E. ’A Descendant of The Sun Goddess...”
The Emperor Hirohito (1901-1989) reigned as emperor of Japan from 1926 until 1989. He was the head of state during Japan’s expansionist assault on China and its entry into WW2 on 7 December 1941.
After Japan’s defeat in August 1945 he was not prosecuted for war crimes however his close involvement with wartime decisions and actions remains to this day controversial.
During the post-war period, he became the symbol of the new state now emerging and the peace and prosperity it promoted and enjoyed
Here however we see him during WW2...
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JN058 “The Emperor Hirohito”
On December 8 (December 7 in Pearl Harbor) 1941, Japanese forces struck simultaneous attacks on Hong Kong, Malaya, Singapore, The Philippines and elsewhere in the Pacific.
In Tokyo, the Emperor took a keen interest in military progress and was involved in helping to plan several military operations. In order to boost both military and civilian morale he also chose to wear the everyday uniform of a Japanese general complete, of course, with the traditional ‘Samurai Sword’ ... And that’s how we have portrayed him.
AVAILABLE: Mid September
Sherman certainly does look good, as do the so far unreleased Marines I see on the box art.
Looks like a "Radioman" (5th from right) and a Marine on one knee with a ?B.A.R.? (3rd from right).
It would fill in some holes in the series and add some need sets.
Tricky Andy!:tongue:
--- LaRRy
Winter Germans look good. I like the one figure kneeling with PanzerFaust to bad its part of a three man set.
Here is a picture of the Winter Jagdpanzer IV guys. It looks to me like the short barrel L/48. Andy is this a repaint of BBG021? Maybe Im wrong but the Driver's Vision port looks like its missing on the front?
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Wonder if Andy would consider doing some Engineers to clear the beach obstacles? Would fit nicely with the Ranger series. Chris
Almost, but no cigar Larry !
From the right #1 Crouching Tommy gunner, #3 BAR gunner and #4 Marine on one knee with M1 Garand. They all were shown in photos as unpainted sculpts from one of the shows if I remember right.
It might have all sort of workers and construction equipment .. even captured Jap equipment.
I can see the diorama in my head now ... or maybe its due to the beer(s)
How about a few tank riders for that beautiful new Sherman.
I notice that KC keep on copying my modifications even after long time I haven't done nothing new....{sm3}
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Well, there you have it Guys...The secret is finally out...All of K&C's ideas come from...Poppo!!!
I should have known that he would eventually 'spill the beans'.
All the best,