King country tinplate trucks ? (1 Viewer)

Mine is a Summer CAMO piece and with the Canvas add-on gives more flexibility in many scenes - yes would like a GREY version too...
PS: Only for this OPEL the seat/bench is in the MIDDLE and the soldiers are sitting facing outside - not sure is that correct as I could not find WW2 pictures of such seating configuration so far
Nice one. I was a bit surprised to discover that the seat was glued in the truck; would have been nice to have a removable bench.
I think the "tin line" is great for the hobby and K&C.

I have seen them used in dioramas and they fit into many scenes.
Hey Tom .... I was inspired by Robin's wonderful carrier display and decided that I have to do that myself. It is about 8 feet long and about 3 feet wide ... at this time. It is based on the Flagship AKAGI in her pre-Pearl Harbor markings, but I have taken some "artistic liberty" and rely upon a flexible interpretation of the words ... BASED ON. :rolleyes:

I decided that I will take a different approach than Robin's and do a very detailed Flight Deck with Elevators , Sponson levels, an accurate Bridge superstructure and more. I am taking pictures along the way and will do a "How-to-build" thread. I fear that I am a good number of weeks away from that point but I will post a few pictures on the forum if anyone is interested in seeing a pre-view.

Yes, I brought an old 1790's Colonial House 25 years ago and have been fixing, fixing, fixing it ever since. So ya' I have 19 rooms in my house and (two) Toy Soldiers / Model Ships rooms. Once again I can take a picture of those if needed.

BUT ... Sorry I don't want to high-jack this great thread so I post elsewhere if needed.

But back on topic .... I am fearful that we might start to see two K&C product lines ... and the focus swing to the "Economic line" away from the "Quality Line"

Maybe it is just my old paranoia starting up ... {sm2} ... pills, where are my pills .......

--- LaRRy

Hey Larry

Yes, I would love to see the work in progress pic's of the carrier and I hope your old Colonial House is sturdy enough to support the weight of the ship! {sm2} It sounds like it's going to be a beauty when it's finished.

You'll have to build an American carrier (Enterprise, Hornet etc) to oppose it now!!{sm4}

Back on thread, I'm not sold on the cheaper "economic line" and I much prefer the "quality line" although with prices rising and the Aussie dollar falling, I'll have to limit my purchases somewhat.

As for your paranoia, I don't think it's any worse than the average punter so leave your pills in the cupboard mate. {sm4}

Hi Guys,

Many thanks for your assorted thoughts and comments...If I may allow me to clarify one or two points...

The “Tinplate” vehicles are just one of the ways K&C is trying to “hold-the-line” against rising prices everywhere.

As some of you have said they are a less expensive way to help build up a scene or diorama and at the same time, offer opportunities for collectors to individually “customize” vehicles for their own personal use and enjoyment...Plus, they’re extremely tough and sturdy!

They are not, I emphasize, a replacement for our normal release vehicles and aircraft...just, I hope, a useful supplement. So, I can reassure Larry, as well as some others, that our focus is NOT definitely swinging elsewhere!

Hope this info helps and, perhaps, sets a few minds at ease...Best wishes and happy collecting!

I think the "tin line" is great for the hobby and K&C.

I have seen them used in dioramas and they fit into many scenes.
I like the truck but £142.00 for a tin truck ? And does not make it a cheap item you can buy multiple of but thank for all the Input
THANK YOU ANDY ... for allowing me a good nights sleep!
Now I know the next two or three Japanese planes :)hint :hint) are going to be TOP-O-THE-LINE quality products as ALL K&C products are know to be!!!! :salute::

And TOM ... believe it or not .... I already have a model (7'- 8') of the YORKTOWN started, but sitting under the work table. :(
Years ago I started her, to hold some model US WWII Navy Aircraft that I had. (Die cast types) But alas, I walked into a Toy Soldier show and met this nefarious character named George G. He had all these little metal soldiers all over the tables .... AND..and ... well you can guess where it went from there.

--- LaRRy
THANK YOU ANDY ... for allowing me a good nights sleep!
Now I know the next two or three Japanese planes :)hint :hint) are going to be TOP-O-THE-LINE quality products as ALL K&C products are know to be!!!! :salute::

And TOM ... believe it or not .... I already have a model (7'- 8') of the YORKTOWN started, but sitting under the work table. :(
Years ago I started her, to hold some model US WWII Navy Aircraft that I had. (Die cast types) But alas, I walked into a Toy Soldier show and met this nefarious character named George G. He had all these little metal soldiers all over the tables .... AND..and ... well you can guess where it went from there.

--- LaRRy

Beware of Greeks bearing gifts!
THANK YOU ANDY ... for allowing me a good nights sleep!
Now I know the next two or three Japanese planes :)hint :hint) are going to be TOP-O-THE-LINE quality products as ALL K&C products are know to be!!!! :salute::

And TOM ... believe it or not .... I already have a model (7'- 8') of the YORKTOWN started, but sitting under the work table. :(
Years ago I started her, to hold some model US WWII Navy Aircraft that I had. (Die cast types) But alas, I walked into a Toy Soldier show and met this nefarious character named George G. He had all these little metal soldiers all over the tables .... AND..and ... well you can guess where it went from there.

--- LaRRy

Moral of the story is stay away from Toy Soldier Shows hey Larry! {sm4}

Would love to see your Yorktown even if it's unfinished and perhaps if Andy brings out some Wildcats it may inspire you to finish that grand old flat top.

Hava good one mate.

Putting the thread back on track the tinplate Opel truck cost $139.00 and the old one $149.00 so wonder how much a new grey version would cost with all the extra cost ?
Are you asking what the cost saving would be to make a truck with the features of a polystone truck like glass windows, but with the body made of tinplate instead of polystone?

Are you asking what the cost saving would be to make a truck with the features of a polystone truck like glass windows, but with the body made of tinplate instead of polystone?


No just saying it only $10.00 cheaper than the old Opel truck
No just saying it only $10.00 cheaper than the old Opel truck

The old Opel truck retail price was $79 in 2007. I don't see how that connects to what a polystone Opel truck would cost today or a tinplate truck at $139

The old Opel truck retail price was $79 in 2007. I don't see how that connects to what a polystone Opel truck would cost today or a tinplate truck at $139


It does as your getting less for your money in 2015
I would take a guess that a K&C polystone Opel truck would cost minimum $200 in 2015.

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