King&Country Waffen SS / Luftwaffe Volkswagon releases: Word to the wise ! (2 Viewers)

Get some perspective and realise that K & C have sent them all out to the dealers, they have NOT sold out, there are lots on dealers and shop shelves waiting to be bought. This is great marketing and I have been offer some of the 250 range at a discount, maybe in two to three years when all us diehards have them and new people come in to the hobby [if they do] and want them then they will be rare.
Is it me or everytime we here don't panic buy I think of Jones from Dads Army?? ''Don't panic Captain Manwaring theres 250 of them''
Thats a good price to pay for a VW which one did you get?

Well 28 July & I picked one up for $115.00 + you can still buy them in shops so there no need to panic buy
Is it me or everytime we here don't panic buy I think of Jones from Dads Army?? ''Don't panic Captain Manwaring theres 250 of them''
Thats a good price to pay for a VW which one did you get?

Got WS194 as I like the paint job also picked a Kubelwagen for £44.00 today ^&grin
Is it me or everytime we here don't panic buy I think of Jones from Dads Army?? ''Don't panic Captain Manwaring theres 250 of them''


Very funny Mitch ''Don't panic Captain Manwaring theres 250 of them''^&grin
My local dealer has both in stock.
I asked him put aside for me the Luftwaffe one. Can go whenever I like to collect ( will be september)
Ps:such a small car for € 140 is certainly not a give away
The whole problem of panic buying can easily be avoided. Just do what Vezzolf and I do. Buy only unpopular pieces that don't sell out or ever go up in value. {sm3} No worry about missing it or later being tempted by selling on ebay for a huge profit. And if you drop it on the floor, you can always get another one at below retail. {sm2}



You are the I Ching of the forum. That just sorts out any issues of problematic collecting!!!

The whole problem of panic buying can easily be avoided. Just do what Vezzolf and I do. Buy only unpopular pieces that don't sell out or ever go up in value. {sm3} No worry about missing it or later being tempted by selling on ebay for a huge profit. And if you drop it on the floor, you can always get another one at below retail. {sm2}


The whole problem of panic buying can easily be avoided. Just do what Vezzolf and I do. Buy only unpopular pieces that don't sell out or ever go up in value. {sm3} No worry about missing it or later being tempted by selling on ebay for a huge profit. And if you drop it on the floor, you can always get another one at below retail. {sm2}


Ahh, the perfect plan. Now why didn't I think of this. Good one.{sm4} -- Al
The whole problem of panic buying can easily be avoided. Just do what Vezzolf and I do. Buy only unpopular pieces that don't sell out or ever go up in value. {sm3} No worry about missing it or later being tempted by selling on ebay for a huge profit. And if you drop it on the floor, you can always get another one at below retail. {sm2}



Terry mate,
Intrigueing post. Are you sure you haven't got any Aussie heritage in you.^&grin^&grin
Cheers Howard:smile2:
Since I started this thread can we just call this one quits and see what turns out with the 250 series release of the VW's ? I think one month from now it may be interesting to reflect back and see what the availability of these releases ends up being at that time. :smile2:Happy collecting to All of this very interesting hobby ! :smile2:

Gentle Friends,

This thread has been an interesting discussion, but, at times, it has been on the dicey side. In post #33 (see above), PanzerAce1944 suggested a waiting period after which we could determine if, in this particular case, the item might still be available. The time has passed and the results have been posted by Neil (UKSubs).

Hopefully, the portion of the issue that created some controversy can now be considered closed and settled. Consequently, there is no need for further controversy or for sarcastic or rude remarks directed at any of the members who have been engaged in this discussion.

Thanks, PanzerAce1944 for suggesting a way to resolve the issue and, thanks, Neil for following up on the continued availability of the item.

Warmest personal regards,

Well since I joined this forum. IMO i always look forward to Reading Threads by PA, WAYNE,ROB,MITCH
etc.. KEEP IT UP!!!! and keep up ur passion and opinions.
Well here the photo of my one I got today , Well done to K&C on a great job ^&coolIMAG0237-1.jpgIMAG0237-1-1.jpg
I have been eyeballing those suckers for Awhile. Them Beetles are cool even if u aint into those
little buggers they are a cool collection.^&cool
I have the Waffen SS version, same as UKsubs has submitted in the pic. There are 3 different versions out. Pick one that is your favorite and go for it !!
Well since I joined this forum. IMO i always look forward to Reading Threads by PA, WAYNE,ROB,MITCH
etc.. KEEP IT UP!!!! and keep up ur passion and opinions.

Thank you notascoldasbastogne, thats very kind:smile2:


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