I won, I won, I won !!! :smile2: ^&grin
Thought I keep quiet until I actually have the set in my hands, but I'm way too anxious to share these fantastic news that came upon me yesterday.
I just got home from work last night, when my phone rang, and much to my surprise it was Paul Herrmann of the Toy Soldier Shoppe in Greenfield, WI.
For years I only ever met Paul, and talked with Paul, at the Chicago Shows or some years at the Indianapolis Show too, but that was it, never had private conversations in between.
Well, Paul asked me if I remember the British Landing Boat, which was displayed in his room at this year's Chicago Show, and was one of the eight prices of the JJD Treasure Hunt?
After my "of course", he continued and said: Konrad, I am very happy to let you know that you won the boat.
Then, after a few moments of silence {eek3}, I said: Paul, you don't play a game with me, are you?
Paul: No (laughing), no game, you are the official winner of the landing boat with all the troops.
Then he asked me to let him know my address, and that was the moment when I realized I got a bit nervous, lol.
I told him my address twice and then still asked if he had it correctly? ^&grin
Paul did remind me that the price I won, is what I saw in Chicago, an unpainted boat and a complete set of primed, but unpainted figures.
When I was in his room, I said that if I would win that boat, I will get brushes and colors and I will paint it and all the figures as well.
And that's exactly what I am planning to do over the next couple of months.
It will not be a totally new experience for me, since I attempted several times to paint figures, but this time it will have to work :wink2: ^&grin
Would be a real shame if I couldn't make it to get those "gray" ghosts alive.
A very big THANK YOU to John Jenkins for offering such great prizes for the Chicago Show JJD Treasure Hunt, a big THANK YOU to Paul Herrmann for the great surprise yesterday, and last but not least a big THANK YOU to Julie, who was the one to point out the JJD Treasure Hunt to me in the first place.
Some time towards the end of next week, I will have the barge here, and can't wait to see it eye to eye.
From then on, I assume that I will spend a lot of time in the forum painter's section, seeking advise and hopefully showing some progress through time.
Cheers everyone, from one very, very Happy Collector!