K&C Retroactive Price Increases (4 Viewers)


Your quite right we have although I have read everything that has been written this was not a dig or whatever in relation to the issues that have been ongoing just a simple statement of fact that we do not know the amounts involved to make comments about what they actually are as Marco did.

I think there is enough proof out there as we have all seen that the Chinese laborers wages and benefits has gone up considerbly and also the rise in shipping costs.I don't think this excludes the workers that works in the toy soldier factories and it's also a fact that the cost in materials in manufacturing are rising rapidly.
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Your quite right we have although I have read everything that has been written this was not a dig or whatever in relation to the issues that have been ongoing just a simple statement of fact that we do not know the amounts involved to make comments about what they actually are as Marco did.

I think there is enough proof out there as we have all seen that the Chinese laborers wages and benefits has gone up considerbly and also the rise in shipping costs.I don't think this excludes the workers that works in the toy soldier factories and it's also a fact that the cost in materials in manufacturing are rising rapidly.
Maybe, but there are so many things that you do not know. Would you care for me to tactfully elaborate??????
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I do union contracts and the the companies come forth with a lot of numbers (but not all) and show us how their costs are rising.Now my company has been expanding into into India and China and I talk to our people who do go over and do business withn them.Now I'm not a financial expert and I don't need to be.You see enough in the news about China and what's going on over there.Now as far as the forum goes I think enough of the manufacturers that do business in China has told us of what's going on.I don't think they are lying or it's a big conspiracy to raise the prices. And as for the ones who want me put numbers up here I don't see you putting anything up here either except your doubt.YOU prove that Andy and the rest are lying.I want toy soldiers at $21 too but those days are over I'm afraid.
If you wish but, I hope its a little better and elaborate than some of your historical elaborations

Maybe, but there are so many things that you do not know. Would you care for me to tactfully elaborate??????
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I think there is enough proof out there as we have all seen that the Chinese laborers wages and benefits has gone up considerbly and also the rise in shipping costs.I don't think this excludes the workers that works in the toy soldier factories and it's also a fact that the cost in materials in manufacturing are rising rapidly.

Nobody likes a price rise, think we're all agreed on that. But, ... and for what it's worth, I've been in enough third world industrial s***holes and factories to know that the day to day conditions many of these folk endure (both in and out of the workplace) to satisfy our needs in the West are pretty harsh.

My ***** has been more about what I consider the recent lack of new releases in the SOHK range and the price rise just compounded my frustration... But when I think about it, I'm happy to cop the rise if it's going to help make a difference to the folk who make my 'luxury' items. Yes, I am still considering my future re K&C, but I don't think the decision to raise prices was taken lightly and my thoughts about my future started before this recent announcement. So, if the lives of the workers and their families are improved a bit by this rise then I am for it.

Yeah... OK, so call me a lefty socialist or whatever... I can live with that easier than wanting people to continue working in less than ideal conditions or for lower wages just to satisfy my indulgences.

And, just to be clear... I am not saying that Andy uses factories that exploit workers. I am saying that I have seen the quality of life that many people in the third world have to endure on a daily basis and if me paying a little extra for my hobbies improves their quality of life then I approve of it.
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I don't think that really is a leftist view in the slightest. I think, for many years there has been a tendancy to manipulate these areas but, my only concern with the point you made is that sadly, increases in price may help workers get a better wage (and I hope it does) but, often those in charge of productions and factories etc, always get the best of these rises not those at the bottom of the heap.

We only have to look at the clothing industry and the ''sweat shops'' to see there are problems I think we just take for granted many things as we have never had to endure ''absolute poverty'' I think when we scream ''skint'' of that things are ''tight'' we do not really know what poverty and being hard up really is

I don't think that really is a leftist view in the slightest. I think, for many years there has been a tendancy to manipulate these areas but, my only concern with the point you made is that sadly, increases in price may help workers get a better wage (and I hope it does) but, often those in charge of productions and factories etc, always get the best of these rises not those at the bottom of the heap.

True... but what's the alternative... do nothing and encourage the status quo because the owners MAY take the bigger cut? Or insist that K&C move production to somewhere like the UK, US or Australia so that we can be sure the basic conditions are maintained and the graft is minimal by comparison?

We only have to look at the clothing industry and the ''sweat shops'' to see there are problems I think we just take for granted many things as we have never had to endure ''absolute poverty'' I think when we scream ''skint'' of that things are ''tight'' we do not really know what poverty and being hard up really is

Agree 100%... whilst our disposable income may be shrinking and prices on our 'luxuries' are rising, at least we have disposable income.
True... but what's the alternative... do nothing and encourage the status quo because the owners MAY take the bigger cut?

I don't think there really is anything we as individuals can really do. For China, as its the most pertinant to the discussion they have a completely different regime in place than we have and, although they seem to want economic growth they want it at their pace and way. Its upto the chinese governments to address the living and economic conditions of their people and, I hope they do.
Guys, I've gone in and fixed some quotes which hseemed to be quoted from the wrong people.

It was a simple issue...at one point (when quotings someone else), a poster accidently deleted one of the tags '
', throwing off how the web page attributed the quote.

Nothing underhanded going on...just a little glitch. All is fixed now.
Raising prices will not increase the standard of living of anyone in China. Think about how much money is pouring into that country already. What it might do eventually is force some companies to leave. Not for the US or UK, but to third world countries where the labor markets remain cheap.

Very true. I did read an article the other day that said even the chinese are trying to get round this by getting rid of those persons who want these better standards and as they have such a vast pool of workers to draw from (in that the population is so vast) they are looking further afield for workers who are only to willing to work for low pay.

Its a difficult situation and one not easily resolved for sure

Raising prices will not increase the standard of living of anyone in China. Think about how much money is pouring into that country already. What it might do eventually is force some companies to leave. Not for the US or UK, but to third world countries where the labor markets remain cheap.
Raising prices will not increase the standard of living of anyone in China. Think about how much money is pouring into that country already. What it might do eventually is force some companies to leave. Not for the US or UK, but to third world countries where the labor markets remain cheap.

Did Andy not say that one of the reasons for the price rise was because of an increase in wages?

My understanding is that the increase in price is, in part, DUE to an increase in wages not as an attempt to raise wages or the standard of living. There is a difference.
So it is only the items which were released before the last price increase (thus the list which Peter gave a link to on the other thread) which are going up in price?
I have a question.Some dealers buy private collections in masse and then sell them.Are they tied to the same contract obligations and if not how would the TS company know whether it was part of a regular shipment or something the dealer bought own his own. :D:eek:

I don't think that this is or should be covered by the obligations set by a manufacturer. Everything a dealer will buy will be logged down somewhere so, if something happened say, like has gone on with some dealers in the recent weeks then they could say well this was not from you its a private collection and, if Bona fide would be able to prove so by contacting the collector in question.

Though dealers buy collections and want to make as much profit as possible so, its unlikely they will buy from collectors and then sell those products at less than what they are going for on the market if the collection includes items still in stock.

I think it would be someone quite stupid who in the current climate would risk losing the ability to stock K&C for making a quick sale.

QUOTE=marco55;339006]I have a question.Some dealers buy private collections in masse and then sell them.Are they tied to the same contract obligations and if not how would the TS company know whether it was part of a regular shipment or something the dealer bought own his own. :D:eek:

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