Karl Otto's Tiger Get's It's Orders ! (1 Viewer)


Feb 27, 2011
A Wehrmacht dispatch rider informs Tank Commander Karl Otto of his orders to guard the church and it's contents at all costs !


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Great looking setup Wayne. That Tiger and figure do look good and brings back memories of the movie.
Very nice piece and figure. K&C really did a nice job with his face. Thanks for sharing these close-up images. It looks great in front of the church. Great dio here!
Great scene. Nice to know my Tiger should be arriving soon. :wink2: Chris
Great scene. Nice to know my Tiger should be arriving soon. :wink2: Chris

Chris, Upon removing this Tiger from the box and placing the Turret on the hull it was quite easy to see this is one of the "best"
K&C Tiger tanks that they have produced ! Very,very well detailed all around with the Zimmeritt coating and Track detail.
The Karl Otto figure is Superb ! For those on the hunt for one they are readily available here from our gracious hosts
at Treefrog !

Awesome set up. That turned out to be a great looking tiger/figure combo.
Isn't this supposed to be the movie version of the tank? It's not...

Actually, it is the version in scheme, it just happens to be a real tiger and not some Russian tanks of various sizes done up to look like Tigers! I for one like the real tiger better and think it looks better.

Chris, Upon removing this Tiger from the box and placing the Turret on the hull it was quite easy to see this is one of the "best"
K&C Tiger tanks that they have produced ! Very,very well detailed all around with the Zimmeritt coating and Track detail.
The Karl Otto figure is Superb ! For those on the hunt for one they are readily available here from our gracious hosts
at Treefrog !


Wayne, rec'd my Tiger today and agree this is a great model. Was curious to see if the key insignia would be on the turret, as in the movie, and it is. :smile2: Does anyone know if the KC tank commanders sets will work with this tank?
Thanks To All That Took The Time To Leave Comments and Their Likes:

(22) braddinpa (04-01-2015),cruelios (04-01-2015),Desertkiwi (04-07-2015),DM101 (04-01-2015),Hector of Troy (03-31-2015),Jack (04-01-2015),lancer (04-01-2015),lav25vc (03-31-2015),MapleLeaf (04-06-2015),Mike97 (04-03-2015),nackatacka (04-09-2015),Normandy1944 (04-01-2015),OldDragon (04-04-2015),Poppo (04-01-2015),spartan71 (03-31-2015),Terp152 (04-01-2015),TomNT (04-01-2015),villagehorse (03-31-2015),WesternOutlaw (03-31-2015),Wolf (04-02-2015),wwiibuff (03-31-2015),zoidberg (03-31-2015)

:salute:: :salute:: :salute::
This is certainly the best Ausf E Tiger I that K&C has done to date. The Zimmerit is excellent and the wheels and tracks much improved over prior versions. The Kommander figure is perfectly scaled to the size of the Tiger. Could someone advise me what the deck height is? I am curious wheather the Panzer has increased in size to match the superb figure! Thank You
This is certainly the best Ausf E Tiger I that K&C has done to date. The Zimmerit is excellent and the wheels and tracks much improved over prior versions. The Kommander figure is perfectly scaled to the size of the Tiger. Could someone advise me what the deck height is? I am curious wheather the Panzer has increased in size to match the superb figure! Thank You


The Tank appears to be the same size as the last several K&C Tigers produced. I will have a new, improved Dio involving
the "Karl Otto Tiger" in the coming weeks !

Wayne; thank you for the information on the size; all K&C Tiger I's since the Tunesian Tiger have been a true 1/30 scale by actual measurement. I can now include this one in that catagory. I look forward to your next diorama; this one is excellent! Regards
Wayne; thank you for the information on the size; all K&C Tiger I's since the Tunesian Tiger have been a true 1/30 scale by actual measurement. I can now include this one in that catagory. I look forward to your next diorama; this one is excellent! Regards

If the new K&C Tiger is a true 1:30, is the figure smaller than 1:28?

Wayne; thank you for the information on the size; all K&C Tiger I's since the Tunesian Tiger have been a true 1/30 scale by actual measurement. I can now include this one in that catagory. I look forward to your next diorama; this one is excellent! Regards


What makes this Tiger stand out is the "Detailed" Zimmeritt and paint sceme.
The Karl Otto figure is an excellent rendition of the real life actor.
The Zimmerit is the best that I have seen since the TCS 2008 Arnham Tiger I. Reviews at the time considered the Zimmerit to be too thick and textured; but photos of actual Tiger I's in combat proved it to be a quite accurate representation, as is this example! Excellent Panzer but Grey would be better!

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