So far this thread seems to be "freely" opinionated. And I am not saying K&C doesn't have blemishes. But overall, they do a good job for my wants. But that is overall. On an individual AFV basis they have done some I really like, even above ones done by other "better" manufacturers. But they have also done some terrible ones (my opinion) and I do complain about them - sometimes in a PM to Andy and sometimes in a Post. (And I always get a response even if I didn't want one ^&grin )
I am a very simple person. I say buy what you like. Because at the end of the day. It is your money and if you like a manufacturers style. Go for it. Because the Tank or Figure will be in your house. Enjoy it!Brad
Sorry Alex but look around you, nobody else is running off in petulance, everyone is just chatting about what they like and don't like. Look at me and Neil , we've disagreed a lot in the past, but he's not run off saying ' look at me look at me ' he's just putting his view and experiences.
Sorry Alex, but there is no drama here.
Start saying there is a definitive better product by another manufacturer and then watch the drama begin, we all know to go easy here, that is why I brought the real story elsewhere, where feelings will not be hurt and collectors will truthfully learn reality..
And when you observe reality you may still choose not to go with it..............It is your choice.
I am a very simple person. I say buy what you like. Because at the end of the day. It is your money and if you like a manufacturers style. Go for it. Because the Tank or Figure will be in your house. Enjoy it!Brad
Ok Alex, I've a feeling maybe you're not happy folk are getting along on here and even saying they like both companies or just buy what they like:wink2: So maybe it's best you go to the Figarti thread and talk about it there.:smile2: Best
Yes it is only fair.....These topics are not valid.
I like to deal in black and white but there is no black and white.....There is just style.....This should be ended.
I have found something I think is groundbreaking ans I want to tell those who are interested in that STYLE...That would not be here.
END THIS THREAD...and lets go to our corners and speak with those who like a common STYLE
Not at all, Chris started this thread and it would be totally wrong to end it because you now appear to have a problem with those who prefer K&C, even though some on this thread have said they prefer Figarti and nobody has had a problem either way.
Sorry Alex but you are not a moderator and there have been no unkind words of shutting down of free speech. This is an interesting thread and should continue.
I stand corrected.
There you go, honest opinion, no drama, no temper tantrum, just your view. Can't ask for more than that.
So Terry, what would you pick as one outstanding K&C Tank and one you dislike most?
There are several good ones. The Tunisian Tiger comes to mind as the best Tiger done, not including custom jobs. As for worst, probably the last one your wife bought you that I wanted but couldn't afford ^&grin But a serious answer of recent ones. The European version of the 25 pdr (historical accuracy as noted in Posts I made); T-34/76 (lack of detail especially the captured German version as noted in Posts I made - but I bought the winter one anyway as the best I could do for a must have tank; M7 Priest (overpriced - kept the Figarti version even with a casting flaw and paint chips); the plastic Sherman (historical accuracy); and I know you will agree with me on this one - anything (P) as overpriced. :rolleyes2:
Yes Neil, it is my opinion. The first thing I said in my post was
"What are the features that keep ME buying K&C AFVs more than other brands." So clearly that is my opinion. And K&C doesn't satisfy my every want - I don't exclusively buy K&C. But the high volume of K&C sales must indicate that a lot of collectors have an opinion similar to mine.
' i also do fill we're going of topic now with what your best tank bit '
Neil, it's pertinent because a) Simmo's thread raises questions about K&C's Tanks and people will use examples b) Terry as someone who knows a thing or two about tanks stated clearly that some he likes and others he does not, so it seems reasonable to ask him which examples clarify his point , not ' which is your fave Tank'.
Terry to be honest we can all see by dispatches over the last year K&C have cut back on the number of item there making so it can't be all good on that front !
Yes Neil, it is my opinion. The first thing I said in my post was
"What are the features that keep ME buying K&C AFVs more than other brands." So clearly that is my opinion. And K&C doesn't satisfy my every want - I don't exclusively buy K&C. But the high volume of K&C sales must indicate that a lot of collectors have an opinion similar to mine.
Rob I just fill we're going of topic mate , the end of the day we all buy what we like there nothing wrong with that , some of my favourite stuff is KC and agree the new Arnhem P range is very impressive , no one else cover the BRITISH ARMY IN WW2 beside KC so don't want it to go into let knock KC thread
Yep hear what you're saying Neil and you are spot on re the Brits. Figarti make lovely Brit Tanks but when it comes to Tanks,figures and Aircraft K&C stand alone mate.
I know in recent times K&C have tended to make smaller tanks and I understand the reasoning behind this, but I hope one day they may return to making larger items like maybe some of Hobart's funnies etc.
To be honest Rob think Andy been spot with the latest British AFV going by reading Britain at war mag ^&cool