Kaisers staffwagon (2 Viewers)

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If you'd actually read the thread my two main points were

1. 'Buy don't buy', this is a constant question on the forum, discussed many times, I believe its a valid statement and relates to all producers of all things and not just K&C.


Rob- I addressed this before. Some collectors may not care whether it existed or not. They buy because they like it. But some do care. If KC advertises it as the real deal, that is misleading to those who would not buy a fantasy piece. No reasonable person can argue that a seller should provide accurate or at least not inaccurate information to those deciding to buy their product. That applies to every manufacturer, but I see it most often with KC. I can't even think of an example where it has occurred with any other major manufacturer. If it did we would have the same discussion.
Rob- I addressed this before. Some collectors may not care whether it existed or not. They buy because they like it. But some do care. If KC advertises it as the real deal, that is misleading to those who would not buy a fantasy piece. No reasonable person can argue that a seller should provide accurate or at least not inaccurate information to those deciding to buy their product. That applies to every manufacturer, but I see it most often with KC. I can't even think of an example where it has occurred with any other major manufacturer. If it did we would have the same discussion.

Yep that is a very fair and reasonable point Doug that I can fully understand, I thank you for putting it in a polite and calm manner.

Rob mate,
Just re-read this entire thread. Makes for some interesting reading and some interesting photos. I love to research some of the new K&C releases for my own Military History education. I even tried to research Hamish MacTavish (CF25). Andy got a laugh out of that one.:):)
My summary of thought is that there is one too many spokes in the rear right wheel and the driver looks to be looking for a left handed screw driver.:confused::confused:
All that taken into account I think I will buy two. Have a great day cobber.
Cheers Howard:cool:
Gentle Fellows,

The time has come to draw a deep breath, step away from the heat of battle, and allow your pulses to return to normal. While the topic is of great interest, a calm and civil discussion must evolve or moderator intervention will be required. I really do not want to halt the discussion of this important issue, but cool heads must prevail if the thread is to remain active. If your blood continues to flow hotly, please utilize your Private Message feature to resolve your personal differences.

Thank you for your understanding.

Warmest personal regards,

Let me beat a dead horse to death, but after the Hackensack incident and Andys arrogant posting of his getting rid of those dealers, I think that has created a certain group of long time TF,s to have a different opinion of Andy.
I will still buy his product as I believe it is the best in the business but this so called adoration of Andy by certain members no longer sits well with me, and from recent post from other members also!
From PM,s I have received, without mentioning names, some K&C hall of fame collectors feel the same as I do.
Back on topic ,I think this is a lovely set and if I collected world war one would buy it
Gentle Friends,

This thread has evolved into increasingly personal and uncivil posts. I am closing it until further notice.

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