King Country ( never respond to emails ) (1 Viewer)


Mar 9, 2011
Hi all, does anyone else find that KC does not respond to emails
they use to make better battle poses in the earlier pieces, be it, Napoleonic, American civil war etc.

In the more recent years like the Greeks , pretty boring poses, and the Greek shields too glossy, when I send emails asking about this
or if any particular items are coming out, they never reply, unlike Thomus Gunn and William Britains, John Jenkins always happy to respond.

all the best for the New year all
I find that they are quite responsive to emails. Their customer service is excellent.
I have always found the customer service excellent both on- line and in the HK shop .

Having said that I don't normally send in comments on individual ranges and would probably post on treefrog instead as K&C read these posts assiduously .

As others have mentioned, I've always had a positive experience interacting with K&C via email.


I have always found them excellent - I have ordered stuff from them in Hong Kong, Pakistan and the UK and they were always fast and efficient. Andy would follow up with any queries too.

So my experience has been very good...
Always Ok here. Never had any problems or complaints ( but I don't ask much)
I normally go thru my dealer (George) for inquires on product availability, ideas for figures and such. I would assume that the dealers can catch Andy's ear better than 100's of us bombarding him (them) with endless questions or comments. George has always gotten a response from K&C and got back to me very quickly.

However on the rare occasion that I have contacted KC directly it seems the answers arrive before I can finish typing the question.

GREAT job K&C.
--- LaRRy
Hi guys,

K & C has always responded to all my emails and invited me to continue to send suggestions and comments.

Happy new year to everyone!!

Having collected a few things over the years, I think Andy/K&C does a fantastic job at reaching out to the community and listening to our opinions. This forum is really a tribute to K&C's high level of community involvement.
Can't think of any other manufacturer who regularly visits with collectors in Australia and around the world and makes time to discuss hobby and what collectors wants.

Combine that with a person who makes himself available to see collectors when they visit Hong Kong.

Have always found Andy a great person to deal with and someone who listens.

I have since mid 1990s have been a customer of K&C sets. Since getting a home computer with Internet & E-mail access in late 2002 I have always received reply backs to my questions from Andy Neilson or one of his staff people in a timely way.

"Iron Brigade" / Gary
Hi all, does anyone else find that KC does not respond to emails
they use to make better battle poses in the earlier pieces, be it, Napoleonic, American civil war etc.

In the more recent years like the Greeks , pretty boring poses, and the Greek shields too glossy, when I send emails asking about this
or if any particular items are coming out, they never reply, unlike Thomus Gunn and William Britains, John Jenkins always happy to respond.

all the best for the New year all

Tryfon mate,
Maybe you are not using the right email address because over the last 12 years I have found Andy will respond to my emails within 24 hours or sometimes later if he is on an overseas trip.
If it is a serious issue, he will pick up the phone and ring me.
Maybe you should have a word to him when he is in the Land Downunder this March, 2017. Not sure what State you are from but, here are the approx. dates in OZ.

Brisbane: 3rd/6th March.
Sydney: 6th/10th March.
Adelaide: 10th/12th March.
Melbourne: 12th/14th March

Don't give up trying as I have found Andy and all the K&C team to be extremely helpful in all matters. Cheers Howard
I also never had a problem in getting a response from K&C. Andy usually responds very quickly to my emails and he always finds the time to answer my queries or any concerns that I have. As mentioned below from Howard, he also comes to Oz for a meet and greet where you can then get into his ear with your suggestions or for a general chit chat.

It's not that hard to work out mate as if you come with a stick they will not answer but if you come with honey you will get a reply . Chris.:salute::
Hi all, does anyone else find that KC does not respond to emails
they use to make better battle poses in the earlier pieces, be it, Napoleonic, American civil war etc.

In the more recent years like the Greeks , pretty boring poses, and the Greek shields too glossy, when I send emails asking about this
or if any particular items are coming out, they never reply, unlike Thomus Gunn and William Britains, John Jenkins always happy to respond.

all the best for the New year all
Hi Tryfon,
Like everyone else here, I have had only good responses and ready communication with Andy. As already mentioned, we do not know what city you reside in. There are groups and networks of collectors where help is available for making the mass produced figures suit your particular taste. I am thinking your shields could be toned down with a light spray of Matt varnish. Given the sheer volume sold, I'm sure if it was a commonly remarked concern it would have been addressed; if it is just personal taste, it's probably something easily fixed. Not sure about the 'battle' pose problem. I think the Napoleonic Hussars and new range of Waterloo Old Guard are the best ever but then, to each his own.
If you are in or near Brisbane, send your email by PM and I will arrange a get together. We are an ecclectic group of collectors and support the purchase of 'what we like' rather than the singular pursuit of particular manufacturers. But then Andy does not criticise us for that either :wink2:. I do hope you can strike a way forward to enjoying the hobby. All the best for 2017.
Hi Guys,
Another “Happy New Year” to one and all and ... apologies for the late reply on Tryfon’s complaint of the 30th of last year ...
As has been stated by the many other responders to this thread I make it a particular point to reply to each and every email I receive that’s addressed to me personally or is passed on to me by our sales and marketing team here in head office.
Generally speaking I might receive anywhere from 2 or 3 enquires each day up to as many as a dozen or more on a wide and varied selection of subjects, queries and suggestions.
Personal contact between K&C and our collectors is and always has been of vital importance to the company – both for feedback on what we’re doing presently (or have done in the past) and what we will be doing in the future.
Obviously, when I read Tryfon’s post I want to find out more ... in order to understand what, went wrong and, of course, how we might remedy that going forward.
So, if I may, can I ask Tryfon the following :
1. How many times have you emailed myself and / or K&C ?
2. When were these emails sent ?
3. What email address did you use ?
4. Where in Australia are you based ? And who is your regular K&C dealer?
5. How can we assist you now?
As many of you guys already know K&C and yours truly value your thoughts, opinions, ideas and suggestions a great deal. That is just one of the many reasons we actually go and visit and take part in special annual shows and events in the U.S., Australia, Singapore, the U.K., France and Italy and elsewhere in the world. We really enjoy the opportunity to meet and talk with collectors ... often on a “one-to-one” basis.
For those collectors we cannot get to meet personally or countries that, alas, we cannot visit there are always emails, letters and even ‘phone calls where we do and can communicate.
So, apologies to “Tryfon” in advance but now please tell us when, where and how you contacted us and perhaps together we can find out what went wrong!
Best wishes and happy collecting,
I can personally vouch for the fact Andy takes the time to talk to and listen to what collectors have to say as I have bent his ear in person on a few occasions during his visits to Brisbane, he listens and if he disagrees he is up front about it. I am still going to bend his ear very time enjoy his company as he needs to produce more Great War Australian figures....:wink2:^&grin
I can personally vouch for the fact Andy takes the time to talk to and listen to what collectors have to say as I have bent his ear in person on a few occasions during his visits to Brisbane, he listens and if he disagrees he is up front about it. I am still going to bend his ear very time enjoy his company as he needs to produce more Great War Australian figures....:wink2:^&grin's all good Wayne mate, the NZMR reinforcements are on their way....:tongue:^&grin:wink2:
Is the horse dead yet, or can I beat it too?

So, my esteemed colleagues have vouched for the availability/accessibility of the Creative Director. I'll add that the most well received criticism or advice is as another said earlier, served better with honey than with dung. "Make cooler poses..." doesn't give much to work with. "Here's an idea..." works better, and "Mate, might want to check but by my research the 82nd Airborne Division never had M26 Pershing tanks..." as an example of critique of historical accuracy is always welcome.

K&C is a business, so at the end of the day the vote will be whether a given idea will generate a return on investment. If you ever meet Andy, he'll tell you that some ideas have fallen flat, while others were wildly successful. There's a sweet spot in there he's trying to hit and customer input is a factor...
Re: King & Country ( never respond to emails )

Hi Guys,

Many thanks for your kind words and responses. As I wrote in my own reply I am looking forward to hearing from “TRYFON” on where and when he sent his emails that went unanswered in order that these is no repeat.

Unfortunately, no reply so far ... However I still look forward to hearing from him.

Best wishes and happy collecting!

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