...I would guess that Kelly's Heroes is a part of all of our formative 'must watch' films....:smile2:
...I've never purchased WW2 era figures before but these may well persuade me....having Kelly, Big Joe, Oddball, & Crapgame (Hustler)....accompanied by a suitably attired Sherman would look great....I wonder if there's likely to be Moriarty and a fez-wearing Turk as part of the crew....
...film-related figures may open a gold-mine....I'm sure we all have our other favourites.....for instance, whilst the film Wheels of Terror was really awful, the thought of having the characters from it made available (as a Band of Rogues ?) would be fun......Sven, Old Man, Porta, The Legionnaire, Tiny, Heide.....:salute::
...it all brings back a mis-spent youth watching war films and reading many books (as noted by the characters above)...
...good times !