Honour Bound Sherman for sale (1 Viewer)

Cheers Mitch,

Here you go-just make sure to hold back the tears. Finally found the MIA tanker graveling in the packing material.

Man On Fire,

What a f@@@@@ joke mate,that is the biggest load of BS ive heard in awhile,what did they think it was,i would be smashing someone Marc............................:mad::mad::mad::mad:
Thats a disgrace and, I would certainly be placing a claim for damage with them. Thanks for posting
Hurts just to look at the damage. Hope it can be fixed for you. -- Al
Cheers Mitch,

Here you go-just make sure to hold back the tears. Finally found the MIA tanker graveling in the packing material.

Man On Fire,

Those effing jerks!!! Are they going to step up and pay you back for the damage they caused or will they claim that this was done to keep the country safe - cost of doing business on behalf of the citizenry?

I would be livid and raising hellfire on this. This is exactly the kind of insensitivity to our private lives that I think so many are so furious at.
Gentleman & Fellow Forum Squadron Members,

Thank you all for your concern and comments all of which are appreciated. As predicted FedEx made an early attempt to blame everyone else till I provided names, email address' and phone numbers of their employees that I spoke to prior to the delivery in regards to the dangerous contraband better known as the IED "polystone tank" or better yet a newly implemented carrier device for "Operation Drug Mule". Strange is not that they have no record of said correspondence? Good thing I kept the phone messages left and all eMails which threw them into a flat spin blitzkrieg fast! I had to place a call and forward all emails sent and a short summary to my Air Carrier's Union rep. so that they could make a notation of Homeland Security's involvement thanks to FedEx so it would not bite me in the "six" when I get back to flying-I figured I better do so just in case and the company rep. got a real kick out of it being a history buff too. With the help of Ana, methodical, polite and extremely pointed and firm counter-measures have been put into play. I will keep you updated on their next move which should be a full refund along with an apology which I know is pushing it as accepting responsibility is asking way too much.

Man On Fire,
Glad to see its moving in the right direction. On a better note the damage though looking extensive is repairable from the pics you have posted. I have myself fixed worse looking AFV's and one would not know. I am sure a US chap doing repairs etc could fix this for you at minimal cost.
What a joke....That is a disgrace to tear that tank up for no reason....WHY do that????:mad:
Marc, I don't know what to say...
That's like ripping the Mona Lisa from her frame to check for contraband. I'm not surprised, though.

I`ve been following your ordeal for some days... I also have a very sad story concerning homeland security and TS. Every time I travel to the US I normally have a shopping spree of TS to bring back in my checked luggage, where I extra-carefully wrap and place these items. On my last trip when I arrived and opened my bags, both had a leaflet stating that it was opened, searched and checked. To my total bewilderment I had 3 major headaches: 2 beyond repair broken and dented soldiers that obviously suffered a major fall and a MISSING tank turret; believe it or not, my summer panther became turretless, its gun forgotten on some behind the scene checked luggage x-ray bench at the Kennedy Airport in NYC by a careless HS employee, never to be found...
I still wonder what kind of threat could those TS in my luggage pose... just like you tank in the mail. You have my deepest sympathy!
Because they can and think they are beyond the law. Petty people with a badge and they think they can do whatever they wish with peoples possessions

What a joke....That is a disgrace to tear that tank up for no reason....WHY do that????:mad:

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