Investing/Collecting and Vice Versa (1 Viewer)

Never being in the position to speculate or invest in the hobby it comes down to what the collection is at a given time,like after a lifetime. Im sure everyone has heard from those not in the hobby "whats it worth etc",,my answer always whatever you will give me or as much,,I do know what it costs and also now unfortunatly after a few fla hurricanes how little insurance if it isnt a very specialized kind ,considers ,collections-books and antiques. Owning two collector cars continues the enjoyment-investment scene. I collect what I enjoy
Re: Open Letter

Yep, you nailed it Ron, I'm jealous of you and everyone else who peddles stuff on Ebay........:rolleyes:

I make a very nice profit, thank you very much. Why does it annoy you so much that dealers make a profit selling toy soldiers, you have stated so numerous times on the forum. Sounds like YOU are the jealous one Ron.

My profit is fine with me, I do this for a living, have done so for ten years; despite all the economic doom and gloom, I am having my best year ever, all of this without having to resort to peddle stuff on Ebay, so I am all set.

I could play the secondary market game too; I can buy as many items from K & C as I want and store them in a airplane hanger and pull them out and peddle them on Ebay, but I choose not to.

Why would I be worried about the secondary market, I could care less about it.

Andy loves my business philosophy; having product to sell a year down the road that is long gone to a brand new collector instead of having to pay ransom prices on Ebay helps him continue to dominate the toy soldier world; adding collectors is the key to any business, just ask John.
Re: Open Letter

5 to 10 thousand dvds;:eek: makes my 4 to 500 seem trivial. How did you happen to come by so many and what kinds do you have?

One of my true loves is film. I started with my Dad watching old series mysteries like Sherlock Holmes, Mr. Moto, Boston Blackie, The Lone Wolf, etc, old movies from the 30s. It just kept growing. Anyhow, long story short, when dvds first came out, I had a pretty good "entertainment" hook up and was buying store bougth dvds for $4 to $5 each and a lot free! SO, it went nuts to include 16mm film, etc. They span everything from Sherlock Holmes to Steven Segal, Van Damme, Star Wars, Indy Jones, Pirates, etc. even Ozzy Osbourne and the Grateful Dead!!!!!!

I am a nut, I know.

Re: Open Letter

Well........let me tell you exactly what I think:eek::D:).......good for you!

Only think I want to see is your collecting area/den/office/storefoom:D

Without the wife knowing it:rolleyes:ssss I have managed to spread my

collections into 6 rooms of the home:D

Of course I have sold the antique coke machines.....3 of 4, candy store oak

counter, 8 foot Oak bar & mirror & antique coke outdoor signs:D so it looks

like I have a reduced foot print:D

I'm in the Living room, Great room, master bedroom 20' wall unit, den......her

den:D, harley room......and garage:eek:

I think you and I are a lot alike! We have wide interests and I have a "frying pan" wife, I think she is finally putting her foot down. That's bad news for Shannon and George>.................... Just kidding folks, i am pretty good at hiding stuff.

Seriously, I forgot to mention trains, my Dad was born 1941, his passion was trains. I have an attic full of original Lionel and American Flyer (Have his first NYC LoCo American Flyer engine, still runs). I myself only collect Lionel Generals (440 wood burning locomotives). I have every one ever made except the very early ones (can never find in decent condition) and the original Sears Halloween set (I do have the remake!). I even have the secondary Sears Gold series. My goal is to build a Corner unit in my office that will be an "L" shapped shelves floor to celing with track (curves) to display all of my Generals! Should be a fun inexpensive project.

John, Tom,

We are very, very lucky men to have wives who put up with our pack rat genes and let us display our collections!
Re: Open Letter


Sounds like a great way to display your "Generals"! You know all you are

allowed to take with you when you leave this life are your memories. So

we should all do our best to make sure we make as many good ones as

Re: Open Letter

"Sounds like a great way to display your "Generals"! You know all you are

allowed to take with you when you leave this life are your memories. So

we should all do our best to make sure we make as many good ones as


Always the voice of reason, well put............
John, Tom,

We are very, very lucky men to have wives who put up with our pack rat genes and let us display our collections!

Wow, isn't that the truth........I even have my 135lb pal Boo as yet another


This was last year wife feeding him Birthday Cupcake.......Today he is 10!


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    Aug 31 088.JPG
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John, Tom,

We are very, very lucky men to have wives who put up with our pack rat genes and let us display our collections!

Aint that the truth. She thinks I am nuts. I do too! Oh well, when I die, hopefully there will be a little something left for my little man and hopefully one of these collections will strike his fancy. Did I mention I have coins, comics, stamps and cards too???????????

Diseased through and through.

One thing I miss is my German Sheps, the wife is not a dog lover. My son and I are working on that one.

Re: Open Letter

Yep, you nailed it Ron, I'm jealous of you and everyone else who peddles stuff on Ebay........:rolleyes:

I make a very nice profit, thank you very much. Why does it annoy you so much that dealers make a profit selling toy soldiers, you have stated so numerous times on the forum. Sounds like YOU are the jealous one Ron.

My profit is fine with me, I do this for a living, have done so for ten years; despite all the economic doom and gloom, I am having my best year ever, all of this without having to resort to peddle stuff on Ebay, so I am all set.

I could play the secondary market game too; I can buy as many items from K & C as I want and store them in a airplane hanger and pull them out and peddle them on Ebay, but I choose not to.

Why would I be worried about the secondary market, I could care less about it.

Andy loves my business philosophy; having product to sell a year down the road that is long gone to a brand new collector instead of having to pay ransom prices on Ebay helps him continue to dominate the toy soldier world; adding collectors is the key to any business, just ask John.

Well Said.......Let the truth be known......Like it or not.....
John you are a certifiable NUT ! God love ya!

I am venturing into the investment phase of my collecting. I would tend to agree with you and C-Ron about buying extras for fun and profit. I would love to have it all but no way can I afford to.

Some dealers do hold a couple pieces aside. A lot of them hold out for their regular customers. There seems to be a lot of interesting things going on sale-wise on ebay. I do not know what to think about it . Primarily it is really none of my business. I quess there is nothing anyone can do about it either. The only thing this seems to do is make nice men kokoo!

So can we all mind our own business or collections. This really seems to be petty jealousy on the part of a few guys that should no better.
John you are a certifiable NUT ! God love ya!


Don't forget to give me a call (or I can call you) to discuss Autiva......and

current ebay nonsense:eek:

I just want some more Arnhem stuff to show up!...........another one of those

SAS03's wouldn't be bad either:D
Re: Open Letter


Lets not get personal or try to compare successful businesses against each other - I dont think it really compares dollar wise ;)

But, you seem to be missing my point - I dont care how you sell, what you sell or even who you sell to - it your business. Just like its my personal business on what I do with items I buy.

I just have never been a big fan of Big Government or Busy Bodies - trying to get involved in my personal affairs :rolleyes:


Yep, you nailed it Ron, I'm jealous of you and everyone else who peddles stuff on Ebay........:rolleyes:

I make a very nice profit, thank you very much. Why does it annoy you so much that dealers make a profit selling toy soldiers, you have stated so numerous times on the forum. Sounds like YOU are the jealous one Ron.

My profit is fine with me, I do this for a living, have done so for ten years; despite all the economic doom and gloom, I am having my best year ever, all of this without having to resort to peddle stuff on Ebay, so I am all set.

I could play the secondary market game too; I can buy as many items from K & C as I want and store them in a airplane hanger and pull them out and peddle them on Ebay, but I choose not to.

Why would I be worried about the secondary market, I could care less about it.

Andy loves my business philosophy; having product to sell a year down the road that is long gone to a brand new collector instead of having to pay ransom prices on Ebay helps him continue to dominate the toy soldier world; adding collectors is the key to any business, just ask John.

You are utterly clueless Ron when it comes to running a business, just clueless.................
Re: Open Letter

NASIR::: I had 3 K&C Chariots, will be down to 1. Why did I have 3, well, 2 were part of a lot I wanted and I figured, what the heck, I could trade them, never did get a good trade, so they finally made it to ebay. 1 is sitting in my Egyptian Diorama. Does this make me a speculator or a hoarder of items??? Also, the price I put on it is what I am willing to sell it for, if it doesnt sell, so be it, I will simply keep it, no skin either way.

Hi tdubel,

sorry for not responding sooner, i was concentrating on the "Matte by Manufacturer forums".

i'm sorry if you felt that i was referring to you or anyone here, but my comments were general comments on ALL toy hobbies.

my previous post -

i agree John, that's a great guideline to have, FUN as the main factor.

i did not intend this as a dig to you or IXEC, as my private messages with both you guys shows me that you guys are passionate collectors as well.

during my time collecting 1/6, i had a few pieces of retired items, which i sold off to fuel my HB jagdpanther and K&C pieces.

Sodding both you off would make me a hypocrite.

my peeve is at the speculators, people whose main aim is to scour the toy world and monopolized ALL the rare items, not to collect, but solely to make profit, be it Starwars, Transformers, K&C Egyptian Chariot, etc..

a few Treefroggers sent me private messages, enquiring if i was referring to them, and i have replied individually, to say it is not true.

my gripe is with people who have no genuine interest in the hobby, and doesn't even collect at ALL, but hoards all the Limited editions for reselling. I encountered this type of people a **** lot while collecting 1/6 Dragon Models WW2 figures.

at first i was a bit naive, and as my practise, i like to interact with the people whom i bought from. Then i discovered some don't even know the basic 1/6 toy figures, something as ridiculous if a WW2 K&C collector who doesn't know there's a Battle of the Bulge series.

As many of you are aware, i do clear my stuffs in Ebay from time to time.

So my apologies for those who misunderstood and felt slighted by my post.


nasir kasmani.
no offense taken at all! Happy to have you as a friend on the board.

Most people know me on here, I practice what I preach. I just figured based on a few recent sales on ebay, a few of these items that are on the way out of my collection, now is a good time to sell them! I wish I could keep everything, but I had to draw the line at 3 Chariots! I upgraded until I got a perfect one, the 2 I have sold would have been just fine for 99.9% of folks, I am just anal.


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