January 2014 dispatches. (1 Viewer)

January 2014 The Messenger

Welcome to our first release for 2014, hope you enjoy them! Lets start with the ‘Scramble for Africa Series’ which is turning out to be a very popular series and in case you were wondering there are already another 6 figures due to be released by April. There’s quite a bumper FFL release this month and then finally a small addition of some BER mounted SA troops for you parade collectors. Not much in the way of WW2 as both our vehicles were not ready in time, next month should be better is all I can say for those of you into that era of collecting!

Scramble for Africa

SFA 003 features 2 more Privates from the 24th Regiment charging into action. Supplies to the troops in the far flung corners of the empire were sometimes erratic in getting through. We therefore try to show some of our soldiers in locally acquired items rather than the official uniform guide you see in Hollywood films!

Our A version soldiers wear locally made white trousers with one soldier wearing a leather style slouch hat. The B version wear the more traditional blue trousers with one figure sporting a nasty head wound and the other wearing army issue Sola Topee hat. Limited to 100 of each version and available mid-January 2014. Priced at $70/£52 for the 2 figures and available from 20th January or just shortly afterwards depending on when our boat comes in!

The Foreign Legion

FFL 012 Tuareg Part 1. Two Arabs to fight your FFL opponents, one sneaking forward on the ground holding a knife whilst the second advances cautiously, rifle at the ready. Limited to 100 of each version and available mid-January 2014. Priced at $70/£52 for the 2 figures and also available around 20th January.

FFL 013 Tuareg Part 2. One Arab kneels to the ground having just been wounded whilst his brother in arms provides covering fire. Limited to 100 in number with availability January 2014, also priced at $70/£52 for the 2 figures.

FFL 014 Features a Legionnaire on parade with Kepi and Havelock. Only 100 have been made at present with availability mid-January. Another 50 figures are on the way and will be available end of January! Priced at $37/£27 for an individual figure, which compared to some is still very good value!

FFL 015 No parade would be complete without an officer and we have added a fine looking figure to inspect the troops. Available mid-January with 100 available worldwide and priced at $37/£27.

FFL 016 A/B St Etienne HMG set. Features a 2 man crew, 1 gunner and 1 loader with their St Etienne ready to fire. The A version gunner sports a Kepi with Havelock whilst the B version features a gunner with plain white Kepi and sporting a beard. Limited to 100 of each version with availability in mid-January 2014 and priced at $79/£27.

FFL 20 comprises another soldier on parade or guard duty. This time with plain white Kepi and a beard. Limited to 100 in number with availability mid-January 2014, once again reinforcements will be arriving with another 50 figures end of January. Priced at $37/£27 per individual figure.

FFL 021 HMG Officer. A great addition to our FFL 016 HMG set, an officer readies himself to give the ‘fire’ command! Our A version wears a kepi with Havelock whilst the B version wears a plain white kepi minus Havelock but does sport a beard. There are 100 of each version available worldwide, available mid-January 2014 and priced at $37/£27.

Berlin 1938 Parade Series

The SA were the strong arm wing of the Nazis used by Hitler to enforce his policy, with use of any means deemed necessary! We have two more additions to this series in the form of mounted figures! A personal thanks to Ian Carmichael who has provided invaluable assistance in helping us get these figures to production.

BER 007 Mounted SA Officer on white and grey horse reviewing SA troops as they march past. Limited to 100 in number and available mid-January. Priced at $79/£59.99 per figure.

BER 008 SA Mounted Police trooper. Great for a parade item, these SA mounted Police are ideal on parade or actually policing the parade – you choose! Limited to 100 in number, priced at $79/£59.99 and available mid-January.

Club 008 Field Marshall Von Kleist.

A Field Marshall in the German army, Von Kleist was awarded the Knights Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords for his service to the Reich during WW2. Serving with distinction on the Western front in the early part of the war, he was then transferred to the Eastern Front until 1944. Kleist was dismissed by Hitler in March 1944 who wanted more ruthless Generals prepared to carry out his orders, regardless of the human cost. Von Kleist was handed over to the Yugoslav government at the end of the war by the UK government. The Yugoslavs sentenced him to 15 years imprisonment for unspecified war crimes. Three years into his sentence Von Kleist was handed over to the Soviets who then charged him with amongst other things, with being kinder to the Soviet people than the Soviet government! Von Kleist died in solitary confinement in a Russian prison age 73, the highest ranking German officer to die in Soviet captivity. This figure is limited to 100 pieces and available to all Club members who buy $150 or more through our website.

A final word on the wooden Warbirds released last month. Out of the 37 made, 36 have now sold with only 1 Hannover remaining! Thank you for your support and we plan to offer more aircraft around April time.

That’s all for this month folks, have a great month collecting and speak with you all soon!

Kind Regards

Vicki Lucas

Marketing Manager TGM

not much for us WW2 fans . Will be a cheap month, well maybe more next month ????
Thanks for posting Wayne!! Nice mix of figures (the scramble for Africa are very nice) fortunately, nothing for me this time around
That's really good news on the aircraft. Success will breed more of these excellent pieces of artwork. -- Al
Thanks Wayne, plenty for me, FFL & SFA both series I collect, equals a big month. Robin.
...I spy a couple of figures that tickle my fancy ! :cool:

You need to be quick guys, FFL 013/14/16/ and 21 are now all sold out, FFL 14/20 parade figures only still available due to the extra 50 sets we have coming! The 2 new SFA releases are about to be retired shortly as we are down to less than a couple of sets left as well on these.

Thank you all for your great support, some more firing line FFL coming next month and also 2 great looking FFL figures to help you form a square to repel those Arabic cavalry also coming this year!

Kind Regards

Vicki Lucas

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