king and country plastic??? (3 Viewers)

Silly me...I completely forgot K&C are 1/30 and that would exclude them from the general plastic collectors....however a guess ...and forgetting the purists...some K&C collectors would welcome a cheaper way to bulk up their dioramas ( mainly marching figures from posts )...and..another silly me....I thought collectors liked to paint their own TS and would welcome unpainted figures...but apparently there are enough K&C collectors who like their figures painted and would be quiet happy with the painted figures...K&C seems to have an aversion about unpainted figures........Fair enough...they have their is always interesting to read comments about K&C on this forum...they are many and varied and sometime's informative ...thank you for sorting me out on the scale thingo...never gave that a thought..... cheers TomB

I don't think it's an aversion but in my opinion their customer base, by and large, have no interest in unpainted figures.
As an avid k&c collector,

I just dont mind having resin figurines but........

I just dont want to have bended weapons because of resin,

I dont like having my soldiers pointing their rifles in the sky instead at the enemy.

Thats why i dont like about plastic toys. You cant do anything with them if they have some problems.

At least with metals if you need to make small corrections , you can do it .

Also... Im not interested in unpainted toys.

I don't think it's an aversion but in my opinion their customer base, by and large, have no interest in unpainted figures.
I agree with you on the customer base, I am slowly learning that K&C collectors prefer ...painted...metal figures.....I think I started...what seems a long time ago....a post reference unpainted metal figures by K&C.....some agreed ed but most vetoed the idea....nothing has changed since.....something that does really interest me though (besides K&C...Plastic/Resin figure's ) and you would have knowledge of......that is scale...1/ this the scale of the future in metal figures ?...and if K&C does a line of 1/30 scale plastic.. would it not be a more or less specialist range as they would not appeal to the 1/32 and 1/35 mob ?....questions...questions...sorry about that....regards TomB
For matte, 1/30 has emerged as the preferred scale. For glossy, it's still 1/32.
Bottom line is that these are going to be 1/30 painted resin.KC started with Alamo and if all goes well Napoleanic and ACW with possibly AWI will follow.These are all periods that KC has ranges of.The price will be probably be $20-$25 range could also be 2,3 or 4 figure sets that would be cheaper per figure by buying sets as Jenkins has started doing.
Under $20/figure would be better... K&C matte-painted metal figures when they first started out were under $20.

And the guessing game continues... ^&confuse
I wonder if these new resin figures will be available to see at the Westcoaster? I haven't been to a show in several years and I am curious to see these in person. Southern California is not too hard to take in March! :smile2:
An old "warrior" never dies he just channels his agression into toy soldier battles!
I am with you....50 years of collecting and I still get excited when I see a great figure or vehicle.

These figures aren't plastic.

They are and will be resin, so forget about conversions, not made in the right medium for it.

They won't be offered unpainted as a "cheap" alternative to K & C.

These are not designed as a "cheap" alternative to anything, they are designed to allow horse and musket collectors to fill out the ranks with less expensive figures that will blend easily with metal figures.

Funny to see Sceic2's posts, he at one time was one of my best customers, one day he just up and decided to blow out his entire collection on Ebay, then he fell off the toy soldier grid, never to be seen or heard from again.

Always wonder how people who are so enthusiastic about a hobby can just up and bail out without a moments hesitation.

Been at this for about 45 years, am never stopping.

Mark that down.

In pen.
Why forget about conversions? I have seen many successful resin and metal conversions; it is just a different process than for plastic.

Guys have been kit bashing and converting resin figures for years now! You should check out what guys do with all those Historex Napoleonic figures kits its amazing. Conversions are very easy with resin. Bring on those Napoleonics in unpainted resin kits and I,ll be all over converting them!^&cool
As an avid k&c collector,

I just dont mind having resin figurines but........

I just dont want to have bended weapons because of resin,

I dont like having my soldiers pointing their rifles in the sky instead at the enemy.

Thats why i dont like about plastic toys. You cant do anything with them if they have some problems.

At least with metals if you need to make small corrections , you can do it .

Also... Im not interested in unpainted toys.


You don,t have to worry about bendy weapons with resin unless they melt from some kind of heat source, i,d be more worried about them breaking though because resin is fragile. I see a lot of small broken parts with resin figures, but you can glue the broken parts back together and have a good chance that they,ll stay back together. Resin glues easy with super glue.
Why forget about conversions? I have seen many successful resin and metal conversions; it is just a different process than for plastic.

Having seen the figures in person, I don't think the material is right for conversions, not to mention the cost per figure; once you see it, if you feel comfortable and are bound and determined to try to convert them, then have at it.
As an avid k&c collector,

I just dont mind having resin figurines but........

I just dont want to have bended weapons because of resin,

I dont like having my soldiers pointing their rifles in the sky instead at the enemy.

Thats why i dont like about plastic toys. You cant do anything with them if they have some problems.

At least with metals if you need to make small corrections , you can do it .

Also... Im not interested in unpainted toys.


This won't be an issue with these figures, so no worries about bent weapons pointing towards the sky.

It's going to be ok, don't worry.
Bring on those Napoleonics in unpainted resin kits and I,ll be all over converting them!^&cool

These will not be sold in kit form, nor will they be sold as unpainted figures.

I'm getting one of those ice cream headaches.
I have been following this debate from a far, mostly because I do not have a problem with plastic. Those that like it can buy it and those that don't can choose not to buy it. I think any new innovation is good for the hobby as a whole and as the market leader K&C is best suited to introduce the plastics.

I guess I see the whole picture differently than some. After all Daimler AG makes the Smart Car and the Mercedes AMG line. Many companies have a high end line as well as an affordable line. Neither one is effected by the other.

And most importantly to me, these plastics are not replacing the metal/polystone K&C figures. They merely offer an alternative to them.
An old "warrior" never dies he just channels his agression into toy soldier battles!
I am with you....50 years of collecting and I still get excited when I see a great figure or vehicle.

The day my passion for the hobby is gone is when I'm gone.
The day my passion for the hobby is gone is when I'm gone.

Hi George,
do you have a copyright on that quote? ^&grin
If not, I might use that as a signature.
I like it a lot :wink2:
These will not be sold in kit form, nor will they be sold as unpainted figures.

I'm getting one of those ice cream headaches.

Wishful thinking George! When I started this thread back in 2005 it was said there would never be plastic K&C figures in a million years and 8 years latter...........:rolleyes2:
One can only hope George! First legion did it, you never know???? Now to see how much they will sell for??? Are they going to be a lesser paint quality like a Del Prado to keep the price low??? or are they going all out like the metal figures? and if so how much cheaper can they be???
If they are cheap enough painted I can see guys chopping them up and converting them, I know I will if the price is right.

Here are some metal painted Del Prado conversions I did. All the figures were converted from just one single pose and with a few arm and head tweaks and swops you can get a lot of variation. Resin figures are a lot easier to work with then metal so a lot can be done with the resin if the price is right!

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Hi George,
do you have a copyright on that quote? ^&grin
If not, I might use that as a signature.
I like it a lot :wink2:

Nope, it's all yours if you want to run with it............:wink2:

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