I have to stop reading some posts from the Forum, I was totally enjoying the M3a3 tank that I bought. Have not bought any K&C product for almost a couple of years. Just because of something might find something wrong with it. And with that comes a great disappointment. And now the M3a3 is getting returned. Thanks guys really, thanks for killing the enjoyment.
Funny you mention this, I was just watching a D'Day Doco in colour and during the 'Hedgerow, Bocage' part of the 2 part programme it clearly shows several Honey's in action.
One such M3 was pushing through a hedge with plenty of GI's nearby and it had the markings C-21 and underneath the 'USA 3051439 S.
Now I'm no expert, but I don't see why you couldn't use K&C's latest model in that same role in a Normandy display?
In the past I've made the mistake of letting other's spoil my fun, due to so called 'inaccuracies' of models and to be perfectly blunt, it's bollocks!! If you like it, buy it and enjoy it mate.......quite frankly in the chaos of war anything is possible and units regularly got mixed up and spread around and used a pile of different colours to disguise their tanks etc etc.....don't let anyone put ya off.{sm4}
Cheers Toddy