K&C Down Under in Donnybrook (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Aug 31, 2007
Have just returned from a splendid holiday in Oz split between Melbourne & Sydney. Whilst in Melbourne we received a very kind invitation to have dinner with Howard (Northgate Woods) and his charming wife Jenny who we met at the London show last June. We also received a special invitation to attend the Grand Opening of Howard & Jenny's new venture The Toy Soldier Experience in Donnybrook.

And what an experience that was as Howard's collection of K&C is absolutely astonishing and I now fully understand the museum part of his new business. He must have close on to every single piece from every era that K&C have released with some special figures I personally had never seen before.

It was officially opened by Howard's friend Ned who I do believe is a Vietnam veteran and an absolutely charming man to speak to.

Howard responded and thanked everyone who attended with a very special greeting for his Pomme pals Mr and Mrs Reb. He then displayed a very fine plaque that will adorn his shop/museum.

Howard if you read this both Trudi and myself thank you for yours and Jenny's exceptional and very kind hospitality for the fantastic meal in the restaurant of Essendon Football Club and the thoroughly enjoyable evening at your grand opening. And I must say the Aussie beer I drank that night most definitely did not taste like swill ^&grin. Thanks again Howard- Trudi hoped that Jenny liked the Willow Pattern coffee cups we found for her in an antique shop in Puckle Street but she reckons you ought to allow Jenny at least one cabinet so that she can display her Chinese china collection amongst your military figures. I have absolutely no idea what she was talking about^&grin

I wish you every success with the business Howard and very much look forward to catching up with you both again in early 2015.


great story...really nice read...

Reb...I'm jealous...sounds like a great time...

Howard...I'm proud...your museum looks fantastic...very nice...

thanks for sharing...
Ha! Your thread title made me think that Andy was in a fist-fight. "Donnybrook" in American slang means a brawl.

Looks great Howard i will have to get over for a Gander and a beer,thanks for posting the pics Bob.
Looks great and thanks for the photos Bob, although it did look as if you were headed to the links ^&grin
Many thanks to UKReb for posting the very interesting photographs. Also, thanks to John (Obee) for the link to the nice article in the local press.

My heartiest congratulations to Northgate Woods - Howard and his dear wife Jenny on the Grand Opening of "The Toy Soldier Experience Donnybrook".

Here's wishing both of you a great success in your new venture. I would love to visit your shop/museum one day. If not, please consider an online shop for retired K&C sets sometime in the near future.

Best Wishes, Raymond. :)
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Bob, Really nice thread. Thanks for sharing your pics and experience down under with us ! :salute::
What a great collection. I really like how its organized. I'm going to attempt to set mine up something like that in due time. My favourite is the RAF base.....spectacular! :cool: Thanks for sharing.
Great photo's of a great store and I have to say my first order is on the way to Brisbane . Very quick response to my payment and postage was with in 24 hours. All my K&C needs will be filled by the Donnybrook Toy Soldier Experience. Chris.:):):)
I wonder how many visitors and customers will try to talk Howard out of and try to buy some of his retired items that are on display ^&grin
I wonder how many visitors and customers will try to talk Howard out of and try to buy some of his retired items that are on display ^&grin

If it's anything like when I was there, they can try but they will ultimately fail!!! {sm4}

Way to go guys, looks like a great time!!

BTW- Howard- is it just WW2 or do you have a little more diversity. I seem to recall you are an ALH fan?? {sm4}
Bob mate,
Thank you very much for posting those great pictures. It was an absolute pleasure to have you and Trudi in the Land of OZ. I am assured by your son Paul that we may catch up again next year after the birth of your grandson. I hope very much that this is the case.
To all the UK gang, I must say that rumours that have been spreading that Bob was deported from OZ for drinking too much are totally untrue. He just kept up a good pace.:smile2::)
To all the other posters, many thanks for your well wishes. It is a dream come true to have my entire collection in the one place and a total bonus to have a K&C dealership attached.
Jenny and I extended to all Forum members who are thinking of visiting the Land Downunder, please do and visit us. We would be pleased to show you around Melbourne, (the capital of the Southern States of Australia^&grin) our museum and take you out to Dinner.
Once again many thanks and enjoy your collecting.
Cheers Howard
Great thread Bob and thanks for posting. Love your pictures of Howard's collection displayed in the glass cabinets. Sounds like you had a great time in Oz. I've never been "down under" but hope to go someday.

Howard mate, it was great to meet you and Jenny this past May in San Antonio. Really enjoyed our brief time there to discuss our favorite pastime... toy soldiers! Your new shop/museum looks terrific and I wish you all the best. Hopefully I'll get over there one day and see your museum in person, but for now it was nice to see it in pictures.
Just unpacked my new commando's and was blown away. I have to say that they are the some of the best work K&C have done. I will post some pic's later . Chris.{sm4}{sm4}
I have to say that these K&C pieces have rekindled by interest in K&C and the wonderful experience I had from buying them from the best TOY SOLDIER SHOP IN AUSTRALIA. Chris.
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