

Take care,

Looks very nice. Whoever took those pictures is a very skilled photographer. Ayy, so much product, so little money :( .
Honour Bound said:
Buenos días N-P,

I'm not sure about the machine gun, I'll have to ask the boyz, but I don't think they want to sell it separately.

About the dates, you all know that we are not very good with them :D But we've changed the schedule a little, since the new brass parts have come to stay. The next next releases are the Winter Panther and the 2 sets of figures, SS and Wehrmacht. Then, just a few weeks later, the German field kitchen, in 2 versions (with or without the horses, with a complementary set with cow, pig and other animals that the boys are planning).

After that, the Bergepanther. The long feather will be brass too, so the sculpting of the original had to be modified (due to the brass process, the wax copies and all that stuff). I estimate its release by the end of August (said estimate, right? ;) ) Then, I think that the disabled panther will be ready for the Chicago show. But this will depend basically on the 'boyz'.

This year there will be a bunch of us coming to Chicago, counting Beau Geste and Honour Bound staff. Around 8 of us :eek: Gabriel will be among them, so you'll be able to ask him and Daniel about their plans in person. But I must warn you: they get excited about new suggestions and vehicle versions very easily, and you might convince them to make whatever you want :rolleyes:

Take care,


Gracias para la información. Pueda compro los ametralladoras (o mecanice el fusil?)para mis 3 Panteras (quizá si usted tiene un exceso).

Soy emocionado acerca de la Cocina de Campo y el Bergepanther.

¡Su equipo hace gran! Sigue así. ¡Otra sugerencia para los chicos... Storch Fieseler!

(Translation:Thank you for the information. Can I buy the machine guns for my 3 Panthers (maybe if you have a extra).

I am excited about the Field Kitchen and the Bergepanther.

Your team is doing great! Keep up the good work. Another suggestion for the boys...Fieseler Storch!



  • Storch 2.jpg
    Storch 2.jpg
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Honour Bound said:
Dear N-P,

Boyz say that the machine gun alone would be $25 :eek:



Dígame por favor cuando ellos estarán listos. Compraré 3 ametralladoras para mis 3 Panteras (@ $25 cada). Gracias

TRANSLATION: Please tell me when they will be ready. I will buy 3 machine guns for my 3 Panthers (@ $25 each).

I really like the look of your figures, they have your own unique signature, and am interested to know when we can expect to see your new figure sets, like the winter troops, and if you have any further plans on figure sets right now, or if you will be expanding in to other eras at all.
Thanks! The next set of figures will be the one in action, painted in a few versions.





The sets of figures for the kitchen will probably be ready before them. I'll post more pictures when they are ready.

We are just beginning, so WWII is the only period for now. I think we'll go for WWI after this (since our WWI line within Beau Geste in quite successfull). We'll be expanding to other eras with in time, as we did (and are still doing) with Beau Geste.

Take care,

Honour Bound said:
Thanks! The next set of figures will be the one in action, painted in a few versions.





The sets of figures for the kitchen will probably be ready before them. I'll post more pictures when they are ready.

We are just beginning, so WWII is the only period for now. I think we'll go for WWI after this (since our WWI line within Beau Geste in quite successfull). We'll be expanding to other eras with in time, as we did (and are still doing) with Beau Geste.

Take care,


Hi Ana,

WWI era? This is quite interesting; 1:30 scale, great sculpting (i.e. winter panther figures) and matt finish. Nobody's doing that for now, I'm sure that you'll find there a "healthty field" of collectors.

And if you start producing a Delhi Durbar serie under the banner of HB, then I'll have no choice to stop collecting everything else except that.

Mes amitiés,
Pierre said:
And if you start producing a Delhi Durbar serie under the banner of HB, then I'll have no choice to stop collecting everything else except that.

Mes amitiés,

Be careful of what you ask for, Pierre! While the boyz at the HB shop are WWII fanatics, Ana is a major Durbar lover. I can see her now, storming into the sculpting room, "Stop making those silly tanks! Give me more Devil Dancers!" There would be a big wrestling match over the sculpting tools. Gabriel and Daniel would have to fight her off with shouts of 'Long Live HB WWII.' We might end up with an elephant driving a Sherman! :eek:

Durbar in matte finish - an interesting thought ...
Hi Guys,

The Durbar in Matte finish is without a doubt the worst idea. Sorry to be this critical but the Durbar is just the kind of spectacle you want for a old style glossy series! Please dont make changes in the Durbar area. Your WWII series with Honour Bound is excellent but not my main line right now so it will have to wait until I finish with the Durbar and some Northwest Frontier ideas I have.

But please dont mess with the Durbar line its absolute perfection right where it is!

Peter Reuss said:
Be careful of what you ask for, Pierre! While the boyz at the HB shop are WWII fanatics, Ana is a major Durbar lover. I can see her now, storming into the sculpting room, "Stop making those silly tanks! Give me more Devil Dancers!" There would be a big wrestling match over the sculpting tools. Gabriel and Daniel would have to fight her off with shouts of 'Long Live HB WWII.' We might end up with an elephant driving a Sherman! :eek:

Durbar in matte finish - an interesting thought ...

Hi Peter,

What a great serie it would be.

Sometimes, I look at the sets produced by Beau Geste and must restrain myself. I then think at all the others collections that I would had to stop buying and that maybe a manufacturer will produce them like I dream they be produced. What a colored serie. The Alwar's carriage!!! Incredible...and I love the photos that are under.

As for the elephant driving the Sherman, we can buy the set together. You keep the tank, I get the pachyderm:) .

Meilleures salutations,

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