In Defense of the Red Lancer ! (6 Viewers)


Thanks for the info - it was learning curve for K&C I am sure - I would hope Andy would consider doing that kind of KCS Range again ! Everyone loves NAPOLEONICS - RIGHT ! :D

In retrospect - it was a really neat idea to see what would sell in the KCS release and then take that information in to decide to run a full production on those figures. I have the KCS series - except for the 4th Dragoon KCS 75 - he slipped by me (any sellers out there ?) - the KCS range also allows some interesting dioramas that you can build which I have done.

Thanks again for you input.

Now Rob !

You know if I was at Waterloo - YOU WOULD BE SPEAKING FRENCH ! :eek: :eek:

LOL ! :D :D

Thanks for the info - it was learning curve for K&C I am sure - I would hope Andy would consider doing that kind of KCS Range again ! Everyone loves NAPOLEONICS - RIGHT ! :D

In retrospect - it was a really neat idea to see what would sell in the KCS release and then take that information in to decide to run a full production on those figures. I have the KCS series - except for the 4th Dragoon KCS 75 - he slipped by me (any sellers out there ?) - the KCS range also allows some interesting dioramas that you can build which I have done.

Thanks again for you input.

Now Rob !

You know if I was at Waterloo - YOU WOULD BE SPEAKING FRENCH ! :eek: :eek:

LOL ! :D :D

:D:D It wouldn't be so bad i guess Ron,i do love their wine and Chocolate Pastries;).

If you have a look on the (new) prices, you must use a "normal" figure (first normal Dragoons) for reference vs. today's price for a Red Lancer. The difference is around 53 : 75 Dollars a figure.
I think editions will not be growing up and prices (new Goverment restrictions in China) of production are getting higher and higher.
Generals - a message from a lowly private ...

Lions Led By Donkey's !!!

Enjoy your pims - we'll be having a pint !!!


Yep the generals private bar is getting crowded,pass the brandy will you;)
Thats why I was asking in this Treefrog Army ! :p

I think we need to get excited !


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