Is it Worth Buying a Warbird? (1 Viewer)

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1st Lieutenant
Sep 23, 2006
I'm thinking about buying a warbird, but I just don't know if it's a good thing to buy?:confused::confused::(:eek::eek:

Can anyone tell me if they think it's worth buying one, do you think my age could have an effect on buying it, like do you think that it could probably damaged or broken, or is it something that children of my age group could buy and look after, and would suit them?:confused::confused:

Also, dose anyone know the price of the most recent biggest German Warbird:confused::confused::D
I'm thinking about buying a warbird, but I just don't know if it's a good thing to buy?:confused::confused::(:eek::eek:

Can anyone tell me if they think it's worth buying one, do you think my age could have an effect on buying it, like do you think that it could probably damaged or broken, or is it something that children of my age group could buy and look after, and would suit them?:confused::confused:

Also, dose anyone know the price of the most recent biggest German Warbird:confused::confused::D

well put it this way, wave one of Market Garden, your namesake, or a warbird? Personally i would rather spend my K&C salary on tanks and soldiers but if planes are your thing then get one, but dont just get one to get one.
well put it this way, wave one of Market Garden, your namesake, or a warbird? Personally i would rather spend my K&C salary on tanks and soldiers but if planes are your thing then get one, but dont just get one to get one.

I actually have enough money for Arnhem, because I have been saving since last December, and I don't know why, but this plane is just really appealing to me:confused::confused::eek::):)
This is just one persons opinion:
The new warbirds are sensational,but very costly.They are truly collectors models and should provide any buyer with a very unique military model.
I congratulate Andy and his staff for a great job well done
These are not toys to play with.
As to what is worh buying or not buying,as is often said:beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
I actually have enough money for Arnhem, because I have been saving since last December, and I don't know why, but this plane is just really appealing to me:confused::confused::eek::):)

So another year for one vehicle, or for another range, personally i would choose the range, but you may want to choose a warbird.
The Warbirds are the best, and most limited items, K&C has ever produced. They are incredible pieces, and if you have an interest in the air war that was so crucial to deciding the Second World War, they are an integral part of collecting toy soldiers, just like tanks and jeeps. That being said, they are very expensive collectibles, not toys. If a lad your age is going to get one, I would suggest picking your favorite WWII aircraft, and e-mailing Andy to find out if he plans on making it, and then buy just that one.

However, as someone who is so mad over Arnhem, why not e-Mail K&C and commission Gordon to make you a one of a kind crashed Horsa Glider similar to the Junkers JU52 he made for the Cretan diorama. It will be a true one of a kind, and although as if not more expensive as a big warbird, it will be more useful and integrated into the rest of your Arnhem collection.
The Warbirds are the best, and most limited items, K&C has ever produced. They are incredible pieces, and if you have an interest in the air war that was so crucial to deciding the Second World War, they are an integral part of collecting toy soldiers, just like tanks and jeeps. That being said, they are very expensive collectibles, not toys. If a lad your age is going to get one, I would suggest picking your favorite WWII aircraft, and e-mailing Andy to find out if he plans on making it, and then buy just that one.

However, as someone who is so mad over Arnhem, why not e-Mail K&C and commission Gordon to make you a one of a kind crashed Horsa Glider similar to the Junkers JU52 he made for the Cretan diorama. It will be a true one of a kind, and although as if not more expensive as a big warbird, it will be more useful and integrated into the rest of your Arnhem collection.

how much more do commissioned planes cost?
I really can't add more than has been said here, especially by Harvey and Louis. These are not cheap but they are beautiful and I would rather have one than armor. After all, regular K & C issues will be around for awhile but these will not. However, asking is it really worth buying reminds me of the question "how much does a Rolls Royce cost?" If you have to ask, don't get it.

The ME 410, for example, costs $895. That is not cheap. Therefore, you know a commissioned plane is going to run you a lot more. Something like a Horsa would be in the $1500 range at least, in my opinion.

Including two Motion Model planes I have, I have 9 War Birds and love every one. As Richard says don't get one just to get one. If you have this irrational love of airplanes, you'll need to get one. However, I don't think you do.

I would save your money for Arnhem.
how much more do commissioned planes cost?

I don't know, never having commissioned one, but the entire large (it was around 5 foot long by 2 foot wide) Cretan Diorama, with the stone windmill (which had the interior gears and workings scratch built inside), stone terraces (made from dried peas individually glued together by Gordon), roads, fields and the crashed Junkers Ju52 (also scratch built with all interior details, including the cockpit, radio, seats, even fire-extinguishers) was several thousand dollars, so I assume just the Junkers itself would have been upwards of $1000.
I don't know, never having commissioned one, but the entire large (it was around 5 foot long by 2 foot wide) Cretan Diorama, with the stone windmill (which had the interior gears and workings scratch built inside), stone terraces (made from dried peas individually glued together by Gordon), roads, fields and the crashed Junkers Ju52 (also scratch built with all interior details, including the cockpit, radio, seats, even fire-extinguishers) was several thousand dollars, so I assume just the Junkers itself would have been upwards of $1000.

Louis where do you have room for all of this stuff?
Louis where do you have room for all of this stuff?

I didn't buy the Cretan Diorama. I don't know who bought it, or if it was the one diorama that was unsold & forwarded to Kings X in San Antonio.

I bought the Secret Desert Airfield Diorma, because, even though it really wasn't what I had asked for (a North African Italian Airfield so I could stage the Barce Raid with the new LRDG stuff) it was too cool to pass on. However, it will be the last large K&C diorama I have space for (15 is enough) in my 800 square foot 3 room K&C museum.
I didn't buy the Cretan Diorama. I don't know who bought it, or if it was the one diorama that was unsold & forwarded to Kings X in San Antonio.

I bought the Secret Desert Airfield Diorma, because, even though it really wasn't what I had asked for (a North African Italian Airfield so I could stage the Barce Raid with the new LRDG stuff) it was too cool to pass on. However, it will be the last large K&C diorama I have space for (15 is enough) in my 800 square foot 3 room K&C museum.

Thats cool, i have always been intrested since tim told me about going to your house, what do/did you do for a living?
Thats cool, i have always been intrested since tim told me about going to your house, what do/did you do for a living?

I am an appeals lawyer, and as I have yet to turn 40 (for another two months) and have two kids (one only a month old) I will be doing it for many many years to come.
I'm thinking about buying a warbird, but I just don't know if it's a good thing to buy?:confused::confused::(:eek::eek:

It seems you have answered your own question. After suffering a number of (collectable) buyer remorse episodes myself I've learnt the hard way that if you are not sure about buying something - you don't really need it ;) :cool:

Collecting is a very personal hobby and you shouldn't base your purchases on what other people are buying - just buy what you like and fits in with what you have.
It seems you have answered your own question. After suffering a number of (collectable) buyer remorse episodes myself I've learnt the hard way that if you are not sure about buying something - you don't really need it ;) :cool:

Collecting is a very personal hobby and you shouldn't base your in ideas on what other people are buying - just buy what you like and fits in with what you have.

Thats very good advice.If your not sure then maybe take a step back and think on it for longer.I recently got the Heydrich set,now it is an excellant stand alone set,however if i'd known all the stuff that was coming before Xmas i may have thought twice.

Thats very good advice.If your not sure then maybe take a step back and think on it for longer.I recently got the Heydrich set,now it is an excellant stand alone set,however if i'd known all the stuff that was coming before Xmas i may have thought twice.


You could always sell Heydrich to finance the new stuff, I suppose. I think the car is brilliant, wrong colour/type or not.

You could always sell Heydrich to finance the new stuff, I suppose. I think the car is brilliant, wrong colour/type or not.


I hear what your saying H,i could do i suppose.I really like it as a set,its just that it doesn't go with my other collections.Your right about the car,very cool.

I bought the Secret Desert Airfield Diorma, because, even though it really wasn't what I had asked for (a North African Italian Airfield so I could stage the Barce Raid with the new LRDG stuff) it was too cool to pass on. However, it will be the last large K&C diorama I have space for (15 is enough) in my 800 square foot 3 room K&C museum.

From the pictures I saw of this dio in the K&C video it was pretty cool. Anyway we can see a few additional pictures :)
:DDose anyone know where I could find a complete list of all the new Warbirds?:confused::confused::D:):confused::D
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