Hi everyone, What a great show it was indeed! I was hoping K & C might have brought along the German captured version of the new Russian tank, but they didn't display it if they had it. Gordon did say that the next variant released would be the German captured version. He said the winter Russian tank would be following some months down the road sometime. I asked him if they would be releasing winter Russian soldiers to correspond with the release of the Russian winter tank, and he said "yes....we are considering that".
I'm glad everyone enjoyed the pics. It's my pleasure, as always to bring a bit of the show to you as others always so kindly do for the other great shows.
Regarding the show figure # PM033, the only initials on the sleeve band are what you can see in the photo ("sud"). It is a wonderful figure. Thank you K & C!!!! The figure is identified on he base as a Summer SS officer.
No needs for you guys to thank me, but since you did, I'd like to say thanks to Rob, sentaapua, panzerace1944, Brett (I don't think the mini-framed Adolf pic is included in the set, but I'm not certain...I think it was just actually part of Grodon's dio), waynepoo (yes, the Soviets look OUTSTANDING in the flesh...excellent figures), Benjamin, uksubs, Duke (yes, the new Brits are a PERFECT match fpr the old Tommy Patrol in terms of sizing, the painting of the uniforms, the pace they are walking at, etc...just stellar figures to add to DD064, one of K & C's all time best sets, IMHO), Craig (yes, the new Brits rule :tongue
, jano, Cyber Field Marshall, Mike B., Leadmen, Jeff, Harrie and jbonzo1.
Again, I have to say what a fantastic time it was. I'm glad to have been able to share a little bit of this with everyone.:smile2: Joe