In Defense of the Red Lancer ! (2 Viewers)

Hello all. Just to go off course for a moment, does anyone know if the new Red Lancer pennons are correct white over red as oppossed to red over white? Every illustration I have ever seen of the Red Lancers has been red over white. Just curious. -- lancer

All my resources show that the pennons are wrong. Most history types will not touch these, if this is the final version..I am sure that it cannot be an error, since KC does not make any:p..Michael
I think you've hit the nail on the head, We've all heard from Andy most of the line is planned out nearly a year in advance, these have been in development and production for months, hence the purchase of raw materials and labor was also done months ago, probably in the beginning or height of the summer when commodities peaked. the drop in prices has been very steep and has happened in a very short period of time to arrive where they are now.

It the above statement is true, then keep the high price for the first badge of lancers manufactured. Then lower the price for the second badge produced! (presumably after those 'super generous' folks on this forum who don't mind spending unreasonable amount of money on toy soldiers purchased the first expensive badge).

Everything in Hong Kong is on sale. All the goodies are on sale. I guess K&C has a larger market overseas than in Hong Kong. Nonetheless, there's a Christmas sale of K&C products happening over in Hong Kong. It just seems to me that you guys in the States have no sense of frugality, which encouraged Andy to raise the prices! On the other hand, he has to come up with X'mas sales in Hong Kong in order to keep customers walking into his shop!

PO If I use American Express Card to buy stuff at K&C shop in Hong Kong, I get to earn bonus points too.
Dang! Some of you guys in the forum have no sense of what's value for money. That's why your country's economy sux!
If this is true.. then this is going against K&Cs own price policy !?!
If this is true.. then this is going against K&Cs own price policy !?!

What I said is merely a theory. Dont take it to mean that I know the inner workings of K&C. It is quite the opposite, I have never met Andy Neilson; although I have heard only wonderful things about him.

What I said is merely a theory. Dont take it to mean that I know the inner workings of K&C. It is quite the opposite, I have never met Andy Neilson; although I have heard only wonderful things about him.


I was referring to the sale at the K&C Hong Kong store
it the above statement is true, then keep the high price for the first badge of lancers manufactured. Then lower the price for the second badge produced! (presumably after those 'super generous' folks on this forum who don't mind spending unreasonable amount of money on toy soldiers purchased the first expensive badge).

Everything in hong kong is on sale. All the goodies are on sale. I guess k&c has a larger market overseas than in hong kong. Nonetheless, there's a christmas sale of k&c products happening over in hong kong. It just seems to me that you guys in the states have no sense of frugality, which encouraged andy to raise the prices! On the other hand, he has to come up with x'mas sales in hong kong in order to keep customers walking into his shop!

Po if i use american express card to buy stuff at k&c shop in hong kong, i get to earn bonus points too.
Dang! Some of you guys in the forum have no sense of what's value for money. That's why your country's economy sux!

wtf? Is there a point to this? Not even going into this, but the current economy is a global one, I believe all countries are having an issue. And if you want to say we caused it, fine, I guess that means our economy is the strongest then, b/c if we can cause a global recession, we obviously must be the leader or one of them.


THis thread is a discussion about pricing, not a potshotting exercise.
Hello all. Just to go off course for a moment, does anyone know if the new Red Lancer pennons are correct white over red as oppossed to red over white? Every illustration I have ever seen of the Red Lancers has been red over white. Just curious. -- lancer

Historically, most lancer types always had red on top, to cover the blood that would invariably be all over that part of the pennon. $.02
Historically, most lancer types always had red on top, to cover the blood that would invariably be all over that part of the pennon. $.02

Rousselot in Planche 68 of his L'Armee Francaise series says white over red. So doe Men at Arms Ron Pawly on Napolean's Red Lancers. The Cavalry Museum in Holland, where the Regiment was originally from, also has a full size display with a white over red pennon. It appears that this was a special regimental distinction.
It the above statement is true, then keep the high price for the first badge of lancers manufactured. Then lower the price for the second badge produced! (presumably after those 'super generous' folks on this forum who don't mind spending unreasonable amount of money on toy soldiers purchased the first expensive badge).

Everything in Hong Kong is on sale. All the goodies are on sale. I guess K&C has a larger market overseas than in Hong Kong. Nonetheless, there's a Christmas sale of K&C products happening over in Hong Kong. It just seems to me that you guys in the States have no sense of frugality, which encouraged Andy to raise the prices! On the other hand, he has to come up with X'mas sales in Hong Kong in order to keep customers walking into his shop!

PO If I use American Express Card to buy stuff at K&C shop in Hong Kong, I get to earn bonus points too.
Dang! Some of you guys in the forum have no sense of what's value for money. That's why your country's economy sux!

Your using a broad brush on us American's.

But the prices of K&C in the US may be coming down.

The lawmakes here are looking at " price fixing " companies now. They want to put a stop to it. Their targeting products that Never Go on Sale from companies that sell around the globe ;)
Well I guess K&C's goose is cooked then. They never lower their prices and will take the license to sell their figures away from any retailer who tries to. That is the very definition of price controls.

On the other hand, if the painting quality of K&C figures suddenly declines, we'll have no one to blame but ourselves for pushing for lower prices. If prices go down, there will quite likely be a cost in terms of quality because I highly doubt Andy will be prepared to accept lower profit margins.

So it's a double-edged sword.

Me, I'm not so beholden to collecting K&C that I can't easily switch to a competitor's brand if it is more reasonably priced. This only really affects the die-hard K&C collectors who for some reason cannot bring themselves to buy any other toy soldier brand except overpriced K&C (if one deems it overpriced).
Well I guess K&C's goose is cooked then. They never lower their prices and will take the license to sell their figures away from any retailer who tries to. That is the very definition of price controls.

On the other hand, if the painting quality of K&C figures suddenly declines, we'll have no one to blame but ourselves for pushing for lower prices. If prices go down, there will quite likely be a cost in terms of quality because I highly doubt Andy will be prepared to accept lower profit margins.

So it's a double-edged sword.

Me, I'm not so beholden to collecting K&C that I can't easily switch to a competitor's brand if it is more reasonably priced. This only really affects the die-hard K&C collectors who for some reason cannot bring themselves to buy any other toy soldier brand except overpriced K&C (if one deems it overpriced).

CS, you talkin about me? cause I definately Jones for K&C. There's no going back for me, Once you've had the best S**** the rest!!
For all the guys who boycott K&C, Thank you, leaves more for me, besides with the bad economy I need a little extra time to catch up, That is if Global warming and pollution don't get me first!!!:eek::eek::eek:
CS, you talkin about me? cause I definately Jones for K&C. There's no going back for me, Once you've had the best S**** the rest!!
For all the guys who boycott K&C, Thank you, leaves more for me, besides with the bad economy I need a little extra time to catch up, That is if Global warming and pollution don't get me first!!!:eek::eek::eek:

Man I crave some of that K and C s..... Pure stuff man solid gold I don't mix it with other s''''''. I take it mainline . Get my drift. It costs a bit extra but hey when you feel that rush and see that bright light comming towrds you you know it was worth it
Man I crave some of that K and C s..... Pure stuff man solid gold I don't mix it with other s''''''. I take it mainline . Get my drift. It costs a bit extra but hey when you feel that rush and see that bright light comming towrds you you know it was worth it


This is a debate about prices NOT a witch hunt against K&C or 'let's take a pop at the US'.


It the above statement is true, then keep the high price for the first badge of lancers manufactured. Then lower the price for the second badge produced! (presumably after those 'super generous' folks on this forum who don't mind spending unreasonable amount of money on toy soldiers purchased the first expensive badge).

Everything in Hong Kong is on sale. All the goodies are on sale. I guess K&C has a larger market overseas than in Hong Kong. Nonetheless, there's a Christmas sale of K&C products happening over in Hong Kong. It just seems to me that you guys in the States have no sense of frugality, which encouraged Andy to raise the prices! On the other hand, he has to come up with X'mas sales in Hong Kong in order to keep customers walking into his shop!

PO If I use American Express Card to buy stuff at K&C shop in Hong Kong, I get to earn bonus points too.
Dang! Some of you guys in the forum have no sense of what's value for money. That's why your country's economy sux!

I am no fan of price increases !

My thread was to show that if you look at other figures and then calculate the reasonable cost increases over two years - you get to a $79.00 USD figure with Great Quality and is in sorts a Flagman Figure which usually cost a little more.

Look - I will have to budget on how many I plan to buy as well. But, then again - I like to buy a few at a time anyway and build my collection over time.

This was a little discussion on a different view of the RED LANCER - thats all.


Ron thats all well and good for you that you can afford these new over priced figures and welcome new higher prices when all oil and steel prices are dropping and you look forward to a yearly price increase.:confused:but I can no longer afford to pay these prices and I HAVE hit my price cut off limit and can no longer collect these figures at these prices.
A $17 price jump is just plane out of control in my book. Maybe if I sell my older retired figures on Ebay for 5 or 6 times there orginal value I might be able to remain a K&C collector. I,m sorry Ron but these prices are uncalled for and all the other manafactures have not had to make these price increases and there not even based in hong kong like K&C.
This is just a greed issue in my book. K&C was once a great figure at an affordable price. ONCE!!!
Ron maybe you make a better income then most and you dont mind the price increase. I dont welcome the new prices and its to bad there going up but what can you do? I guess you have to go along with it buy what you can or not and hope for the best. But I dont believe its gonna get any better.

That was a little out line :rolleyes:

My point was a cost increase factor of liked figures over the last two years. I personally dont like price increases and paying for figures. You should temper your remarks better in the future.
wtf? Is there a point to this? Not even going into this, but the current economy is a global one, I believe all countries are having an issue. And if you want to say we caused it, fine, I guess that means our economy is the strongest then, b/c if we can cause a global recession, we obviously must be the leader or one of them.


THis thread is a discussion about pricing, not a potshotting exercise.


I was thinking the same thing ? :confused: Where in the heck did this anti-american stuff come from ?

We talking toy soldiers and price increases - not political thoughts from the third world. ;)
Hello all. Thanks to all who took the time to answer my question about the lance pennons. Looks like white over red. KC does its research. As to the price discussions, any addiction hurts and gets more expensive. You must quit cold turkey, moderate said addiction, or just drink the cool-aid. JMHO. -- lancer
Wot - price increases AND I have to give up cold turkey with Xmas looming !!!

Hello all. Thanks to all who took the time to answer my question about the lance pennons. Looks like white over red. KC does its research. As to the price discussions, any addiction hurts and gets more expensive. You must quit cold turkey, moderate said addiction, or just drink the cool-aid. JMHO. -- lancer
Gazza - it's a tough world with hard decisions to be made daily, but, I will not give up my toy soldiers until "they" pry them from my cold, dead fingers! -- lancer

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