K&C's Two Latest Club Figures (3 Viewers)

If Andy gives us any troops from Monte Cassino I'm in!;)

I got my "Mad Jock" MacTavish figure today, and boy are you getting your moneys worth . . . the figure is as tall as, and about twice as thick and heavy as the next biggest figure in my collection. Mad Jock was a big boy . . . :eek::D
Yeah, mine arrived yesterday. Fantastic! Missus thought him highly amusing and insisted on placing him in my (should I say our... since she has adopted the 'village') SOHK setup. Will post some pix soon.
Re: “No Need To Say Sorry!”

Hi Guys,

My Aussie friend Obee does not seem to like our “Mad Jock” MacTavish just released as one of the new club figures… Well that’s his God given right not to like something (or anything come to that)… I can respect that.

BUT it’s my God-given right to design… sculpt… cast… and paint anything (or something) I like or think some others might like also. I certainly never consider that a “waste” of my time. K&C designs, sculpts, casts and paints literally hundreds of wide ranging figures every year. They cover a huge variety of different historical eras ranging from the mostly very serious to very, very occasionally subjects that could be regarded as romantic (our recent WW1 parting couple)… a wee bit racy (our topless Egyptian dancing girls)… politically incorrect (the entire LAH Berlin ’38 series)… the whimsical (our K&C Christmas sets) and now Lt. Col. “Mad Jock” MacTavish.
More Napoleonics is perhaps what he needs (and indeed more are in the works) but this fabulous, fantastic hobby of ours covers a wide ranging spectrum of likes… needs… wants… and must haves. And K&C attempts, reasonably successfully I hope, to reach out to many of these collectors all over the globe.

I also like to have fun with toy soldiers now and then and so, once in a blue moon, I’ll invent a [B]“Jumping Jack” Flashman or in this case a “Mad Jock” MacTavish.[/B] Maybe next time I’ll come up with Capitaine Jacques Clouseau, the famous Napoleonic nude wrestling underwater champion and inventor of the diving bell…

Au revoir… a bientot… et bon chance!
Andy C.

P.S. K&C’s Christmas Sets are also a big, big seller… fantasy or not… I still believe in Sanity Clause. Sacre Bleu!

What about the german soldier letting off his load?:D
hello to everybody,

maybe i am a bit stupid, but trust me i realy thought that "Mad Jock" MacTavish was from a real person, maybe also my bad knowledge of the english language, but for me it sound all very british and plausible. it is that type of extraordinary guy i expect (and even like) from the british island.

no i know its fiction - but its also fun - and thats what this hobby should be.
i like the figure - thanks andy !
OK, a quick snap from an incomplete dio, but I couldn't resist.

Whilst accompanying the visiting British Legation to Indochina, "Mad Jock" MacTavish poses for a photograph with the French Army and Naval attaches at a Khmer gateway near the Angkor complex.


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OK, a quick snap from an incomplete dio, but I couldn't resist.

Whilst accompanying the visiting British Legation to Indochina, "Mad Jock" MacTavish poses for a photograph with the French Army and Naval attaches at a Khmer gateway near the Angkor complex.

Great shot, Jules!

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