K&C Dealer Toy Soldier Gallery (3 Viewers)


2nd Lieutenant
Apr 22, 2005
One of the first K&C dealers in the USA, Toy Soldier Gallery will be closing it,s doors at the end of the year. They have operated a shop outside West Point NY.
The owners Tony and Marilyn were some of the nicest people I have ever delt with in this hobby. I know fellow board member Louis Badolato can attest to that as he was a loyal customer.
Sorry to see them go and wish them the best.
I met Tony on only a few occasions and did not know him well. I was impressed with his integrity and love for K&C toy soldiers. I am sorry to hear of his retirement. I looked forward to getting to know him a little better on a sojourn to West Point where I served as an officer during the Viet Nam War.I understood him to be one of the first K&C dealers in the U.S. and regret that his initiatives in the toy soldier hobby is ending at this time.
My best wishes to Tony and his wife on their retirement.
Tony and his wife Marilyn are lovely folks who I met a few times in person in New York. Sorry to see them go, but I hope they enjoy a well deserved retirement. Great people for sure. I enjoyed a very nice Friday in March last year at their store.

Tom Dubel
I'm sorry to see Tony retire as well but wish them well in their retirement. When I first started to go down the path of retired items, I got the Knocked Out Stug, Abandoned Hanomag and Ambushed Kubelwagen all from Tony so thanks Tony. I always meant to get up there but never did unfortunately.

Many years ago, I first met Tony at the Hackensack show and did a lot of mail order business with him. Last year, I finally got back to West Point and stopped in his shop. He remembered me and what I was collecting after all these years. He and his wife will be surely be missed.
Tony and Marilyn were the first K&C dealer in the United States, and have been wonderful friends of mine for more than 15 years. Tony got me hooked on K&C matt production when the first Arnhem Set was released. They will be sorely missed, but I wish Tony the best in his retirement.:)
Does anyone know if Tony and Marilyn will continue to produce Armies in Plastic?
We all now how that would of turned out...but I am sure we will hear from our friends overseas about how we should not comment!

So who was it that told you that it was Kings X in San Antonio, TX and not King's Cross in Sydney ? :D:p

So who was it that told you that it was Kings X in San Antonio, TX and not King's Cross in Sydney ? :D:p

Well...as an aviator i visited places all over the world. I believe Kings X/ crossing was another way to mention an area in Sidney. An area where major parting occurred!!
Will anyone be picking up Tony's U.S. distribution of Regal Toy Soldiers from New Zealand's Soldiers of the World series?
Does anyone know if Tony and Marilyn will continue to produce Armies in Plastic?

Tony told me he will continue the AIP line, but work out of his house.
Advertising a discount at the show was wrong, but getting rid of an outstanding person and putting him out of business was also wrong. I guess the old adage two wrongs don,t make a right applies here.
In my opinion, KC gets their money from their distributers. What profit margin the distributer wants to make should be their business. That is called free enterprise.
In my opinion, KC gets their money from their distributers. What profit margin the distributer wants to make should be their business. That is called free enterprise.

Welcome to the forum, good to have you aboard:).


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