king and country plastic??? (2 Viewers)

And thus George loses his shot at making millions...

Wouldn't be the first time, won't be the last time either........:wink2:

As far as the figures K & C will be producing; I think it's best to wait and see what the final product will look like, be made out of and be priced at, these are all things that will be revealed in due time.

What I saw at the OTSN show and what the actual production figures will be made out of and look like may in fact be two different things, so who knows, maybe you will be able to convert them based on the actual material and actual price.

Time will tell..............
Having seen the figures in person, I don't think the material is right for conversions, not to mention the cost per figure; once you see it, if you feel comfortable and are bound and determined to try to convert them, then have at it.
I defer to your information of course but if it can be sawn and drilled, like metal, it would seem convertible. If it is cheaper than metal, it would seem a better option for conversion than metal. I agree that whether to do it or not depends on many factors including how good the starting figure looks, what poses are available and what are desired. Just interested in what can be known as we wait for the rest of the story.
If plastic soldiers are in the future, I'd like to see some WW2 German KIA's. I could use a bunch. If the price is cheaper that would help out since there seems to be a big demand for KIA figures.

The first advantage with the plastic, we can melt the soldiers with a lighter... It is a joke!!!

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