This was done under non-combat conditions when the shooters could line up their shot with optimum angles. No wonder Tigeritis was a real disorder. -- AlThis Konigstiger at La Gleize was used as target practice not one shot went right through the glacis plate!!!
Will you be doing the elusive and rare DAK version?Think I will repaint the three winter king tigers![]()
Will you be doing the elusive and rare DAK version?-- Al
Brain said end of this weekAnyone knows when the King tiger & Patton Command Car will be shipping in North America?
Looking forward to this release. I've ordered a Porsche turret. These KT's at this price point have to be the beat tank deal going. I don't know how CS can produce these KT's at this price while a well known competitor's KT is $60 more. Got me stumped. -- Al
Looking forward to this release. I've ordered a Porsche turret. These KT's at this price point have to be the beat tank deal going. I don't know how CS can produce these KT's at this price while a well known competitor's KT is $60 more. Got me stumped. -- Al
That is one innovative and very useful item CS came up with. Nothing wrong with multiple uses for dios and the like. Like the look of the tank riders, too. Very dynamic. -- AlSame as you mate can't wait for these & love the idea of the blown tanks
Yep figures are on my shopping list + you can have the booster set with the German soldiers jumping of the tank witch will look very good in any battle sceneThat is one innovative and very useful item CS came up with. Nothing wrong with multiple uses for dios and the like. Like the look of the tank riders, too. Very dynamic. -- Al
Won't be long now mateLooking forward to seeing it in person. The pics show great detail and will look forward to seeing the size etc in more detail. I will have looked at mine a bit quicker than uksubs as he has a lot more to look at!!!!