Is the Battle of the Bulge series history? (1 Viewer)

If people are put off by the Totnekpf insignia then they will not be keen on the Gestapo car. I mean it is fairly obvious what the future holds for that French resitance fighter. He is probaly going to be shot in the back of the head. Similarly that capture Geramn soldier in the Fall of Berlin Range would be unlikely to survive the night. The Soviets shot most of their captives out of hand.
If people are put off by the Totnekpf insignia then they will not be keen on the Gestapo car. I mean it is fairly obvious what the future holds for that French resitance fighter. He is probaly going to be shot in the back of the head. Similarly that capture Geramn soldier in the Fall of Berlin Range would be unlikely to survive the night. The Soviets shot most of their captives out of hand.

We just live in such a lovely, peaceful world, don't we?
Don't we just! But as you said in the Anzac thread Louis,because of the sacrafice of a previous generation we are at least free.


Amen to that brother. If it wasn't for those veterans, we would be up the creek without the proverbial paddle.
What is so offensing to ask if the jet you produced ever existed or is fictional?

Why being so irritated and disrespectful towards the people who are asking informations because they love planes and History?

Why is it a so big deal everytime that you think that maybe someone may criticizes you and/or your company?

Your nature? What an excuse to be regularly hurtful!



I dont think Andy was trying to be rude. He said what he has said many times before - he makes what he likes and we can buy it or not.

But, I think your point was valid on if this was a real working German Aircraft or not. Andy - has told us his source and now we have to decide if thats real or fiction or if we even care??

The aircraft does look very cool :cool:

I agree that the little rocket powered aircraft on its trailer does look cool. But I reckon a Komet would be a better seller being an aircraft that actually got off the draughtboard into production and even combat.

That said, there is a place in military model collecting for the odd fantasy item but I wouldn't like to see a range of fantasy "secret weapons" from K & C as it would mean fewer "real" prototypes produced.
I agree that the little rocket powered aircraft on its trailer does look cool. But I reckon a Komet would be a better seller being an aircraft that actually got off the draughtboard into production and even combat.

That said, there is a place in military model collecting for the odd fantasy item but I wouldn't like to see a range of fantasy "secret weapons" from K & C as it would mean fewer "real" prototypes produced.

One of the many interesting things about the Comet is that it went so fast that it often overtook its target before the pilot could fire. Also it had a very limited flight time - something like 5-10 minutes. Must have been quite a ride for the pilot. I also seem to recall that the wheels dropped off during takeoff.
One of the many interesting things about the Comet is that it went so fast that it often overtook its target before the pilot could fire. Also it had a very limited flight time - something like 5-10 minutes. Must have been quite a ride for the pilot. I also seem to recall that the wheels dropped off during takeoff.

From memory the later versions had retractable wheels or they at least tried that out. But most did use a takeoff trolley/dolly with wheels that they ditched on take off and then it landed on skids which cause quite a bump and broke a few pilot's backs.

I have a few videos of the Germans using the Komet and the fuels, "C-Stoff" and "T-Stoff", were very dangerous with several Komets exploding on landing when some of the unspent fuel(s) mixed and ignited:
Prior to production several vehicles and aircraft were produced in wood so that Hitler could make a decision regarding continued R&D and/or going into production. I am reminded of the Tiger II that was shown to Hitler in a wooden version. Perhaps this small jet has a similar history. I am almost positive that someone will be able to provide the information regarding its history. It has been proven to me that Andy has done his research and that settles it for me. In the mean time, where is mine? I wants it.
the 3rd ss division totenkopf was only ever deployed on the western front in 1940 in the invasion of france ,the rest of the war they served on the eastern front but did surrender to us forces in 1945,the americans promptly handed them over to the soviets not many ever saw germany again.stevep
Its difficult to feel too much pity for the ones who were handed over to the Russians.Terrible fate as it was.Its a world away from the ordinary German soldier marched off from Stalingrad never to be seen again.I mean he was doing his duty and just happened to be on the losing side,and in the majority of cases did not deserve such a fate.Where as with Tot you had a group of men that appeared to carry out outrages as a matter of routine.Apart from their whole history with the camps(which is enough to assure then their own spot in hell)the machine gunning of unarmed prisoners and civilians is despicable.

I have just watched an episode of 'Hell in the Pacific' in which a British soldier described how Japenese troops entered a hospital he was in and Bayonetted Staff, patients and even people on operating tables.Absolutely horrific to listen to,god knows what it must have been like to witness.

Can anyone tell me if they know of any outrages by either British or American troops in WW2?.

Interesting point on American POW's

Survival Rate was 78% in German POW Camps - Only 28% in Japanese POW Camps. Big difference.
The treatment of allied prisoners in Japenese camps was an inhumane disgrace.

I like the look of K&C'S Jap troops,but just don't want to buy them.Nothing heavy though! and each to their own.:)

i only saw a show a couple of days ago where they talked about the japs killing all the wounded and doctors and nurses as well it happened in the early days of the war when they were overunning all of the asian countries north of australia,fact is if it was not for the americans australia would have been next people down here should never forget this,also i wouldnt buy any japanese k&c just like some people wont buy totenkopf if you have relatives or friends that were butchered by these lot who want want to buy models of them. stevep
My Father fought in the Pacific Theater and lets just say the Japs got what they deserved when we dropped the bomb.
Thousands of men women and children obliterated in an instant. Thousands slowly dying of radiation sickness. Thousands slowly dying of cancer.

Not sure I'd wish that on my worst enemy.

Just my opinion though. :(
I have no real axe to grind here. I know it saved a lot of lives and the war ended early. This was a good thing.

I just felt the need to say something.
Its a difficult one.When i read of what the Japenese army did to civilians and prisoners alike it makes me really angry and i think they got their just rewards.However the suffering of Japenese civilians as a result of the two bombs is also truly awful.However as james said it shortened the war and probably had to be done.


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