Is the Me 262 a tail sitter ? (1 Viewer)

Is that bog or log? There's been enough log issues around here! :) Must be the cold weather.
If the 262 model was tail heavy, I would think the stand would be sold with the plane and not as an accessory. The stand under the tail looks like a stand to work on the engines from and the positioning under the tail is an unfortunate placement giving the wrong impression.


I was thinking the same thing. I'm glad that Andy has clarified this as the original photo with the ladder under the tail just gives the impression that it's there for support.
Did not think it would have been tail heavy.
Well guys there's ur answerrom KC
I like that picture of the forum meeting
Happy flying
That sure is a neat looking plane, and i saw it in person at chicago and it is larger than the other planes. I was at the smithsonian this past june but the me 262 exhibit was closed so i really have never got the feeling for the size of the me 262 vs other planes. Anybody ever seen one of these in person?
I will definitely be getting the ME262. I do wish, however, that the Warbirds were offered in 2 versions (on a stand with landing gear retracted and deployed).
The original wooden Warbirds, the new Wooden Warbirds and the original poly Warbirds had stands but I believe cost is a factor as to why the new polys don't.
This plane is amazing. It is not only on my must have list but it is also (like all the K&C items) on my “can’t wait for it list” too. And yes, I have noticed that the price on it went up compared to other recent plane releases, but I am willing to bet that the quality has gone up as well.

Not liking it because of how it rests does not make much sense to me. That would be like dating a super-model and complaining that she sits to her left rather than her right. I would be too busy checking out the other aesthetics to worry about that. But, to each their own………..
It's $239 in the US. Seems these planes are getting a tad expensive. The Fw was $199 and the Me $185.

Good point. I would like to have the 262 but it is beyond my price max so I will have to pass. It is a good looking model, though. -- Al

When I first saw the plane I was like wow. Then the support was a turn off I hope it can sit properly. Then I saw the price and was really like WOW:eek:
Seems like aot of money for this one plane!

Points well taken gentlemen. I view this Me-262 as a classic problem with the economics of my collecting habit. I like this new bird, it appears to be an excellent piece however here's my problem. It is not a must have for me but I'd like to have it. A lot of my current collection is like that. For example at say $100 it would be on my definite buy list in the future, at $150 it would probably be at the bottom of my list...but still a buy, at $200 its probably off the list as there are other priorities, at $250 its definitely off my list! Bottom line pricing edges me out of getting a piece that in the past I would likely have picked up. Sigh :eek: :( :eek:
Would like to know the specs of this as it has to be quite large
Hi all,

I am new here but have been collecting King & Country for about 2 years now and love the soldiers and the models. When I saw they were releasing the Me 262 I was over the moon as it is by far one of my favourite Luftwaffe aircraft. I am relieved to see that it will be able to sit upright and won't be tail heavy, as I had similar concerns to a lot of you on that point.

A question for Andy from K&C. Would I be right in guessing that you solved the centre of gravity issue by putting bombs under the nose? You have depicted Galland's personal 'White 3' and one would assume its a Me 262A1-a Jabo as it still has all four cannons in the nose.

However, did Galland ever fly Jabo missions while with JV 44?

Another quick question for Andy. I have not read any threads on this forum about the FW 190 you released this year, but the one thing that stood out for me was an error on it. I love the FW 190 and I have it, but it is supposed to be Heinz Bar's personal FW 190A-7 'Red 13', and yet the tail is that of an earlier A-1~A-3 model. Was this just an oversight?

Don't get me wrong the King & Country items are awesome, and I will be collecting them for a while, but I am also a stickler when it comes to historical authenticity and detail.

Thanks in advance for any answers Andy.
GDL41 mate,
Welcome to the Forum. Always great to get another Aussie onboard. Keep enjoying your K&C collecting and look forward maybe to meeting you in either Brisbane or Sydney next June when Andy visits the Land of Oz.
Cheers from Melbourne, Howard:)
Hi all,

I am new here but have been collecting King & Country for about 2 years now and love the soldiers and the models. When I saw they were releasing the Me 262 I was over the moon as it is by far one of my favourite Luftwaffe aircraft. I am relieved to see that it will be able to sit upright and won't be tail heavy, as I had similar concerns to a lot of you on that point.

A question for Andy from K&C. Would I be right in guessing that you solved the centre of gravity issue by putting bombs under the nose? You have depicted Galland's personal 'White 3' and one would assume its a Me 262A1-a Jabo as it still has all four cannons in the nose.

However, did Galland ever fly Jabo missions while with JV 44?

Another quick question for Andy. I have not read any threads on this forum about the FW 190 you released this year, but the one thing that stood out for me was an error on it. I love the FW 190 and I have it, but it is supposed to be Heinz Bar's personal FW 190A-7 'Red 13', and yet the tail is that of an earlier A-1~A-3 model. Was this just an oversight?

Don't get me wrong the King & Country items are awesome, and I will be collecting them for a while, but I am also a stickler when it comes to historical authenticity and detail.

Thanks in advance for any answers Andy.

Welcome to the forum, good to have you aboard.

GDL41 mate,
Welcome to the Forum. Always great to get another Aussie onboard. Keep enjoying your K&C collecting and look forward maybe to meeting you in either Brisbane or Sydney next June when Andy visits the Land of Oz.
Cheers from Melbourne, Howard:)

Thanks Howard. Yeah, I will definitely try and make it next time they come downunder. It will be Brisbane for me as I live on the Gold Coast.
Interesting idea about the bombs acting as a balance for the aircraft, I don't think Galland used his Aircraft as a fighter bomber at all kind of like having a race horse pulling a cart so, you may be right. Would have to be a heavy bomb though.

Welcome to the forum
Interesting idea about the bombs acting as a balance for the aircraft, I don't think Galland used his Aircraft as a fighter bomber at all kind of like having a race horse pulling a cart so, you may be right. Would have to be a heavy bomb though.

Welcome to the forum

Thanks Mitch. I was thinking diecast metal bombs and probably the mounts as well. I am only speculating of course. As for Galland he was an advocate of the Me 262 as a 'pure fighter' and so I seriously doubt he himself ever flew with bombs onboard. Could this be a little bit of historical license by K&C to solve the tail weight problem?

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