K&C photographs (2 Viewers)

A few people have made great contributions on this thread, please feel free to do so.

Another trip to 'Firebase Louis', featuring very early K&C Vietnam figures and wooden vehicles in a base made by Gordon, from Louis' collection.

View attachment 273634

Thanks mate, yeah I really should spend more time posting pic's rather than wasting time responding to negative posts......^&grin
Thanks mate, yeah I really should spend more time posting pic's rather than wasting time responding to negative posts......^&grin

Thanks for the comment. I agree with the sentiment. BTW I have enjoyed your pics very much, go for it.

Kevin, all your photos are great but I especially like this last one as it looks like you've captured an entire city block in the background. Well done.
Thanks for the comment. I agree with the sentiment. BTW I have enjoyed your pics very much, go for it.

View attachment 275216

That Bedford Army Truck is one of my own personal favourites.
Many, many moons ago, back in the mid 1950's, my Granpa had a small haulage company with just two lorries...Both Army surplus Bedfords that he bought just after the war. One of them still had the turret hatch on top of the cab and I can remember being lifted up to see out of the open hatch. Happy memories.
This is rarer than ......... hens with teeth?


A Bedford K&C prototype, owned by a US collector ....
Kevin, all your photos are great but I especially like this last one as it looks like you've captured an entire city block in the background. Well done.

Your latest British soldier masterpieces might need reinforcing.

IMGP8846crscz.JPG XXX Corps Rifleman on the march

IMGP88572csrz.JPG Bren gunner and officer stay alert

IMGP3191rcsrz.JPG Resistance awaits
More cool shots Kevin. I have some of these winter Brits and they are nice figures. Keep the photos coming.
Great little shot Kevin and delighted to see the new ‘Firefly’ providing the armoured support!
All the best,

I missed out on your first Firefly so was not going to let this one go. It has already had a photo portfolio done :wink2:. Somewhere in the same column are the soft skins, I love the Tilly, reminds me of my childhood Dinky version.


BTW I echo Scott's polite request for a Brit or Commonwealth halftrack (and a Kangaroo). Any chance?

K&C British (105mm gun) Guards Armoured Division Sherman, under classic NW Europe clouds - from XXX Corps.

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