Hey Tom .... I was inspired by Robin's wonderful carrier display and decided that I have to do that myself. It is about 8 feet long and about 3 feet wide ... at this time. It is based on the Flagship AKAGI in her pre-Pearl Harbor markings, but I have taken some "artistic liberty" and rely upon a flexible interpretation of the words ... BASED ON.
I decided that I will take a different approach than Robin's and do a very detailed Flight Deck with Elevators , Sponson levels, an accurate Bridge superstructure and more. I am taking pictures along the way and will do a "How-to-build" thread. I fear that I am a good number of weeks away from that point but I will post a few pictures on the forum if anyone is interested in seeing a pre-view.
Yes, I brought an old 1790's Colonial House 25 years ago and have been fixing, fixing, fixing it ever since. So ya' I have 19 rooms in my house and (two) Toy Soldiers / Model Ships rooms. Once again I can take a picture of those if needed.
BUT ... Sorry I don't want to high-jack this great thread so I post elsewhere if needed.
But back on topic .... I am fearful that we might start to see two K&C product lines ... and the focus swing to the "Economic line" away from the "Quality Line"
Maybe it is just my old paranoia starting up ... {sm2} ... pills, where are my pills .......
--- LaRRy