King&Country JadgTiger Released...Any Takers ? (2 Viewers)

As said, current response is overwhelming in the negative, even though it is a small example. something like 19 no, 5 yes, and 2-3 on the fence. This is a big shift from the initial enthusiasm on the release announcement. That price tag is scary and many of us just won't go for it. At $289, it is a $300 release when tax or shipping is figured in. Don't want to start a war here, but the cost is just way too high. No doubt that the JT is a great looking piece but the expense has crossed the line and I refuse to follow. -- Al

Must Agree.....My last K/C purchase was the Winter Tiger at $239.....Already this price point was approaching the limits of what I think K/C AFV polstone is worth....At $289 for for this JT vehicle it's over the top for me....Too much money for what I know I'm going to get: Just a "Larger Polystone Vehicle" with the same old usual style and usual level of detail....There are limits and this has surpassed the line for most of us.
Must Agree.....My last K/C purchase was the Winter Tiger at $239.....Already this price point was approaching the limits of what I think K/C AFV polstone is worth....At $289 for for this JT vehicle it's over the top for me....Too much money for what I know I'm going to get: Just a "Larger Polystone Vehicle" with the same old usual style and usual level of detail....There are limits and this has surpassed the line for most of us.

Well, not quite surpassed the limit. If a Sturmtiger gets produced, I am getting it.


Have you budgeted for the amount of other K&C stuff you are going to have to buy just to counter balance the weight of the Jagdtiger???

Have you budgeted for the amount of other K&C stuff you are going to have to buy just to counter balance the weight of the Jagdtiger???


So far its the Crusader and RAF Sports car Mitch, so still unbalanced. I'll put your suggestion to my wife and see what she thinks.....been nice knowing you all:wink2::salute::

I'll pass, just don't like that moving pillbox enough to add it to the collection and at that size I'm not sure where I'd fit it into a display anyways. At that cost its quite prohibitive for something I'm not desperate to have. I'm probably repeating myself here but a few years ago when AFV's were just over $100 I picked up many marginal pieces like this for my collection but not anymore, I can only afford my "must haves". Sad that its come to this in a way. :(
I suppose we should not be too surprised that the Jagdtiger is a rather expensive beast. Its a limited edition and the original was a very large item. My concern is how the the pricing for "medium" range armoured vehicles will develop in the future.The Firefly which came out only about a year ago cost £163.35 here in the UK. The Grant, a not dissmilar vehicle which came out only a few months ago, costs
£203.18, a pretty hefty jump. However, interestingly, the M13/40 will cost £151.00. If costing for AFVs stays between the £150-210 mark that will be fine with me but much more would cause problems. The vehicle I would love K&C to do is a late war PzKwIV. If one ever appears it will be interesting to see how much it will cost.
Well I'm not getting the jagdtiger as I don't collect BB range but fair play to K&C for making one & give us so much choice %^V
Yes its big..Yes its expensive...No I dont have the space for it (at the moment)...YES I am going to buy it!!!!!!.....Always had a thing about the Jagdtiger,
and I would hate myself forever if I missed out on this historical milepost of a fighting

My new VS180 !:salute::


Nice pic, she's a monster and looks good with your Tank riders. Can't wait to pick mine up on Saturday.

well, now that First Legion has introduced their line of Romans, I am afraid, due strictly to my personal preferences, the jagdtiger won't be in the cards for me. It's gonna be Romans and Modern figures for the balance of 2011.

Shame, as it's a beautiful piece, perhaps it's in the cards for my birthday or Christmas.
A few pics of the Jagdtiger to get everyone in the mood. Its bigger slightly than the konigstiger in length and height to the deck. The removable barral has allowed a smaller box to be used and, although a big AFV its not as heavy as I expected it to be, lighter than the KT.

I am sure that those who buy this will not be dissapointed.


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A few pics of the Jagdtiger to get everyone in the mood. Its bigger slightly than the konigstiger in length and height to the deck. The removable barral has allowed a smaller box to be used and, although a big AFV its not as heavy as I expected it to be, lighter than the KT.

I am sure that those who buy this will not be dissapointed.

Nice pics Mitch, looks superb. I just had to have this as it represents pretty much the far end of German AFV production (that actually worked-albeit with problems)so it will have pride of place.


Hope these help. The barral fits very snuggly into the mount and does not look like it would droop or come loose


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I will pass on this tank. I can't justify the price and will look at other releases.
thanks for the pics, can't wait to see how my ws31 tank riders will look on this . i have 4 sets of them and would not doubt that they might all fit on one for all the others not getting this vehicle, i can understand myself except as you all know i have been pushing andy on this for 5 or 6 years so there was no way i was not picking this one up. i agree when a tank hits $250 or even $200 you do have to take apause and really consider what you are doing. hopefully this jagdtiger is just a special case being so large.

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