I know I'm ........ (1 Viewer)


Four Star General
May 18, 2005
Probably known as a mainly WW2 freak around here, but what some of you might not know is that WW1 has always been my first Historical interest. For that reason I can't wait to see what TGM are going to unveil for WW1 in London. I'll be there at 6.30am sharp, camera and cash in hand, I've a feeling I'm going to be in from the get go with these:)

I've a feeling there are some Tommies on the way too:wink2:

What would you guys like to see for this range?

I've known you long enough to know that mate!! You are very well versed in WW1

I'd love to see a Mark IV Mother Male. Some doughboys would be nice too but I have to think it will be trench weary Tommys.

Do me a favor and lobby him face to face about Modern figures too!! {sm4}{bravo}}
Will you require a snow shovel this time?^&grin
WWI tommies are a cert and hope they are first looking forward to seeing them. Should be some very interesting things from TG
Have you purchased any K & C WWI Rob?

Hey Brad, no I don't have any K&C WW1 as there always seems to be lots of WW2 for me to catch up on. I've now missed quite a few of the early German releases so not sure whether to start or not. It could be that my WW2 will be K&C with my WW1 being TG and my Toy Army Workshop collection.

If Andy makes any Brits on the Somme then I'm in.

Really looking forward to seeing TG's new WW1 range, wonder where they will start?!

Can't have WW1 without the French and Germans. I would like to see artillery, from all the participants. Medical Corps from all participants and cavalry from all sides as well. Wouldn't mind USMC in Belleau Wood, either. Good thing I'm not greedy. -- Al
Hey Brad, no I don't have any K&C WW1 as there always seems to be lots of WW2 for me to catch up on. I've now missed quite a few of the early German releases so not sure whether to start or not. It could be that my WW2 will be K&C with my WW1 being TG and my Toy Army Workshop collection.

If Andy makes any Brits on the Somme then I'm in.

Really looking forward to seeing TG's new WW1 range, wonder where they will start?!


A lot (most actually) of the K & C WWI releases are quite nice, particularly the Mark IV tank and FW 40-48, English infantry (which I have), plus the first release of marching Germans, which I also have.
I'd like to see some Autrian, American and Italian troops.

Also, some more tanks and armored vehicles would be nice!

It looks like JJ and K&C have the planes covered so that should leave TG to focus on some troops and armor that haven't been produced by the other companies.
Thanks for posting a link Brett but I'm looking at a blank chalkboard, looked around site but can't find anything, will have to be a good boy and wait for the show! Cheers

That figure in the second pic sure looks a lot like Kemal Ataturk from King & Country's ALH series.
Maybe a little younger though :)
Im with you Rob like WW1 but couldn't afford to play catch up with K&C so might play keep up with TGM,that figure on his website looks like a good start.
Can't wait for those pics mate.
Now I see it! Very nice figure, looks like it will be a good range^&cool Looking forward to seeing more.

Yes, its a Turkish Officer c WW1.

Tom did indicate that if you like the Lighthorse series by K&C,

you'd like his new WW1 range,

and I'm sure that this 'Mahmet' will fit in nicley at Beersheeba.

Nice one Tom :) :)

Yes, its a Turkish Officer c WW1.

Tom did indicate that if you like the Lighthorse series by K&C,

you'd like his new WW1 range,

and I'm sure that this 'Mahmet' will fit in nicley at Beersheeba.

Nice one Tom :) :)


If there,s TURKS there might be Aussies later on.

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