Mark, I am in the same boat. Would love to have one, but it is just a dream. Have to eat and keep my roof, too. -- AlI would love to have one but it is about 5 years of my TS budget!and I don't have the room for something like that.I'm afraid food,a roof over my head and a vehicle have priority.
Well it IS most impressive but a bit too large and expensive for me as well. Nothing against Figarti or Lord Nelson but but frankly I might have been more tempted by a Frigate, like the venerable "Surprise" (Rose). I always preferred those to the SOTLs and it might have come in at less than a half/third of the size and price.Tell me now, is she not a beauty?
Oh no, I was counting on you Louis. If not you, who is our yes vote here; come on lads fess up?Its not going to happen for me. It is unbelievably magnificent in person, but I can't see spending $6,500 for one toy, no matter how spectacular.![]()
Maybe so, and maybe he built it for himself.Maybe it's Rick. I think he could get a good price![]()
Maybe so, and maybe he built it for himself.![]()
Since this question was asked for the Karl Morser, I figured why not the same for the Victory. While it is too steep for my blood, I also wanted to know who might end up with one that I could see in person.![]()
Other that 2 so far on the forum you mean.You may be very close to the mark. I asked Rick if it was his father's idea like the Last Supper, but he said it was his idea. He probably did build it for himself. It's a very nice model and probably will sell in markets other than to people on the Treefrog Forum.