King&Country Stuka : Wing Problem Solution ? (1 Viewer)

The answer is a polystone Stuka with a new design change different from past releases based on the slight problem with the wings. If a 1/32 21st century plastic plane was the answer, which it is not then we would not be having this conversation. If their version of model planes was so good, why did they go out of business ^&confuse {eek3}

The reason 21st Century went out of business was there deal with walmart as for K&C making a Stuka in the present climate can't see it happing , I don't know why you don't buy K&C wooden Stuka ^&confuse
The reason 21st Century went out of business was there deal with walmart as for K&C making a Stuka in the present climate can't see it happing , I don't know why you don't buy K&C wooden Stuka ^&confuse

A lot of "know it all's" said K&C would not make Russians anymore. Look what came out of the K&C trip to Brisbane. Andy told Northgate woods some Surprise Russian releases were in the works. Always keep your options open Cobber. :p When Andy C. Neilson comes on here and says flat out "No we are not making it" will I buy something else.
It’s a wonder everyone seems abashed at the thought of a multi-media A/C. The metal tab inserts have been used in a multitude of other manufacturers items. This is also another way to make resin tank barrels to not droop over time. The most accepted way around this is to use a metal barrel anyways. Do you not think we are a all so incompetent, we could not insert a flat tab into the hole in the fuselage?
It’s a wonder everyone seems abashed at the thought of a multi-media A/C. The metal tab inserts have been used in a multitude of other manufacturers items. This is also another way to make resin tank barrels to not droop over time. The most accepted way around this is to use a metal barrel anyways. Do you not think we are a all so incompetent, we could not insert a flat tab into the hole in the fuselage?

I agree with the point of bringing up possible ideas for implimentation. It is only a friendly discussion on solutions ! If Andy went ahead with production on the Stuka it would most likely be the release many will be anticipating. I'm in !!! Stuka ! Stuka ! Stuka !!!! ^&grin
How about til the Wing solution gets resolved with KC. How many of you would like
to see an Ilyushin Il2 Shturmovik,Russian Tank Buster in Polystone ? It is somewhat
similar to the Stuka, And most are waiting for somthing Russian.
How about til the Wing solution gets resolved with KC. How many of you would like
to see an Ilyushin Il2 Shturmovik,Russian Tank Buster in Polystone ? It is somewhat
similar to the Stuka, And most are waiting for somthing Russian.

Ummmmmmmmmmm no.................{sm4}
Was it not Andy himself that said they did not sell well?? and then the ''know it alls'' as you state, ran with it as it came from the horses mouth. It was the same with the Jagdtiger and possibly the move back to the pacific with say the Burma campaign. Thats why I always stated that its better to say maybe than no or they just don't sell

Andy has also stated that its a problem with the use of polystone and its weight so, its not seemingly a don't want to do it rather than can't find an acceptable way

Totally not against mixed mediums per se but, K&C seems not to want to do this, in the sense of similar manufacturer products.

A lot of "know it all's" said K&C would not make Russians anymore. Look what came out of the K&C trip to Brisbane. Andy told Northgate woods some Surprise Russian releases were in the works. Always keep your options open Cobber. :p When Andy C. Neilson comes on here and says flat out "No we are not making it" will I buy something else.
Yes the "Know it All's" said at one time that the Jadgtiger would not be made as it was too big. I have one at home....K&C made !Then the topic of making more new russians was brought up to accomodate the Eastern front collectors. Again it was said by the Know it all's "Andy will not make them anymore as they simply do not sell".This is not what Northgate woods stated from the conversation in Brisbane 2 months back.I believe the term was " Be ready for some surprise Russian releases.
I take that as a "YES". Now we have the Stuka issue.If it can be done based on a reasonable cost to collectors and any design issues solved I would bet he will make it. Yes it most likely will top $400.00 per plane but if that is the case I am still in for one.If it is not feasable for whatever reason that K&C may decide then that will be the end of it. As far as mixing mediums has K&C not used Zinc in the construction of the Typhoon which is due out soon ? Yes they have.... Mixed Mediums. Polystone and Zinc.
You miss my point about mixed mediums. Polystone is the base for everything that is the sole medium that is causing problems on the wing structure of the stuka. Its obvious that K&C uses mixed media ie metal and polystone that was not what I was addressing. its the fact that polystone is not the ideal material and, I don't think (or it would be done by now) that you can mix, as was suggested, mixed media in say an aircraft ie a polystone airframe and a say polyeurothane wing structure That I don't think would work.

I also think that the use only of polystone will restrict further warbirds that people have suggested and, as I said its the choosen medium and probably always will be for K&C. As for your terminology of ''know it all's'' most of what was said about no to releasing this or that was supported by constant posts from Andy about what would sell and what does not.

Yes the "Know it All's" said at one time that the Jadgtiger would not be made as it was too big. I have one at home....K&C made !Then the topic of making more new russians was brought up to accomodate the Eastern front collectors. Again it was said by the Know it all's "Andy will not make them anymore as they simply do not sell".This is not what Northgate woods stated from the conversation in Brisbane 2 months back.I believe the term was " Be ready for some surprise Russian releases.
I take that as a "YES". Now we have the Stuka issue.If it can be done based on a reasonable cost to collectors and any design issues solved I would bet he will make it. Yes it most likely will top $400.00 per plane but if that is the case I am still in for one.If it is not feasable for whatever reason that K&C may decide then that will be the end of it. As far as mixing mediums has K&C not used Zinc in the construction of the Typhoon which is due out soon ? Yes they have.... Mixed Mediums. Polystone and Zinc.
You miss my point about mixed mediums. Polystone is the base for everything that is the sole medium that is causing problems on the wing structure of the stuka. Its obvious that K&C uses mixed media ie metal and polystone that was not what I was addressing. its the fact that polystone is not the ideal material and, I don't think (or it would be done by now) that you can mix, as was suggested, mixed media in say an aircraft ie a polystone airframe and a say polyeurothane wing structure That I don't think would work.

I also think that the use only of polystone will restrict further warbirds that people have suggested and, as I said its the choosen medium and probably always will be for K&C. As for your terminology of ''know it all's'' most of what was said about no to releasing this or that was supported by constant posts from Andy about what would sell and what does not.
The important thing here is whether or not a K&C Stuka gets produced. My friend Wayne "Down Under" is under the verge of a Stuka meltdown !!! {sm2}
I am sure someone will do one if thats the most important thing

The important thing here is whether or not a K&C Stuka gets produced. My friend Wayne "Down Under" is under the verge of a Stuka meltdown !!! {sm2}
Mitch, since i am kinda new this forum. I can tell you have alot of passion to your
hobby thats good. Your posts are well said and informative and smart. I look forward to them,but NEW CASTLE UNITED SUCK !!!!! {sm4}
NUFC suck!!!!! Thats fighting talk where I come from!!! Good job I don't live there anymore!!!lol

I just hope we can put a team toghether that won't fight with fans of other teams or not be allowed to enter certain countries

Mitch, since i am kinda new this forum. I can tell you have alot of passion to your
hobby thats good. Your posts are well said and informative and smart. I look forward to them,but NEW CASTLE UNITED SUCK !!!!! {sm4}
K&C did produce a wooden warbirds Stuka that was awesome. No wing problems. I would like them to do a polystone, but I suspect you are going to have a very serious design issues that would pale in comparison to the 262. I would love a cheaper Corsair in polystone. Yes the Brits used them on their carriers in the Med and shot down ME 109's with them. They actually liked them quite well, but they have the same gull wing as the Stuka and that is a problem.

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