K&C Retroactive Price Increases (4 Viewers)

I know...I am afraid to respond...Peter just snuck up on me with machine gun!!

Yeah, but he's a lousy shot and he's only got one magazine.
Be grateful he didn't threaten you with the lightning bolt trick. :eek:
But thats the freedom of speech we have on the forum, everyone entitled to their view and opinions.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion but it seems odd to me that some are so zealous in expressing opinions that are contrary to their own interest. Even if you believe price increases are justified - it's difficult to understand anyone other than Andy and the dealers who sell them feeling the need to validate them. If you take a step back from the forum culture, that has to strike you as a bit odd.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion but it seems odd to me that some are so zealous in expressing opinions that are contrary to their own interest. Even if you believe price increases are justified - it's difficult to understand anyone other than Andy and the dealers who sell them feeling the need to validate them. If you take a step back from the forum culture, that has to strike you as a bit odd.
No doubt but they say venting is a healthy exercise.:)

I certainly believe there are quite a few King & Country supporters, but I would hardly call them bodyguards. Most of them, and I certainly consider myself one simply express our opinions, and have even been known to complain when we see something we don't care for.

On the other hand there would seem to be a few people that always have something to complain about when it comes to King & Country.

You should feel completely free to offer your honest opinion on any topic that interests you, and let the chips fall where they may.:)

I agree.
It was earlier today on a different thread...I am not allowed to talk about politics...I know the rule now however!!!
Everyone is entitled to their opinion but it seems odd to me that some are so zealous in expressing opinions that are contrary to their own interest. Even if you believe price increases are justified - it's difficult to understand anyone other than Andy and the dealers who sell them feeling the need to validate them. If you take a step back from the forum culture, that has to strike you as a bit odd.

I don't think anyone wants a price rise Doug, I know I don't. However when all is said and done its just a price rise and not likely to drive as many away as some may think. For me it would have to be a huge rise to make me want to stop collecting, I also think calls for boycotts a little unlikely and unrealistic to be honest. When it comes down to brass tacks it depends on how much you love your hobby, either you give up and cut your nose off to spite your face or take it on the chin,adjust, and carry on.

Yes I think so too......now let us all go over to my WWI thread....and let me make converts out all of you WWII guys.

No need to convert me my friend, WW1 was always my first Historical love as it were, I visit the Somme and Passchendaele almost every year, and I may have convinced the wife to take me to Gallipoli for my 50th in a few years time.:):cool:

Everyone is entitled to their opinion but it seems odd to me that some are so zealous in expressing opinions that are contrary to their own interest. Even if you believe price increases are justified - it's difficult to understand anyone other than Andy and the dealers who sell them feeling the need to validate them. If you take a step back from the forum culture, that has to strike you as a bit odd.

Its not odd at all. Its that some of us dont like seeing the dealers and manufacturers villified for engaging in what are really normal business practices.

NO ONE likes price increases -- including K&C's defenders -- and certainly we know Andy doesnt need others to fight his battles for him.

Some have called this the Golden Age of collecting. The companies and products are better, the dealer network stronger, availability is 1000 times greater (via the internet) than ever in the history of the hobby. Its happened because of superior artistic ability, hard work, risk taking, good business acumen, etc., all up and down the chain. Probably a little luck too :) Regardless it has never been about greed or evil intent. Afterall there are loads of industries that attract people with those natural inclinations.

Yet we realize it could all go away tomorrow. Especially as most, including myself, are never going to start their own TS company, despite Andy's many entreaties.

So please forgive us if we are sometimes vocal in our support of those who make the whole **** thing possible.

I certainly believe there are quite a few King & Country supporters, but I would hardly call them bodyguards. Most of them, and I certainly consider myself one simply express our opinions, and have even been known to complain when we see something we don't care for.

On the other hand there would seem to be a few people that always have something to complain about when it comes to King & Country.

You should feel completely free to offer your honest opinion on any topic that interests you, and let the chips fall where they may.:)

Excellent post.


Count me in.
Now I do not want to upset anyone but here is the way it came off to me in all seriousness.

After the thread on the Hackensack show...K&C's response to it.....than wham o the price increase seemed like a retaliatory thing. To teach us spoiled brats a lesson.

I agree that it should have been handled behind the scenes with the dealers and the increase at a different time.

That is just the way I see it.
Its not odd at all. Its that some of us dont like seeing the dealers and manufacturers villified for engaging in what are really normal business practices.

NO ONE likes price increases -- including K&C's defenders -- and certainly we know Andy doesnt need others to fight his battles for him.

Some have called this the Golden Age of collecting. The companies and products are better, the dealer network stronger, availability is 1000 times greater (via the internet) than ever in the history of the hobby. Its happened because of superior artistic ability, hard work, risk taking, good business acumen, etc., all up and down the chain. Probably a little luck too :) Regardless it has never been about greed or evil intent. Afterall there are loads of industries that attract people with those natural inclinations.

Yet we realize it could all go away tomorrow. Especially as most, including myself, are never going to start their own TS company, despite Andy's many entreaties.

So please forgive us if we are sometimes vocal in our support of those who make the whole **** thing possible.

Now I do not want to upset anyone but here is the way it came off to me in all seriousness.

After the thread on the Hackensack show...K&C's response to it.....than wham o the price increase seemed like a retaliatory thing. To teach us spoiled brats a lesson.

I agree that it should have been handled behind the scenes with the dealers and the increase at a different time.

That is just the way I see it.

I don't think price increases are a result of the Hackensack Show. At the Chicago Show, Andy was hinting at price increases in the near future.
No, of course this I understand...it was just the timing within a day literally of the discounted issue from the show.
No need to convert me my friend, WW1 was always my first Historical love as it were, I visit the Somme and Passchendaele almost every year, and I may have convinced the wife to take me to Gallipoli for my 50th in a few years time.:):cool:

Now there is a present/trip that is special. This would have to be a fascinating experience. Stay on your wife's good side and take MANY pictures of the trip.:D What a great trip this would be. -- Al
Now there is a present/trip that is special. This would have to be a fascinating experience. Stay on your wife's good side and take MANY pictures of the trip.:D What a great trip this would be. -- Al

Will do Al,I'll even post pics live from the scene!;)

That is outstanding. I would love to go as well. I have a friend here from Turkey that has a coffee business in our area. I want to be able to do this one day as well!!

And on the convert thing.....don't tell anyone but I have all the AK; ITalian and assorted Waffen K&C.....shhhhhh
Now I do not want to upset anyone but here is the way it came off to me in all seriousness.

After the thread on the Hackensack show...K&C's response to it.....than wham o the price increase seemed like a retaliatory thing. To teach us spoiled brats a lesson.

I agree that it should have been handled behind the scenes with the dealers and the increase at a different time.

That is just the way I see it.


I don't think the price increases had anything to do with the show situation. I can see the impact China currently has on our markets so Andy's costs currently have nowhere to go but up!

On top of deciding what to produce, and what quanity, he is going to have to look at production costs, shipping, warehouse costs, his own labor costs, dealer discounts, import taxes, U.S. labor costs, leases, a partner.....whew my head is spinning!:eek:

One of the things that first drew me to King & Country was the quality of the figures, and the reasonable price. I had paid $50-100 for similar quality figures. King & Country offered 4 nicely done figures for $89. With this in mind I would say Andy has always tried to bring his nicest items into the marketplace at very reasonable prices.

I'm sure he would still offer figures at $89 if he could maintain his profit margins.

"Old Smoky"


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