K&C Russians (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Nov 2, 2010
With the new late war Germans with panzerfausts and the release of the Jadgtiger, and the German Cossacks that were released last year along with the Kursk Tiger tank does anyone else think that Red Army soldiers may be on the horizon.
With the new late war Germans with panzerfausts and the release of the Jadgtiger, and the German Cossacks that were released last year along with the Kursk Tiger tank does anyone else think that Red Army soldiers may be on the horizon.

Probably not. Andy has consistently said he won't do any more Russians. Still - you never know. But with all the ranges they are producing, it is unlikely.

With the new late war Germans with panzerfausts and the release of the Jadgtiger, and the German Cossacks that were released last year along with the Kursk Tiger tank does anyone else think that Red Army soldiers may be on the horizon.

Ihope so mate ,the fall of Berlin Russians were excellent
Regards Scott
Probably not. Andy has consistently said he won't do any more Russians. Still - you never know. But with all the ranges they are producing, it is unlikely.


As well as RED Russians, Andy withdrew the Tsar's 1812 Russians, so looks like no Eastern Front for collectors of both eras :(

Probably not. Andy has consistently said he won't do any more Russians. Still - you never know. But with all the ranges they are producing, it is unlikely.


Were the Fall of Berlin Russians not good sellers the first time.
I have a few K/C Russian WWII soldiers sets....They were well done IMO .
With the new late war Germans with panzerfausts and the release of the Jadgtiger, and the German Cossacks that were released last year along with the Kursk Tiger tank does anyone else think that Red Army soldiers may be on the horizon.

That would be excellent, don't forget about the Panzer III and the Elefant, plus the Eastern Front Tiger WS 151..........perhaps some Russians for the Battle of Kursk would now be in order, would love to see it.

The Berlin Russians and Germans were excellent sellers for me, they came out right around the time of the World Figure Expo held in Boston over July 4th weekend back in 2005, that was a great show........
The Fall of Berlin Russians are definitely some of my very favorite toy soldiers as well. They are extremely well done, and that T-34 is tremendous.
Would love to see more Russians, but I think, at the very least, it may be a few years before they resurface.
Would like to see them as its rather uneven in terms of battles all western front but, we have cossacks, two russian front Tigers and some more Volksturm all twiddling their panzerfausts awaiting the attack.

FL and Figarti do russians and they seem to be selling I don't know what constitutes a good seller. I recal andy saying that nearly 2000 of the wittman tiger sold and that was incredible so, we can draw from that type of figure that its not a huge number for AFV's and some figures will obviously, sell better in quantity than others but, all this eastern front stuff that can't really be used in the west and nothing to fight surely, must mean there is a possibility of russians soon
I would absolutely be interested in more Russians. I still need Ivan with a DP LMG. My squad has a hard time lugging around that Maxim.
I only ever got one of the sets and it is excellent, I got the Russian Tank riders set and it does look good on the T34, the guy with the Red Flag is a really nice figure:cool:

I also got the tank riders, would have loved to have gotten the tank but it was retired before I started collecting and now just commands too much money on EBay. I've been wanting more Red Army soldiers for a long time, but as was mentioned earlier Andy has consistently said that they do not sell and he will not be producing any more. The FL Soviets are incredible looking but are too expensive and would not work alongside K&C figures so...:(
The fall of Berlin series was my first set that i started to collect and completed from K&C ....and I would like to see some more Russians .....maybe a command car with some top ranking officers !!!!!:)
Like most of you, I had to have all of K&C's Red Army. I understand that it may not have sold as well, but it may now. People's wants change. With all the products geared for the Western Front, the Eastern Front (by far much larger ) has very little attention. Spending my weekends working in a store that sells K&C, I get requests for the Red Army almost every week. I would love to see a return of the Red Army.
As previous contributors have stated K & C alredy "do" the Eastern Front, but only on the German side of the lines! Just a few Soviet figures would be nice - even only a set of prisoners (in either summer or winter gear) to add extra detail as part of displays of either the "Kursk" Tiger or the new "Snow Tiger". Andy has already done something similar with a "prisoner" as part of the recent German Cossack releases.
I would politely suggest that the original Russian figures (eg the Stalingrad figures) were more "basic" than the standard of K&C figures now available so that may account for the lower sales figures at the time.

If the figures were upgraded and re-released, the sales may be better eg the original T34 has rivet- like turret markings which would not occur in 2011. The stalingrad figures had over- size raised stars on their caps which would not occur in 2011.

To suggest that NO Russian figures will be released in the 70th anniversary of the invasion of Russia is like trying to sell;
* Zulus but no redcoats
* Romans but no Barbarians
* 8th army but no DAK
* Union but no CSA.
It simply dont work .

Some Summer/ Winter Russian prisoners would be appreciated. I would be overjoyed at some generic Russian figures too eg firing, running, dead, marching.

I don't expect it all in one month but I do expect it from a serious manufacturer..

cheers from Downunder
At one time I had the early KC Russians, and while they were not up to todays standards, I thought they were very good and had a lot of charm. Also had the early T-34. I would like to see some early war Russians with some early war vehicles. Several figures, surrendering, would be excellent. I wouldn't mind Kursk era Russians, either. But we all know this subject is a non-starter for KC. Still, some Kursk T-34's would be nice... -- Al
If i was abetting man i would be willing to say that we just might get some kc russian figures this year. Maybe not tanks as figarti has produced some nice ones. But kc russians sure would go with a lot of things that are on the market right now and nobody does their figures nicer than kc

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