In Defense of the Red Lancer ! (4 Viewers)

I feel the same about cold turkey !!!

Gazza - it's a tough world with hard decisions to be made daily, but, I will not give up my toy soldiers until "they" pry them from my cold, dead fingers! -- lancer
Your using a broad brush on us American's.

But the prices of K&C in the US may be coming down.

The lawmakes here are looking at " price fixing " companies now. They want to put a stop to it. Their targeting products that Never Go on Sale from companies that sell around the globe ;)
Lord save us from lawmakers looking at anything, especially economic matters that virtually none of them understand.:eek: They do understand demand for making things better no matter the cost, which is their speciality (or was that worse or maybe just appear better, tell you the truth in all this excitement, I forget myself.:rolleyes:)
Man I crave some of that K and C s..... Pure stuff man solid gold I don't mix it with other s''''''. I take it mainline . Get my drift. It costs a bit extra but hey when you feel that rush and see that bright light comming towrds you you know it was worth it
Ah now I get it mate, my problem has been tryin to mix it with the other s***. I guess that is why I haven't seen the bright light yet; now that I know.;):D:D:D
I Really Do Love These Guys !!

:D :D :D


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Everybody's getting a little crazy out there.PRO KC,ANTI KC.It shouldn't be that way.It should be PRO TOY SOLDIERS.I think a lot of people are getting frustrated because there is so many quality figures out there and most of us just can't afford it all.If you can afford it buy it if your willing to pay the price,if you can't don't,it's as simple as that.As far as prices go it will even itself out eventually.The makers will have to decide when to draw the line on prices or they will go out of business.It is like any other business that when the mass of your customers can't afford to buy a product the price will be lower or that product will be gone.Come on guys there are many more serious issues out there than give yourself a stroke over this.
I have posted a picture of my Frontline Red Lancer in the Frontline thread if this helps.
Everybody's getting a little crazy out there.PRO KC,ANTI KC.It shouldn't be that way.It should be PRO TOY SOLDIERS.I think a lot of people are getting frustrated because there is so many quality figures out there and most of us just can't afford it all.If you can afford it buy it if your willing to pay the price,if you can't don't,it's as simple as that.As far as prices go it will even itself out eventually.The makers will have to decide when to draw the line on prices or they will go out of business.It is like any other business that when the mass of your customers can't afford to buy a product the price will be lower or that product will be gone.Come on guys there are many more serious issues out there than give yourself a stroke over this.

I would like to second this. It all boils down to basic economics... Supply and demand...
It should not be pro or con against any company.

I can understand the frustration on collectors parts of not being able to afford products they once could afford. We face that choice everyday in life, evenmore in todays economy. I would like to buy Rolls Royce, but I could only afford to buy a Satrun Vue, so no Rolls Royce. Should I demand that Rolls Royce produce cars that I can afford and bash them if they do not. (A little extreme example, but somewhat on point, I think)

If producers price themselves out of the market someone will replace them with more affordable products.

Buy what you like and can afford and congratule others who can buy what you or I can not afford at this time.
You know the whole idea behind this thread was to simply make a point that over the last two years the price increases for Napoleonic Mounted Figures is not that bad. A comparison was done on some of the other figures that have been produced and their detail work was reviewed.

It amazes me that some would launch personal attacks and basically get ugly over the subject manner - instead of having a simple conversation.

I dont mind the critical views of price increases - thats all fair game - but, we do not need to lose it in the conversation.

If you truely dislike K&C - fine - please take is somewhere else.

All I would like to do is speak with people who have an interest in these RED LANCERS and get some feedback, thoughts and discussion on these new figures.

You know the whole idea behind this thread was to simply make a point that over the last two years the price increases for Napoleonic Mounted Figures is not that bad. A comparison was done on some of the other figures that have been produced and their detail work was reviewed.

It amazes me that some would launch personal attacks and basically get ugly over the subject manner - instead of having a simple conversation.

I dont mind the critical views of price increases - thats all fair game - but, we do not need to lose it in the conversation.

If you truely dislike K&C - fine - please take is somewhere else.

All I would like to do is speak with people who have an interest in these RED LANCERS and get some feedback, thoughts and discussion on these new figures.


Here is something to consider:

At a steady increase of $5-7 USD per year for a mounted figure, a new Napoleonic cavalryman will cost $105-$115 USD in 5 years at this rate.....

you're collecting the wrong ranges. If you collect WWII instead, you'd have seen a price drop over the years.
Cost of a 1995 Arnhem Recce Jeep - $192
Cost of a 2007 Arnhem Recce Jeep - $115.

Now, if you're happy to take a little hit in terms of historical accuray, and had the Red Lancers charging in to battle in Jeeps, as opposed to horses, you may end up with a significant drop in price. Everybody (apart from the real die hard rivet counters) would be happy.

Hope that helps.
...All I would like to do is speak with people who have an interest in these RED LANCERS and get some feedback, thoughts and discussion on these new figures.

Price aside, I find the painting very, very well done. I would think a set of these would be most impressive. As to the price, well we would all like to see these cheaper, as with most other things we like, but generally the better the detail, the more it costs. These have some very fine detail indeed. I would hope the price spiral in these and other figures does not continue unless we see some wage spiral to go with it.;)
here is what I was asking to be considered...

Dutch lancer GBP78 v Crimean Lancer GBP68 - less than 12 months apart; at current exchange rate nearly $15.

Why are 'old' Scott Grey's GBP 50.84 and the 'new' one is GBP 78.25 - if prices having risen so much are KC losing GBP 28 per item now?!! Are they absorbing this in their profit margin?!!! Me thinks not.

I know Supply & Demand ; I know it is about choice; just think it is a big increase...

Here is something to consider:

At a steady increase of $5-7 USD per year for a mounted figure, a new Napoleonic cavalryman will cost $105-$115 USD in 5 years at this rate.....
Have never posted here before but wanted to comment. I think the new cavalry are great. I plan on buying several but the price increases, while modest and probably in line with economic relaties, mean I will be buying less of them than I would I would like to. So which ones do I get? Not sure yet but need the scott's grey officer as well.
I've said it before, when the subject of expensive toy soldiers comes up--learn to paint, gentlemen, learn to paint!

While it may not seem much of an increase per figure there are 9 new figures, that is $711.00. 9 figures at the old price is $585.00. The difference between the 2 is $126, that's $4 shy of a whole 2 mounted figures at the old price.

I too would like to know why the old scot greys are selling at $59.00 and the new one is $79.00. Sure these should have gone up also. :confused:
Personally I think the Red Lancer is quite capable of defending himself.

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