King and Country Collector Issue No. 19 (1 Viewer)

Hi Guys,

We will be sending a copy of COLLECTOR #19, The Arnhem Issue, to all of our Collectors Club members early this week. The slight delay has been because we wanted to include our new ‘Operation Market Garden’ brochure which has just recently arrived from our printer. In addition to the MG brochure, you will also find an updated ‘Streets of Old Hong Kong’ catalogue in the mailing.

Happy Collecting!
Thanks for the picture and info. I was wondering what unit the tank belonged to and I am guessing it is sold out.
Thanks again
Thanks for the picture and info. I was wondering what unit the tank belonged to and I am guessing it is sold out.
Thanks again


The Sherman is from the 13/18th Royal Hussars and although it is sold it does show up on ebay and it doesn't go for crazy money. They've been going in the $150 range, which I think is a good price. I think there is one on now on ebay.
Could you use this Sherman with K&C MG series? I know British armor was used in MG not sure about the specifics though.
There were Shermans in XXX Corp., not sure about this particular model however.
Not yet, but many have received them with recent purchase from dealers.
I got this issue from my dealer a few weeks back. I normally really like K&C's mags. But truth be told, I found #19 to be quite boring to look at because I'm not interested in K&C's Arnhem range, and that's all there is in this issue. I prefer the issues that cover a lot of diverse subjects. With this issue, I couldn't help thinking they're just trying to compensate for their iffy Market Garden figures by upping the marketing hype, with the consequence that more worthy lines did not get adequate coverage. :rolleyes:
I got this issue from my dealer a few weeks back. I normally really like K&C's mags. But truth be told, I found #19 to be quite boring to look at because I'm not interested in K&C's Arnhem range, and that's all there is in this issue. I prefer the issues that cover a lot of diverse subjects. With this issue, I couldn't help thinking they're just trying to compensate for their iffy Market Garden figures by upping the marketing hype, with the consequence that more worthy lines did not get adequate coverage. :rolleyes:

What is so iffy about the MG figures? I have several and happen to like them.
I got this issue from my dealer a few weeks back. I normally really like K&C's mags. But truth be told, I found #19 to be quite boring to look at because I'm not interested in K&C's Arnhem range, and that's all there is in this issue. I prefer the issues that cover a lot of diverse subjects. With this issue, I couldn't help thinking they're just trying to compensate for their iffy Market Garden figures by upping the marketing hype, with the consequence that more worthy lines did not get adequate coverage. :rolleyes:

Come on CS - tell us what you think - don't hold back... :rolleyes:
I got this issue from my dealer a few weeks back. I normally really like K&C's mags. But truth be told, I found #19 to be quite boring to look at because I'm not interested in K&C's Arnhem range, and that's all there is in this issue. I prefer the issues that cover a lot of diverse subjects. With this issue, I couldn't help thinking they're just trying to compensate for their iffy Market Garden figures by upping the marketing hype, with the consequence that more worthy lines did not get adequate coverage. :rolleyes:

Hi CS,
If I may, that's some rather sweeping statements, don't you think..?
In common with yourself, I was initially a bit disappointed with the new Market Garden range, however I have now concluded that yes, they've grown on me and I actually do like a few of the sets. In especial;
MG004, 005 & 006
MG008, 011 & 015
MG017, 018 & 019
I've listed them in this manner cos that is probably how I'd like to obtain them, spread over several months in the latter half of this year.
I know that you haven't mentioned it on this thread, but I do agree with a point that you made elsewhere - I also am fed up with prone figures firing bren guns and the like while the LMG is resting on sandbags. Why can't we get them using the bipod. After all, that's what its for.

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I got this issue from my dealer a few weeks back. I normally really like K&C's mags. But truth be told, I found #19 to be quite boring to look at because I'm not interested in K&C's Arnhem range, and that's all there is in this issue. I prefer the issues that cover a lot of diverse subjects. With this issue, I couldn't help thinking they're just trying to compensate for their iffy Market Garden figures by upping the marketing hype, with the consequence that more worthy lines did not get adequate coverage. :rolleyes:

Couldn't disagree more CS.
I got my copy of Collector yesterday and thought it was the best issue yet. But then it was all about a subject i'm interested in. If it had been wall to wall Ancient Egypt or something I might not have been so impressed. :)

i don't think the figures are "iffy" either. I was lucky enough to get 10 Market Garden figures for Christmas and am really impressed with them. the quality of the sculpting and painting is excellent in my opinion.

The article in collector on L/Sgt Baskeyfield, really made me want to purchase the artillery piece next so i guess if it was a marketing ploy it's worked on me! :)
Come on CS - tell us what you think - don't hold back... :rolleyes:

Well since you asked...

In my opinion, never has a K&C line been hyped so much and delivered so little, as the new Operation Market Garden line. And I'm pretty confident, having talked about this with enough other collectors, that my opinion on this is in the majority.

The Market Garden poses are boring, uninspired and stilted, lack life and action, and the weapons are chunky and somewhat crudely painted in comparison to a concurrent series like the FOB Brits. Sure, a few pieces are good, but if you shoot at something long enough with a shotgun, you're bound to hit once or twice. In other words, the ratio of excellent to mediocre figures is not up to K&C's usual standards. Taken as a whole the line is very unremarkable. And if K&C wants to stay #1 in the industry, unremarkable just won't do.

The only piece I had considered getting was the MG001 jeep, until I found out the machine gun mountings are apparently incorrect on it for Market Garden. :rolleyes:

If another company had made these Arnhem figures, they would've been completely passed by. Just look at Figarti's Pegasus Bridge paras -they're hardly ever given the time of day on this forum. Granted, they're not the greatest figures, but then neither are the K&C. Except, well, they're K&C. So people go wild about them.

The only interesting thing I learned from K&C Collector Issue 19 was how much better the poses in the old Arnhem series look compared to the new series! You'd think if they were going to redo a series they should at least make it way better than the originals.

There you go CR, since you asked...
Well - since time is something I have a lot of now between hearing Grand Jury cases - I read and rather enjoyed the K&C Collector #19 Issue.

I dont collect the Arnhem Range - but, the history about Andy's & King and Country beginnings and the general history about the battle was a good read for me. The Collector is marketing material and more IMHO. I just dont seem to get to worked up about it - like some.

And to be honest - I think there are from time to time - Toy Soldier issues / releases where K&C does miss the boat and could do better. I just dont take the personal enjoyment - as others do - to beat the crap out of Andy or K&C at every instance that issue appears.

This is just a hobby for me - not someplace to work out my pent up personal frustrations. Everyone is certainly allowed to have their opinions - but, when does the opinion leave and a political campaign begin?

King and Country Collector Issues are a great information piece and a darn nice one. I just appreciate that the Company produces it and allows dealers to have extra copies to give out to people who might not belong to the Collector Club.

Overall - I am quite happy with the products and service that King and Country provides. I am having fun and collecting Toy Soldiers.

So if that makes me a partisan K&C guy - so be it.

Well - since time is something I have a lot of now between hearing Grand Jury cases - I read and rather enjoyed the K&C Collector #19 Issue.

I dont collect the Arnhem Range - but, the history about Andy's & King and Country beginnings and the general history about the battle was a good read for me. The Collector is marketing material and more IMHO. I just dont seem to get to worked up about it - like some.

And to be honest - I think there are from time to time - Toy Soldier issues / releases were K&C does miss the boat and could do better. I just dont take the personal enjoyment - as others do - to beat the crap out of Andy or K&C at every instance that issue appears.

This is just a hobby for me - not someplace to work out my pent up personal frustrations. Everyone is certainly allowed to have their opinions - but, when does the opinion leave and a political campaign begin?

King and Country Collector Issues are a great information piece and a darn nice one. I just appreciate that the Company produces it and allows dealers to have extra copies to give out to people who might not belong to the Collector Club.

Overall - I am quite happy with the products and service that King and Country provides. I am having fun and collecting Toy Soldiers.

So if that makes me a partisan K&C guy - so be it.


huzzah , well put young man :).
Well - since time is something I have a lot of now between hearing Grand Jury cases - I read and rather enjoyed the K&C Collector #19 Issue.

I dont collect the Arnhem Range - but, the history about Andy's & King and Country beginnings and the general history about the battle was a good read for me. The Collector is marketing material and more IMHO. I just dont seem to get to worked up about it - like some.

And to be honest - I think there are from time to time - Toy Soldier issues / releases where K&C does miss the boat and could do better. I just dont take the personal enjoyment - as others do - to beat the crap out of Andy or K&C at every instance that issue appears.

This is just a hobby for me - not someplace to work out my pent up personal frustrations. Everyone is certainly allowed to have their opinions - but, when does the opinion leave and a political campaign begin?

King and Country Collector Issues are a great information piece and a darn nice one. I just appreciate that the Company produces it and allows dealers to have extra copies to give out to people who might not belong to the Collector Club.

Overall - I am quite happy with the products and service that King and Country provides. I am having fun and collecting Toy Soldiers.

So if that makes me a partisan K&C guy - so be it.


Excellent post my man.
And to be honest - I think there are from time to time - Toy Soldier issues / releases where K&C does miss the boat and could do better. I just dont take the personal enjoyment - as others do - to beat the crap out of Andy or K&C at every instance that issue appears.


Why not, Andy Neilson has "beaten the crap" out of members on a number of occasions. I know he is a personal friend of some here which makes it difficult to objective about certain aspects of K & C miniatures and magazines.

However that doesn't give the right to members to attack other members when they complain about something, and I'm not pointing the finger at you here Ron.

You guys have to understand that there are hundreds of collectors waiting for new sets to arrive and when the product is well below expectation people are entitled to vent their anger.

For example there are a number of members that have been waiting for a K & C WWI armoured car for some time. When yet another fantasy set such as the "German" armoured car arrives on the scene, you can imagine how pi$$ed off some people are going to be.
I think there is definetly a balance to be struck between your rights as a purchaser/collector to air your opinions and personnel attacks on someone.Whilst i understand that people are free to say whatever they feel its not always the same for fans of K&C.Because many on here don't want to be described as Rabid by people who have issues with K&C,they don't always air their views.Would you accept that does happen Oz?

Sorry i don't want to sound like Tony Blair here,but there must be a middle way.

I think there is definetly a balance to be struck between your rights as a purchaser/collector to air your opinions and personnel attacks on someone.Whilst i understand that people are free to say whatever they feel its not always the same for fans of K&C.Because many on here don't want to be described as Rabid by people who have issues with K&C,they don't always air their views.Would you accept that does happen Oz?

Sorry i don't want to sound like Tony Blair here,but there must be a middle way.


Strictly speaking a fan by definition is a fanatic :D, but these are in the minority here I feel. I mainly collect K & C therefore it is wrong to suggest I have "issues" with the company or the part owner Andy Neilson purely out of spite or through some rabidness.

However as a collector I feel collectors are entitled to a fair deal. And to be frank I feel K & C are now spewing out endless product with little regard for accuracy.

I can live with minor mistakes but blatant ripoffs like the rammjager and the "German" armoured car remind me of the artist that sold cans of his own excreta.

Forums are for airing views. If people choose to play the wallflower that's their prerogative. And it is mine to say what I feel is important to me, and no doubt a number of other members that are reluctant to have their say because of a feared backlash.

I think you make some fair points. They are putting out a lot of product more than I think is necessary but I think "spewing" is a little strong. I also believe that there have been some product with questions about accuracy but not an endless number you suggest. Also comparing K & C to a purveyor of excretia or just s*it is slightly unfair. Although there are some serious questions about the armored car we should also give Andy a chance to respond.

I think forums are good for discussing these issues as it does keep manufacturers on their toes.

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