Imagine what will happen when a real killer pandemic spreads like the "Bubonic Plague" or the "1918 Flu" or worse hits!
COVID 19 can't lite a candle to compared to those pandemics and yet the world hides in fear, and we’re encouraged to surrender our liberties, way of life, prosperity to a virus that spreads quickly yet has a survival rate of between 99.5 - 999.6%.
Yeah, FEAR is a great motivator, especially when news reports/ social media broadcasts increased cases as if they were deaths. Anyone else notice that death rates have dropped significantly despite rising causes?
Haven’t we overreacted enough already?
Yes, protect the most vulnerable (Diabetics, Compromised Immune Systems, High Blood Pressure, etc.). expect the most vulnerable to be responsible and the healthy to be unguard (Social Distancing, masks) when around the most vulnerable.
Aside from that, let the world live, play, work, socialize and make their own decisions. Otherwise, COVID-19’s legacy will not be pretty. Freedom, liberty, free speech, self-sufficiency, confidence, hope, mental/ emotional health and happiness will be lost, and STATE will rule under the guise of benevolence.
Just some thoughts; BTW, did I just commit blasphemy?