Investing/Collecting and Vice Versa (1 Viewer)

Re: Open Letter

"Lets not get personal or try to compare successful businesses against each other - I dont think it really compares dollar wise ;)" For a guy who has gotten personal in numerous threads, I find your comment comical; by IT if you mean personal incomes, to me that's personal, so you just shot a hole in your arguement.

"But, you seem to be missing my point - I dont care how you sell, what you sell or even who you sell to - it your business. Just like its my personal business on what I do with items I buy." And you have missed my point; I could care less what you do with the stuff you buy, no jealousy at all Ron (that's a comical theory), go ahead and sell everything you buy at a huge profit, how does that effect my life; guess what, it doesn't, so buy/invest/speculate in as much product as you want to and peddle as much of it as you want to on Ebay as well, I could care less. According to you, all the stuff you sell are either extras or periods you are sick of and want to get rid of......................ah ok, sure Ron, go with that explanation if it works for you. Funny that you said you don't care how I sell; didn't you just say in your previous post my "one only" policy is bad business and how would Andy feel about that; sounds to me that you DO CARE about how I sell.

"I just have never been a big fan of Big Government or Busy Bodies - trying to get involved in my personal affairs :rolleyes:" Once again, you missed my point; why would I want to get involved in your life, I'm far from a busy body. Your life is the last one I'd ever want to get involved in, trust me on that ok?

I'm done going in circles with you Ron; live and let live as they say, do your thing and I'll do mine and I'm going to leave it at that, I've said far too much about this already.
no offense taken at all! Happy to have you as a friend on the board.

Most people know me on here, I practice what I preach. I just figured based on a few recent sales on ebay, a few of these items that are on the way out of my collection, now is a good time to sell them! I wish I could keep everything, but I had to draw the line at 3 Chariots! I upgraded until I got a perfect one, the 2 I have sold would have been just fine for 99.9% of folks, I am just anal.


Hi Tom,

i'm relieved that the misunderstanding has been cleared.

i understand what you mean. when i was collecting 1/6 figures, i have the same impulse too, buying more than 1 of the same item, and then comparing and keeping the more 'perfect' one, and selling the other.

i think the next HB figure releases are going to have a higher number, and am really looking forward to see their winter versions.


nasir kasmani.
You know every now and then we forget that we are all on this Forum becasue we enjoy toy soldiers!:D:)

If you are a dealer, collector, what ever......if you are on this Forum you
are interested in what your fellow collectors have to say, display, and collect.

I find myself viewing collections of items I don't have.....with interest, such as the wonderful postings of Trophy, Zulu, Civil War, Warbirds, Boats......the
list goes on an on.

I can understand dealers being upset with "people" flooding the market, or
buying up limited they have to tell their customers sorry I'm sold out.........but I don't think they are upset with private collectors selling an item or two.

Tom made a great point........which really relates to me:eek::eek:

Tom said he bought 3 find 1 to keep for himself (that he found to meet his standards) the other 2 he sold.....they were fine for 99.9% of collectors.........but not him (and he called himself a name:D:D)

Well hello do collect just like me! Every item in my collection is as close to "New" as I can make it:D:) I never use the term "Mint" because to me nothing ......and I mean nothing can ever truely be "Mint"

Over the years I have developed special treatments to bring old faded paint back to life with a rich sheen similar to the day it was offered, and often I
have to look at 3 or 4 items brand new in the box......before I find the one I

So to close, George, Ron, Myself, we have more in common, then in dispute.

Both of you guys contribute a great deal to the Forum, the hobby, and our
enjoyment lets not forget that.

Myself.......I'm just a nucklehead from Jersey so if I have offended anyone I am sorry.

Actually, I would enjoy helping any fellow collector just as I have been assisted numerious times by Steven, Louis, Gideon and countless others.....far
more then arguing.
You know every now and then we forget that we are all on this Forum becasue we enjoy toy soldiers!:D:)

If you are a dealer, collector, what ever......if you are on this Forum you
are interested in what your fellow collectors have to say, display, and collect.

I find myself viewing collections of items I don't have.....with interest, such as the wonderful postings of Trophy, Zulu, Civil War, Warbirds, Boats......the
list goes on an on.

I can understand dealers being upset with "people" flooding the market, or
buying up limited they have to tell their customers sorry I'm sold out.........but I don't think they are upset with private collectors selling an item or two.

Tom made a great point........which really relates to me:eek::eek:

Tom said he bought 3 find 1 to keep for himself (that he found to meet his standards) the other 2 he sold.....they were fine for 99.9% of collectors.........but not him (and he called himself a name:D:D)

Well hello do collect just like me! Every item in my collection is as close to "New" as I can make it:D:) I never use the term "Mint" because to me nothing ......and I mean nothing can ever truely be "Mint"

Over the years I have developed special treatments to bring old faded paint back to life with a rich sheen similar to the day it was offered, and often I
have to look at 3 or 4 items brand new in the box......before I find the one I

So to close, George, Ron, Myself, we have more in common, then in dispute.

Both of you guys contribute a great deal to the Forum, the hobby, and our
enjoyment lets not forget that.

Myself.......I'm just a nucklehead from Jersey so if I have offended anyone I am sorry.

Actually, I would enjoy helping any fellow collector just as I have been assisted numerious times by Steven, Louis, Gideon and countless others.....far
more then arguing.

Great post John!
I'll second that, once again the voice of reason speaks.........
Okay........whats going on here.......the wife hijacked my computer.

She has been posting for me..........did she say anything warm and fuzzy?

I don't want my reputation sullied!:eek::D:p
Group hug everybody, but let's keep the knives out for those pesky varmints that buy TO many multiples ;) :D

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