In Defense of the Red Lancer ! (3 Viewers)

Another good point for collectors - as Brad has pointed out before - Ebay is starting to show signs of real deals on figures & vehicles 2 to 3 years old. From people who buy everything on a impulse.

When times get tight - these collectors sell at a reduced rate - this causes the ebay marketplace to react to this lower value and a price reducing war begins to just sell things. It is happening now on some items. The next thing you have is deals from collectors who simply want to move their collection for something else, just want out or need money.

Buyers market has begun. Save your pennies and get ready to shop - because more deals will probally be on the way ! ;)
Add to this the expense of everything petroleum related, and you have runaway inflation.

And then factor in the international currency mess - the dollar is getting pounded by the Pound and the Euro, then the Pound and the Euro are in the tank, god only knows what is going to happen next. I am no expert, but it seems to me that with the world wide recession and runaway inflation, we, as collectors are going to be expected to absorb substantial price hikes from virtually all of the manufacturers involved in this hobby.QUOTE]

INflation is currently off the table. We are in a DEflationary environment. Everything from housing, to oil, to metals, to fine art, to stocks, are seeing prices FALL, in the slowing worldwide economy. Thus why the Fed has the fed funds rate at 1% - they have abandoned concerns of inflation in order to battle DEflation, a more inisdious force. While Govt policies are expected to eventually bring about inflation, currently the situation is deflationary.

The dollar has been STRENGTHENING against the pound and Euro. Pound is now ~1.47 per US$, down from almost $2, while the Euro is $1.30, vs earlier high of ~1.60.

Was that not Gazza's point then. If everything is going down in price why is the Red Lancer going up?
Was that not Gazza's point then. If everything is going down in price why is the Red Lancer going up?

Yes, I believe it was. My guess is prices somewhat lag the overall market, as producting costs were contractually agreed to back in the planning stage.

But also, I do expect that there has been some upward pressure on labor costs in China, result of both hourly wage rate increases and product quality improvements (higher skill + more hours per figure)
If there really is worldwide deflation, we are entering another great depression, in which case this discussion is a moot point, as all the manufacturers in the hobby will go belly up, and most of us are going to end up bankrupt.

And as to the prices of everything going down, I wonder where? The only prices I have seen decrease are gas prices. The last time I went to the supermarket everthing was as ridiculously expensive as it has been in recent times.
If there really is worldwide deflation, we are entering another great depression, in which case this discussion is a moot point, as all the manufacturers in the hobby will go belly up, and most of us are going to end up bankrupt.

And as to the prices of everything going down, I wonder where? The only prices I have seen decrease are gas prices. The last time I went to the supermarket everthing was as ridiculously expensive as it has been in recent times.

Have you priced houses or stocks and bonds? Cars? Gold? Clothing? The fed is fighting deflation, as are the bailout plans. We may defeat deflation, only to be met with quite nasty stagflation.

The Velocity Factor
A severe global recession will lead to deflationary pressures. Falling demand will lead to lower inflation as companies cut prices to reduce excess inventory.....
Yes, I agree the most likely scenario will be short to mid-term deflation followed by runaway inflation (caused by world governments basically printing money into existence to fund all these bailout and stimulus packages). But ultimately no one (especially the economists) really know what will happen. I think Louis did make a good point concerning the international currency roller coaster, that is the biggest unknown in this game. I have never seen the Canadian dollar going up and down by 2 or more cents every day as is currently happening. And the US dollar is still due for a major downward readjustment.
Oil and gold are the best INVERSE signalers of what is going on with the dollar.

As the dollar weakens, these two seemingly go up in price - and vice versa. As most know, gold and oil have been dropping in pricre for the last few months. They are coming off all time highs ($1,000 and $150, now $750 and $50). Great economic uncertainty is usally bullish for their prices.
Oil and gold are the best INVERSE signalers of what is going on with the dollar.

As the dollar weakens, these two seemingly go up in price - and vice versa. As most know, gold and oil have been dropping in pricre for the last few months. They are coming off all time highs ($1,000 and $150, now $750 and $50). Great economic uncertainty is usally bullish for their prices.

True, the price of oil was WAY out of touch with what the actual demand for the product was, just like home prices... I think we'll be paying for this for at least another year or so...
Indeed, the role of speculation in the high oil prices we all saw is becoming clearer by the day. However, I've also read that the current low price is leading to oil companies and governments significantly cutting back on exploration and development of new and existing oil fields such that when the economy gears up again in a few years and demand returns, we'll be back into another, and more severe shortage with associated higher prices. Again, the common denominator seems to be that we should brace for hyper-inflation from 2010 on. In 2012 if the Red Lancers are still around they'll probably look cheap. Of course, many people will have their salaries indexed to inflation so it's not the end of the world some economists make it out to be (unless you're a banker in the loan-making business).
I think it's time to get back to soldiers - the whole economy thing is far to depressing.

I get it 24/7 with work, the news, internet etc; one of my ways to escape all that is toy soldiers ( and so on that basis soldiers are priceless anyway !!!)

Just got deliver of my first batch of K&C tanks, as branching out from Napoleonics - Tunisian Tiger (superb), Churchill (ok), Sherman (very nice).

Also just bought the DD45 Sherman - bargain on ebay - as Ron said there are some great deals on ebay (though often not the one's he posts !!!). When something does not sell, I email the seller and negotiate off-line


PS Thinking of changing my user name to Red Lancer !!!

I am the high end guy - not the desperate guy - LOL

Just like Njja always says - you set a price, then the buyer buys it or not - simple. I am not in ebay to make a living - just fund the toy soldier habit.

The great thing about Ebay and the current "buyers" market is there so many things coming out below retail you can find things that you have wanted.

The one thing that always cracks me are the guys who sell K&C products that they don't even have or has even been released ! :eek: - I am not sure if people who bid on these items read the fine print - that what they are bidding on - usually above retail price in the auction - actual hasnt been released yet and will be found in a dealers shop for less !! :rolleyes:
(now some guys do sell these items at retail only and inform the customer well that item is not out yet - dont want to paint with too big of a brush)

I am waiting for the RED LANCER to make his appearance on Ebay ! ;)

I think it's time to get back to soldiers - the whole economy thing is far to depressing.

I get it 24/7 with work, the news, internet etc; one of my ways to escape all that is toy soldiers ( and so on that basis soldiers are priceless anyway !!!)

Just got deliver of my first batch of K&C tanks, as branching out from Napoleonics - Tunisian Tiger (superb), Churchill (ok), Sherman (very nice).

Also just bought the DD45 Sherman - bargain on ebay - as Ron said there are some great deals on ebay (though often not the one's he posts !!!). When something does not sell, I email the seller and negotiate off-line


PS Thinking of changing my user name to Red Lancer !!!
get it 24/7 with work, the news, internet etc; one of my ways to escape all that is toy soldiers ( and so on that basis soldiers are priceless anyway !!!)

The nail has been hit on the head!
Capitolron said
"I believe the KCS - Mounted Napoleonic Series started in 2005 (not sure on the date) and the KCS 74 - Vistula Polish Lancer was priced at $65.00 USD."

I remember very clearly that series was mentioned in the January Despatches (not sure if 2005 or 2006) as I recall not being too happy 10 good mounted Naps released just after Xmas !!
I'm not a Napoleanic collector but I was just looking at the 1st Legion British figures and they are very nice but at $10 more than earlier figures.No one seems to holler about this but want to tar and feather Andy N. for raising prices.I can't understand this.They say 1st Legion figures are better but KC figures look great to me also.If I collected Napoleanics I would want both.KC,1st Legion,Jenkins,CS,Conte,Britains,Frontline,etc.,All the manufacturers are making high quality products and thankfully there are many companies making toy soldiers and that is a benefit to all of us.My point is that it's ridiculous to down some companies while praising others when they all seem to do their best trying to please the collectors with there wants.I've had to cut back because of the economy like many but I'm not going to complain about the rising cost of our hobby because I really believe the companies are not raising the prices solely for large profits.

Yea - I seem to remember that they came out at that time and was wondering why would you release these wonderful guys after Christmas too ? Must have been a production issue.

Can you tell us which of those KCS guys sold the best in the land down under??

It would be interesting to know - I believe the RED LANCERS are the response to the KCS popularity of the POLISH LANCERS and hopefully Andy will produce some of those as well in the future. Must have more BLUE GUYS !

The lancers are going to be a popular lot ... and sooner rather than later K&C will release the "blue" Polish and line lancers. After that we will have the Cossacks too.

:D :D :D

Dear Rob,
It was January 2006.
For the benefit of other Forum members the full list of those specials was :

KCS067 British General
KCS068 Chasseur à Cheval Young Guard
KCS069 Chasseur à Cheval (1)
KCS070 Chasseur à Cheval (2)
KCS071 Chasseur à Cheval on Campaign
KCS072 Chasseur à Cheval Officer in Dress Uniform
KCS073 Dragoon Elite Company
KCS074 Vistula Lancer
KCS075 4th Dragoons
KCS076 Chasseur à Cheval Guard

and this release was unique in that although all of the above are not “Strictly Limited” releases K&C only produced a relatively small number of pieces of each figure.It was a one-off order only. Dealers were limited to a maximum of just 10pcs of any one item.

At the time I was not too happy with K&C for doing this in January and let Andy know accordingly. The Scots Greys had come out in November and any K&C Nap collector who had bought those would have spent quite a bit already. As I said it was just after Xmas and dealers only had one time to order these. If they had been released in March I could have sold a lot more. I had customers who wanted to buy all of them but the combination of having just bought Scots Greys, Xmas and holidays (here it is more of an issue as the kids are on holidays for 2 months so expenditure already high) and having only one chance to order meant I would have had to wait quite a while to sell them. Another issue was no prior notice and I know that if customers had known they were coming they would have preferred to have got these one off Specials and got the Scots later on therby being better for all. I did not get 10 of any of them but I do recall the Lancer being the popular one.
That was not a good months Despatches for me as it was a missed sales opportunity due to the limited way they were announced and released.

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