K&C New Production Lines (1 Viewer)

Why the request for a "winter tiger". K&C did one just a couple of years ago.
If you did not purchase that one for whatever reason, why would you buy one now?
I think it,s great that Andy expands into unchartered areas.
I for one will be buying the Navy figures.
Personally I wish Andy would do just WW2. But I like the choice we are given.
At times when the new dispatches come out, as example this months Egyptians, which I don't collect, it's a relief on my wallet.

Regarding the Winter Tiger, I think we have a lot of new collectors since then and, therefore, many missed out so I understand the request.

You don't collect the dancing girls?:D
Personally I wish Andy would do just WW2. But I like the choice we are given. At times when the new dispatches come out, as example this months Egyptians, which I don't collect, it's a relief on my wallet.

Having an interest in only the Crusader range I totally agree with you Gary. The only new item I will be purchasing this month is MK004 since its being retired and I don't have it yet - that will be very easy on my wallet.

I, for one, am extremely grateful for the US Navy line! I have waited and nagged a long time for such a line, and will certainly purchase many.
I will admit, though, that these other fellas have a point--I may be the only customer for them. But they look great!
Why the request for a "winter tiger". K&C did one just a couple of years ago.
If you did not purchase that one for whatever reason, why would you buy one now?
I think it,s great that Andy expands into unchartered areas.
I for one will be buying the Navy figures.
Personally I wish Andy would do just WW2. But I like the choice we are given.
At times when the new dispatches come out, as example this months Egyptians, which I don't collect, it's a relief on my wallet.

in todays market you can't find a k&c winter tiger anywhere, if your lucky it shows up on e-bay once in awhile for about 500.00 minimum, i have been collecting for about two years and would love to see another version of the winter tiger, maybe a little dirtier and meaner then the first one, that is one item that i must have in my collection even if i have to pay big bucks for....sammy
Was looking at the navy figures and they are kinda nice ....would any of them work in the WWII pacific..like the white uniformed officer and the shore patrol guys?
As regards the winter tiger, be interesting to see who'll be first to market with one, the demand is there, personally I'd like to see a K&C or Figarti version..think both could equally do a mean version....I have both the tunsian tiger and the winter figarti panzer and both are the companies at the top of their game....drool:D:D:D:D
This Sand Pebbles release is beautiful!

But would will be next in line?

All in Favour of a Eastern Front "Winter Tiger" say: yah mach schnell....(those opposed need not apply):D:D

AYE!! Please make it an early or mid-war variant, we've already gotten late models from both Collector's showcase and HB.

The winter tiger is the one of the only K&C releases (besides the FOB009 Char) which I wish I had been able to get when it originally came out, mainly because I like the figures around the fire. It would be great if K&C could just reissue that set with the same figures but the new updated Tiger sculpt, even using the same paintscheme with the Das Reich insignia.
Why the request for a "winter tiger". K&C did one just a couple of years ago.
If you did not purchase that one for whatever reason, why would you buy one now?
I think it,s great that Andy expands into unchartered areas.
I for one will be buying the Navy figures.
Personally I wish Andy would do just WW2. But I like the choice we are given.
At times when the new dispatches come out, as example this months Egyptians, which I don't collect, it's a relief on my wallet.

Well perhaps because some of us may have only started noticing/collecting K&C recently after the WT was retired.. Anyway the good thing is something new always comes along, and as we've seen with the King Tiger, stepped up with improvements. In these testing times new additions will really need to be good to get my cash..!
Does anyone here know if the Roman range is being eliminated from production?
Tex, You will not be collecting the Navy figures alone. I too look forward to getting my hands on them, including the "possible" Navy vessel. :D:D
I too look forward to getting my hands on them, including the "possible" Navy vessel.

Wait, we are getting a gunboat, too?:eek::D

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